A CLI to create a GitHub repo, connect it to a Vercel project anda Next.js app, create a GitHub Repo, push the app and deploy it to Vercel
Mighty Cli Deploy
A simple CLI that allows you to create a GitHub repository, create a Vercel project and connect the two for automatic deployments. These are the actions it performs:
- Create a GitHub repo (if one with the same name doesn't already exist in the organization)
- Create a Vercel project owned by the specified team and connects the newly created repo to it
- It creates locally a folder with the same name on the repo
- Clones the Next.js files in the folder
- Initialiazes a repo in the directory
- Pushes to origin (thus triggering a new deployment in Vercel)
- Creates a new branch called "develop"
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
- Opens a new Visual Studio Code editor with
code .
Run npx migthy-cli-deploy@latest
and follow the instrucions on the terminal.
You will need to have the following info available:
- GitHub personal access token. (visit https://github.com/settings/tokens/new to create a new one)
- GitHub organization name
- Vercel token (visit https://vercel.com/account/tokens to create a new one)
- Vercel team's ID, grab it here https://vercel.com/teams/{TEAM_NAME}/settings#team-id
When running the program, you will have the possibility to save locally these settings so you won't have to input them everytime. Alternatively, you can skip this option and enter them every time (for example, if you work with multiple clients or teams)
The project is in a very early stage, thus there is plenty of room for improvement. It only works with GitHub organizations
- [x] Automate GitHub repo and Vercel project creation
- [ ] Add options to include dependencies such as Prisma, Supabase
- [ ] Add customized Next.js starter template (with customized name, title, ...)