Terminal tool for operation on azure service busses
Midnight Bus Explorer
Terminal tool for adminstration and maintenance of Azure Service Buses
$ npm install midnight-bus-explorer -g
Install local dev
In the project root directory run the following to install globally
$ npm install -g
Before you can use Midnight Bus Explorer you need to configure your connection strings. The configure
takes a name and a azure service bus connections string and will save it to a config file in your home folder.
Ex: $ midnightbus configure myazb "Endpoint=sb://myazb.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=notARealkey"
Once you have an environment configured you can now start using the utility of Midnight bus explorer.
If you forget what configs you have or have set up use the listConfig
call to see whats configured in the settings.
This action will give you a list of the queues in your service bus.
ex : $ midnightbus myazb ListQueues
- showQueueCounts (true/false): takes true or false and will toggle showing number of messages in the active and dead letter queue. Default is false.
This action allows you to monitor you queues in the terminal similar top in unix.
ex: $ midnightbus myazb monitor
- refresh(number): specify how frequently in seconds to refresh the display of queue information, default is two seconds.
This action allows you to peek at whats in a particular queues subqueues, such as the active queue or the dead letter queue.
You must provide the name of the queue you want to peek into
ex: $ midnightbus myazb peekQueue name-of-queue-to-peek
- numberOfMessages: (number) takes how many messages to peek, default is 10.
- messagesFromIndex (number): where to start from in the sub queue index, default is 0.
- submessageQueue (number): Sub queue you wish to peek at, default is "deadLetter".
- outputToFile (filePath): if provided with a filepath Will write subqueue contents to a specified file.
- formatForResend (true/false): Will attempt to format file output in a way consumable by the
. - filterSubject(string): will do simple pattern matching on the subject of a message in the sub queue and will only return messages that contain the provided filter string.
Will send messages from a provided json file to a queue.
You must append the action with the bus you are sending too and the path to the json file containing the messages you are sending
EX: $ midnightBus sendMessages name-of-queue-to-send-stuff ./myData/someData.json
Below is how the program expects you json file to be set up with the messages you are sending
"messages": [
"commandSubject": "DoTheThing+Command",
"commandBody": {
"someKindOfId": ";lkjhsdoidsjoijdfadsoijf",
"somethingElse": "herpDerp",
"someNumbersToo": 46546546549687464