program functional router
MIDMARE library
Minimalist library that routing functionality of program.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 0.10 or higher is required.
If this is a brand new project, make sure to create a package.json first with the npm init command.
Installation is done using the npm install command:
npm install midmare
- Robust routing
- Focus on high performance
Using of it
That's really pretty simple. The same way as you use an "express.js" application, but without HTTP Layer.
const {default: mid, Router: { Router }} = require('midmare');
const app = mid();
You can create your own router
const someRouter = new Router({});
someRouter.use((ctx, next) => {
ctx.set('someRoutingData', 'Hello Mid!');
someRouter.process('/some-route-of-router', (ctx) => {
You can use params in url
someRouter.process('/model/:container/:id', ctx => {
You can add `helper` functions and use them from `ctx`.
Helper should be named function declaration -
`function nameOfFunction() { ... }`
app.helper(function someHelperName(yourArg1, yourArg2) {
console.log('Hello helper.', yourArg1, yourArg2);
} /*, second argument is binding of any context you want. To use `this` in function. */);
.use(function(ctx, next) {
// Two ways to set data to context.
ctx.user = 'Hi MID.';
ctx.set('user', 'Hi MID.');
.process('/', function(ctx) {
console.log('CTX', ctx.get('data'));
/* Sending to another path */
DO NOT USE `app.send` inside of route/middleware !!!!
Be careful to use multiple sending in one route/ middleware, that can overload your app.
And be careful with cyclic sending. App have protection from it.
if(youWantUseYourHelper) {
ctx.someHelperName('yourArg1', 'yourArg2');
// Adding router to chain
`init` method ignore creating a waiter(timeout) for your functionality.
If you will create app with `withListen` option and run `init` or `listen`, your application will not be closed until
you will call method `stop`.
/* To send to app some data you can use method `send` */
app.send('/', 'Some data that you sending.');
If you want send data to all middleware just use regexp patters,
this library uses same matching path as express.js app.
app.send('*', 'some data');
/* Send data to route with params */
app.send('/model/Game/145932157', { data: 123 });