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Middle Out
Agnostic data validation.
Data Validation with ES Classes and Decorators
import * as MO from 'middle-out';
class Person {
@MO.typeOf({dataType: 'string'})
@MO.stringLength({min: 3, max: 20})
name = "Derek";
phone = 5553336543;
email = "[email protected]";
@MO.range({min: 0, max: 150})
age = 55;
comparingProperty: 'age',
predicate: (target, parents, age) => (target[parents] > target[age])
parentsAge = 78;
creditCard = "4444333322221111";
let person = new Person();
let [isValid, errors] = MO.validate(person);
// true, {}
person.age = -10;
[isValid, errors] = MO.validate(person);
// false, {age: {range: ...}}
Data Validation with ES5/Plain Object
var obj = {
name: "Derek",
age: 55
MO.required()(obj, "name");
MO.emailAddress()(obj, "name");
MO.range({min: 0, max: 150})(obj, "age");
var results = MO.validate(obj);
npm install middle-out
var MO = require('middle-out');
ES Modules
import { required } from 'middle-out/dist/esm/required';
Note on build tools. Webpack and rollup use ES modules by default so it is fine to write
import { required } from 'middle-out';
Script Tag/AMD
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/umd/index.js"></script>
var obj = {
name: "Derek",
age: 55
// library exposed as MiddleOut global
MiddleOut.required()(obj, "name");
var results = MiddleOut.validate(obj);
Custom Validators
// canDrive.js
const canDrive = MO.registerValidator("canDrive", (target, property, config) => {
return target[property] >= config.drivingAge;
// someOtherFile.js
import { canDrive } from './canDrive';
class Person {
@canDrive({drivingAge: 16})
age = 15;
Default Config Object
returns a decorator factory, (config?) => ((target, property) => void)
, a function that accepts an optional config object and returns a function suitable for decorating an object property. Config is optional, provide a default object and validate.
const canDrive = MO.registerValidator("canDrive", (target, property, config) => {
// set default properties for config object
config = Object.assign({
permitAge: 15,
drivingAge: 16
}, config || {} /* config is optional so it may be undefined */);
// Validate config. User may have passed in {drivingAge: "Hello"}
if(typeof config.drivingAge !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter config.drivingAge. Expecting number but received ${typeof config.drivingAge}`);
if(typeof config.permitAge !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter config.permitAge. Expecting number but received ${typeof config.permitAge}`);
return target[property] >= config.drivingAge;
Target and Property
Validators can be called on plain objects, i.e., required()(obj, 'age');
. Validators need to ensure target and property exist.
const canDrive = MO.registerValidator("canDrive", (target, property, config) => {
if(typeof target !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid argument 'target'. Expecting object but received ${typeof target}.`);
if(typeof property !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid argument property. Expecting string but received ${typeof property}.`);
// or use the utility function MO.checkTargetAndProperty(target, property);
// Validate the type being validated
if(typeof target[property] !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError("candDrive works with numbers only!!");
Compose Validators
Validators should do one thing.
const canDrive = MO.registerValidator("canDrive", (target, property, config) => {
// check target and property exist
MO.checkTargetAndProperty(target, property);
// return true if there is nothing to validate
if(target[property] === undefined || target[property] === null) {
return true; //use @required validator to enforce a property exists
// Validate the type being validated
if(typeof target[property] !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError("candDrive works with numbers only!!");
// set default properties for config object
config = Object.assign({
permitAge: 15,
drivingAge: 16
}, config || {} /* config is optional so it may be undefined */);
// Validate config. User may have passed in {drivingAge: "Hello"}
if(typeof config.drivingAge !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter config.drivingAge. Expecting number but received ${typeof config.drivingAge}`);
if(typeof config.permitAge !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter config.permitAge. Expecting number but received ${typeof config.permitAge}`);
return target[property] >= config.drivingAge;