* Connects using ethernet * Implements OSC protocol * Designed for & Tested on Midas-M32R Live
A sdk for midas mixing consoles, also can be used for X32
This repo is still TESTING, not stable enough for production use
- Connects using ethernet
- Implements OSC protocol
- Designed for & Tested on Midas-M32R Live
npm i midas-control
Short Demo
const Midas = require("midas-control")
let m32 = new Midas("") //Connect to console via udp protocol
//Listen on data sent by the console
m.events.on("data", (d) => {
console.log(d) //Parsed method data here
//renew subscription, expires in 10s
function renew() {
m.send(["/xremote"]) //Renews subscription to control flow of the console
m.send(["/meters", ",si", "/meters/0", 1]) //Renews subscription to meter values (level)
setInterval(() => {
}, 8000) //renew every 8 seconds to prevent data loss
Midas(string ipAddress)
let midas = new Midas("") //returns an midas object with
A event emitter which calls data event everytime there's incoming message from the console
m.events.on("data", (d) => {
if (d[0] == "/meters/0") {
} else {
// console.log(m.methodList.indexOf(d[0])) //Check if this method is supported by the methods.json
Execute a search for consoles by broadcasting /xinfo
m.search() // returns nothing, if there're any consoles, they will reply via data event
midas.send(Array params[])
// Input array: data to midas, params as array elements
// Input format: [functionName,dataTypes,data1,data2,...]
midas.send(["/meters", ",si", "/meters/0", 1]) // returns nothing
For all function names and params, please refer to OSC api document (This is what I used, for reference only).
Or, you can just use the exec method (see below) instead
midas.exec(method, param1, param2, ...)
midas.exec(midas.methods.ch[0].mix.fader, 1)// returns nothing
Same as above, but parsed methods into an object for easier access.
You can print (method).params to see required data types
Eg. console.log(midas.methods.ch[0].mix.fader.params)
Note that midas.methods is a static object containing only strings, so ...
To enable your IDE for giving you hints on possible methods:
Please save midas.methods into an object or json file for IDEs to access Eg.
let midas = new Midas("") //Connect to console via udp protocol
//Save a copy of possible methods into current directory
fs.writeFile("./methods.json", JSON.stringify(midas.methods), (e) => {
if (e) console.log(e)
//Then, everytime you want to call a method, just
const methods = require("./methods.json")
// ... and once you enter methods. the IDE will give you possible choices
Known Issues
- Some of the commands will be dropped if sent at the same time
- This project is not finished yet, any new ideas can be contributed to github
- I will create the github page ASAP
- Function call to console using promise
- Return value validation
- Command queue