microprocessors and microcontrollers by senthil kumar pdf free high quality 13
Microprocessors And Microcontrollers By Senthil Kumar Pdf Free High Quality 13
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this book aims to provide an insight into the microprocessor architecture and its interfacing, programming, and applications. it is a graduate level textbook. the book also includes a brief introduction to some of the advanced embedded microcontrollers including 8051, 8096, 80286, 80386, 80486, pentium, powerpc, pic, and risc/cisc microcontrollers. the last chapter deals with advanced programming techniques and development tools used in embedded system development. the book provides the design and development of a real-time clock application and an application using the 8051 microcontroller. the book also includes the design and implementation of a test bench for a microprocessor using a microcontroller-based system. it includes complete source code for all the examples discussed in the book.
it is a graduate level textbook. this book provides a brief overview of the 8085 processor, followed by a detailed discussion of the 8086 architecture, programming, and interfacing concepts. the book also provides a brief introduction to the 8088 processor, bringing out its architectural difference with the 8086 processor. subsequently, the book discusses the 8-bit 8051 and 16-bit 8096 microcontrollers, and advanced processors such as 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, pentium, powerpc, pic, and risc/cisc microcontrollers. the last chapter focuses on hybrid programming techniques to provide an understanding of the efficient combination of assembly language with c-c++. the book provides the design and development of a real-time clock application and an application using the 8051 microcontroller. the book also includes the design and implementation of a test bench for a microprocessor using a microcontroller-based system. 84d34552a1