common library for micromark-extension-cjk-friendly and its related packages
An utility library package for micromark-extension-cjk-friendly, which is internally used by remark-cjk-friendly, and its related packages.
Problem / 問題 / 问题 / 문제점
CommonMark has a problem that the following emphasis marks **
are not recognized as emphasis marks in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.
CommonMark는 일본어와 중국어에서 다음과 같은 강조 표시 **
가 강조 표시로 인식되지 않는 문제가 있습니다.
**이 별표는 강조 표시로 인식되지 않고 그대로 표시됩니다(이 괄호 때문에)**이 문장 때문에.
This problem occurs because the character just inside the **
is a (Japanese or Chinese) punctuation mark (。) or parenthesis and the character just outside is not a space or punctuation mark.
이 문제는 **
바로 안쪽의 문자가 (일본어나 중국어) 문장 부호(。) 또는 괄호이고 바깥쪽 문자가 공백이나 문장 부호가 아니기 때문에 발생합니다.
Of course, not only the end side but also the start side has the same issue.
물론 끝나는 부분뿐만 아니라 시작하는 부분에서도 동일한 문제가 있습니다.
CommonMark issue: https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-spec/issues/650
Runtime Requirements / 実行環境の要件 / 运行环境要求 / 업데이트 전략
This package uses the v
flag of the regular expression introduced in ES2024 to determine whether the character is an emoji or not.
本包使用 ES2024 引入的v
标志 来判断字符是否为 emoji。
이 패키지는 ES2024에서 도입된 v
플래그를 사용하여 문자가 이모지인지 여부를 판단합니다.
It makes this package compatible only with relatively recent browsers and Node.js:
因此,本包只兼容比较新的浏览器和 Node.js:
따라서, 이 패키지는 비교적 최신 브라우저와 Node.js에서만 작동합니다.
- Chrome / Edge 112 or later
- Firefox 116 or later
- Safari 17 or later
- Node.js 20 or later
Installation / インストール / 安装 / 설치
Install micromark-extension-cjk-friendly-util
via npm:
通过 npm 安装 micromark-extension-cjk-friendly-util
를 npm으로 설치하세요.
npm install micromark-extension-cjk-friendly-util
If you use another package manager, please replace npm install
with the command of the package manager you use (e.g. pnpm add
or yarn add
npm以外のパッケージマネージャを使う場合は、npm install
を当該パッケージマネージャのコマンド(例:pnpm add
・yarn add
如果使用其他包管理器,请将 npm install
替换为当时包管理器的命令(例如:pnpm add
、yarn add
다른 패키지 매니저를 사용하는 경우 npm install
을 해당 패키지 매니저의 명령어(예: pnpm add
, yarn add
)로 바꾸어 주세요.
Usage / 使い方 / 用法 / 사용법
[!IMPORTANT] Most people do not have to use this package directly. Did you mean:
This package provides a function and a namespace based on the original micromark-related packages:
| Name | Type | Derived from | Original Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| classifyCharacter
| function | micromark-util-character | (same) | Tells whether a character is not only a punctuation or whitespace but also a CJK or variation selector |
| constantsEx
| namespace | micromark-util-symbol | constants
| Constants meaning CJK and variation selectors; use it and the original constants
together. |
Also, this package provides some utility functions to check whether a character belongs to the category defined in the specification (e.g. CJK code point without variation selector), or to help you fetch the Unicode Code Point of a character around the emphasis mark.
Specification / 規格書 / 规范 / 규정서
https://github.com/tats-u/markdown-cjk-friendly/blob/main/specification.md (English)
Related packages / 関連パッケージ / 相关包 / 관련 패키지
- micromark-extension-cjk-friendly
- remark-cjk-friendly
- markdown-it-cjk-friendly
- remark-cjk-friendly
- micromark-extension-cjk-friendly-gfm-strikethrough
Contributing / 貢献 / 贡献 / 기여
Install the dependencies:
pnpm install
Get Started
Build the library:
pnpm build
Build the library in watch mode:
pnpm dev