A micro services toolkit
A Node.js micro services toolkit
Experimental! (ish)
Running the samples
You will need to install Kafka and Zookeeper, follow these instruction:
###hello sample Firstly you will need to setup the sample configuration in zookeeper.
cd samples/hello/config
node config.js
You can view the Zookeeper config at any point:
node dumpConfig.js
You will also need to create the topics in Kafka. The samples use a 'request' and a 'response' topic each with three partitions. Go ahead and create these in Kafka.
####simpleProducer The following will run the simple producer. This will post requests into the kafka request topic at the rate of one a second.
cd samples/hello/producer
node simpleproducer.js
The request topic has three partitions so messages will be distributed across these partitions.
To recieve and respond to messages run the hello client:
cd samples/hello/services
node hello.js
node hello.js
node hello.js
Run three copies to read messages from each of the three partitions.