A small, flexible API gateway.
A basic API gateway implementation.
const micro_api_gateway = require( 'micro-api-gateway' );
const url_matcher = require( 'url-matcher' );
const gateway = micro_api_gateway.create();
gateway.init( {
// you can define your own URL matching, for example, you could use
// url-matcher to support things like /users/:user_id
matcher: path => {
return {
match: url => {
return url_matcher.getParams( path, url );
// you can define endpoints on the API gateway itself, eg:
endpoints: [ {
methods: [ 'GET' ],
path: '/version', // get the API gateway version
handler: ( request, response ) => {
const pkg = require( './package.json' );
response.setHeader( 'content-type', 'application/json' );
response.statusCode = 200;
response.end( JSON.stringify( {
version: pkg.version
} ) );
}, {
methods: [ 'GET' ],
path: '/public.pem', // expose a public key used for signing requests
handler: ( request, response ) => {
response.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-pem-file' );
response.statusCode = httpstatuses.ok;
response.end( PUBLIC_KEY );
} )
} ],
// you can define global plugins for both endpoints and routes
plugins: {
// define global endpoint plugins
endpoints: {
// execute these before any endpoint-specific plugins
pre: [
// log requests
require( 'micro-api-gateway/plugins/log' )()
// execute these after any endpoint-specific plugins
post: [
// define route plugins
routes: {
// execute these before any route-specific plugins
pre: [
// log requests
require( 'micro-api-gateway/plugins/log' )(),
// read a JWT called 'auth' into the request field 'tokens',
// eg: so that you can check request.tokens.auth to verify
// that someone has sent a proper authentication JWT for your
// systems
require( 'micro-api-gateway/plugins/jwt' )( {
name: 'auth',
request_field: 'tokens',
public_key_endpoints: config.public_key_endpoints,
get_from_request: request => {
const cookies = cookie.parse( request.headers.cookie || '' );
return cookies.auth;
public_keys: {
'my.issuer': 'PUBLIC KEY....' // public key to verify JWTS from your issuing domain
} ),
// let's allow CORS-enabled cross-origin requests for requests
// from our domain (you should probably be a bit more selective,
// but this is just an example)
require( 'micro-api-gateway/plugins/cors' )( {
origin: 'my.domain',
methods: [ 'OPTIONS', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE' ]
} )
// execute these after any route-specific plugins
post: [
// let's sign the requests we make to our internal services,
// this will add the following headers to our internal requests:
// x-micro-api-gateway-request-hash
// x-micro-api-gateway-signature
// which we can verify are coming from this API gateway
require( 'micro-api-gateway/plugins/sign-requests' )( {
headers_to_sign: [
} )
} );
// let's read our APIs from any files under the 'apis' directory
const APIs = require_dir( './apis' );
Object.keys( APIs ).forEach( api => {
const routes = APIs[ api ];
routes.forEach( route => {
gateway.add_route( route );
} );
} );
// let's start listening for requests
gateway.listen( {
port: process.env.GATEWAY_PORT || 8000
} );