Build lightweight reactive micro web-components
a lightweight alternative to write web components
Only weights 2.3kB minified and gzipped.
mi-element provides features to build web applications through Web Components like:
- type coercion with setAttribute
- controllers to hook into the components lifecycle
- ContextProvider, ContextConsumer for data provisioning from outside of a component
- Store for managing shared state across components
- Signal for reactive behavior
The motivation to build this module comes from the confusions around attributes
and properties. "mi-element" solves this by providing the same results when
setting objects or functions either through el.setAttribute(name, value)
properties el[name] = value
Furthermore all observed attributes have a reactive behavior through the use of signals and effects. It implements signals (loosely) following the TC39 JavaScript Signals standard proposal.
In your project:
npm i mi-element
/** @file ./mi-counter.js */
import { MiElement, define, refsById, Signal } from 'mi-element'
// define your Component
class MiCounter extends MiElement {
static template = `
:host { font-size: 1.25rem; }
<div id aria-label="Counter value">0</div>
<button id="increment" aria-label="Increment counter"> + </button>
static get attributes() {
// declare reactive attribute(s)
return { count: 0 }
// called by connectedCallback()
render() {
// gather refs from template (here by id)
this.refs = refsById(this.renderRoot)
// apply event listeners
this.refs.increment.addEventListener('click', () => {
// change observed and reactive attribute...
Signal.effect(() => {
// ...triggers update on every change of `this.count`
this.refs.div.textContent = this.count
// create the custom element
define('mi-counter', MiCounter)
Now use your now component in your HTML
<mi-counter count="-3"></mi-counter>
<script type="module" src="./mi-counter.js"></script>
In ./example
you'll find a working sample of a Todo App. Check it out with
npm run example
- lifecycle mi-element's lifecycle
- controller adding controllers to mi-element to hook into the lifecycle
- signal Signals and effect for reactive behavior
- store Manage shared state in an application
- context Implementation of the Context Protocol.
- styling Styling directives for "class" and "style"
MIT licensed