SDK for interacting with the Mez token contract.
SDK for interacting with the Mez token contract.
Administtrative Features
- Set Merkle Root OnChain
- Set Rate OnChain
- Start Presale Round
- End Presale Round
- Start Seed Round
- End Seed Round
- Burn Tokens
- Reward Beneficiary
- Get Prasale Status
- Get Sale Status
Public Features
- Buy Tokens
🚀 Quick Start
Install Mez token sdk with npm
npm install mez-sdk
Install Mez token sdk with yarn
yarn add mez-sdk
After installing the SDK, import the Mez token class into your current script.
import MezSdk from 'mez-sdk';
const rpc = '';
const privateKey = '';
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpc);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
// Initialize Mez token and default to testnet.
const sdk = new MezSdk(signer);
// To set to mainnet, set the `isMainnet` config to true
const sdk = new MezSdk(signer, { isMainnet: true });
🧭 Table of contents
🚦 Administrative Features
Set Merkle Root Onchain
Create a merkle hash of the whitelisted address and set the merkle root onchain.
await sdk.contract.setMerkleRootOnchain();
Set Rate OnChain
Set the rate for token sales
const rate = 0.001; // in ether
await sdk.contract.setRateOnChain(rate);
Start Presale Round
Start the sale of presale tokens
await sdk.contract.startPresaleRound();
End Presale Round
End the sale of presale tokens
await sdk.contract.endPresaleRound();
Start Seed Round
Start the sale of seed tokens
await sdk.contract.startSeedRound();
End Seed Round
Start the sale of seed tokens
await sdk.contract.endSeedRound();
Burn Tokens
Burn tokens
const amount = 50000000; // in mez-tokens
await sdk.contract.burn(amount);
Reward Beneficiary
Reward beneficiary
const beneficiary = '0x';
const amount = 50000000; // in mez-token
await sdk.contract.reward(beneficiary, amount);
Get Presale Flag
Get presale flag
await sdk.contract.getPresaleFlag();
Get Seed Flag
Get seet flag
await sdk.contract.getSeedFlag();
Public Features
Buy Tokens
Buy token for presale and seed rounds
const amount = 0.5; // in ether
await sdk.contract.buyTokens(amount);
🚦 Event Listener Features
Event listener is a procedure or function that waits for an event to occur. You can listen for an Event using our SDK. Our SDK supports the following
Event listeners
- Add Listener
- Remove Listener
- Remove All Listeners
Event Types
- TransactionCreated
- TransactionConfirmed
- TransactionFailed
Add Listener
This add an event listener. The first parameter is the event type and the second is a callback function that accepts an object with event data.
const addEventListener = flipeet.addListener('TransactionCreated', (data) => console.log(data));
Remove Listener
This remove's an event listener, the remove listener accepts only one parameter which is the subscription returned from addEventListener.
const removeEventListener = flipeet.removeListener(addEventListener);
Remove All Listeners
This remove's all event listeners and it take an optional parameter which is the Event Type to remove listeners for.
const removeAllEventListeners = flipeet.removeAllListener();