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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Easy to use Redis ORM based on node-redis




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Metronom is user friendly Redis ORM based on node-redis

You can save, read, update, filter, delete and bulk operations JavaScript objects in Redis without needing to know Redis commands.

It is used effortlessly without installing any plugins like RedisJSON. The system works with Hashes. It shreds the objects and saves them as key strings in the hash, and while reading, they break it down again according to the given scheme and type conversion with TypeScript. Also you can use String Data type too.

Although currently only Hash and String types are processed, our new version that will support all core types is on the way.

| Documentation | Source Code | Package | | ------- | ----------- | ------- | | | GitHub | npm |

Let's start

1. Install metronom

Firstly, install this package to your project via your package manager.


npm i metronom


yarn add metronom

2. Create Metronom object

The Metronom object is create Model with your defined options like port, host, url or ttl. This step is not required but recomended because at the unnormal usage scenario(you need to use diffirent url from default redis ...) you must to pass that options to all Model defines otherwise Metronom object do it automatically.

import { Metronom } from 'metronom';

const metronom = new Metronom({
  redisClientOptions: {
    host: '',
    port: 1234

2.1 Get/Set String Key

Now, you can get/set key from defined metronom object

  const isSuccess = await metronom.setKey('foo', 'bar'); // its return "OK"
  const value = await metronom.getKey('foo'); // bar

3. Define Model

Model is redis hash maper. It has two diffirent flow.

  • flex: you don't need to define schema. All hash keys dynamically mapped
  • schema based: You define type, default value etc. in to the schema and metronom use it read/write operations. Keys not found in the schema are ignored.
const userModel = metronom.define(
// const userModel = new Model(
  schema, redisKeyPrefix, modelOptions

4. Use model's query inferface

Now, you can use all metronom queries(Metronom, Model and ModelInstance) like Model.create, Model.findById, Model.destroy,, etc. .

Start coding the project that will save the world :)

For example:

const { Metronom, Model, Types, LogLevels } = require('metronom');

const metronom = new Metronom({
  redisClientOptions: {
    host: '',
    port: 1234
  log: LogLevels.Error

const userModel = metronom.define(
// const userModel = new Model(
    name: {
      type: Types.String,
    surname: {
      type: Types.String,
    age: {
      type: Types.Number,
      default: 1
    isAdmin: {
      type: Types.Boolean,
      dafeult: false,
  'users', // default `object`
    keyUnique: 'name', // if you don't define, we use unix timestamp for `keyUniqe` value
    log: LogLevels.All, // default is `None`
    // set `flexSchema` to true and never define schema

let user = await userModel.create({
  name: 'Chandler',
  surname: 'Bing',
  age: 18,
// Redis key - 'users:Chandler'
// {
//  name: 'Chandler',
//  surname: 'Bing',
//  age: 18,
//  isAdmin: false
// }

user.isAdmin = true;

let admin = userModel.findById('Chandler');
// {
//  name: 'Chandler',
//  surname: 'Bing',
//  age: 18,
//  isAdmin: true
// }

// del users:Chandler
await admin.destroy();


Metronom Basic

Metronom object is main and static operator object which Model creator and non-hash type operator.

const metronom = new Metronom({
  redisClientOptions: {
    url: 'redis://localhost:6380',
    // host: '',
    // port: 1234



All keys in to the one object

| Key | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | redisClientOptions | RedisClientOptions object | undefined | | log | boolean LogLevels | false |


It create Model from this Metronom options. For detail go to Model Basics

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | schema | Schema | | | key prefix | string | objects | | model options | ModelOptions | undefined |

    const tokenModel = await metronom.define({}, 'tokens', { flexSchema: true });


Set String key

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | key | string | | | value | string | |

  const isOk = await metronom.setKey('foo', 'bar'); // OK


Get String key

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | key | string | |

  // await metronom.setKey('foo', 'bar');
  const value = await metronom.getKey('foo'); // bar

Model Basics

Represents the Redis object you created in your database. You can create, read, update, delete, filter operations. It also includes system information.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | schema | Schema | | | key prefix | string | objects | | model options | ModelOptions | undefined |

// create user model
// new Model(<model-schema>, <redis-key-prefix>, <model-options>)
const userModel = new Model(
    name: {
      type: Types.String,
      default: 'Joe',
    surname: {
      type: Types.String,
    age: {
      type: Types.Number,
      default: 1,
    isAdmin: {
      type: Types.Boolean,
      default: false,
  'users', // default `object`
    keyUnique: 'name', // if you don't define, we use unix timestamp for `keyUniqe` value
    // set `flexSchema` to true and never define schema
    // you can set custom `redisClientOptions` here

// const tokenModel = new Model({}, 'tokens', {isFlex: true});

CREATE Methods


Creates ModelInstance by parameter then saves it to Redis and returns it.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | data | object | {} |

// create user
// create(<value-object>)
const user = await userModel.create({ name: "Beyza", surname: "Erkan" });
// { 
//   firstName: "Beyza",
//   lastName: "Erkan",
//   age: 1,
//   isAdmin: false,
//   _Model: {
//     _model: [Model Object],
//     _dataInfo: {
//       redisKey: 'users:Beyza'
//     }
//   }
// }

READ Methods


Fetches record by keyUnique . Returns ModelInstance or null.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | key unique | number string | |

// find user with id
// findById(<id>)
user = await userModel.findById(;
console.log({ user: user.getPureData() });


Fetches all records with the same keyPrefix value. Returns list of ModelInstance.


All keys in to the one object

| Key | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | limit | number | undefined |

// find all users
let users = await userModel.getAll();
console.log({ users });


Filters in the same way as Array.filter, pulling all records with the same keyPrefix value. Returns filtred ModelInstances or empty array.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | filter function | FilterFunction | |

// filters users by condition
// filter(filter-function)
// filter function takes the values  (value, index, array) and returns  `true`  then the record is filtered. It can be asynchronous function
let users = await  userModel.filter((user) =>  user.age > 18);
console.log({ users })

DELETE Methods


Delete record by keyUnique. Returns deleted records count it always '1' if it succesfull.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | key unique | number string | |

// delete user with id
// deleteById(<id>)
let isDeleted = await userModel.deleteById(;
console.log({ isDeleted });


Delete all records with the same keyPrefix value. Returns deleted records count or 0.

// delete all users
await userModel.deleteAll();

Other Methods


Redis command executer.

Paramaters: | paramater | Type | Default Value | | --- | ---- | ------------- | | command array | array | |

// runCommand(<commands>)
userModel.runCommand(['hget', 'user:1234', 'name'])

ModelInstance Basics

It is the object from the Redis. You can directly process on the record then save or destroy it.

UPDATE Methods


Saves the current state of the object to Redis.

// update user and save
let user = await userModel.create({ name: "Beyza", surname: "Erkan" });
user.age = 20;

DELETE Methods


Destroy the object from Redis. Returns true or false that it has been deleted.

// destroy this user object
await  user.destroy();

OTHER Methods


Clears all metronom-related data within the object and restores it to its raw state. Returns raw data.

// get raw data of user
user = await  userModel.findById(;
console.log({ user:  user.getPureData() });


Converts the object to JSON. Returns stringified object.

// convert the user object to JSON
user = await  userModel.findById(;
console.log({ user: user.toJSON() });

