MetaphorJs app framework
An app framework similar to AngularJs (directives, scopes, dependency injection, etc) and ExtJs (class system, event system, data model).
Short documentation with code examples
- attribute and tag directives
- event system (not attached to DOM)
- promises
- recursive rendering
- i18n
- output and input filters
- namespace and class system
- form validation
- tooltips and dialogs
- animation (css/js/jquery)
- build system that integrates your project into MetaphorJs
- dependency injection
- global and encapsulated modes
- data store and active record
- ajax (with jsonp)
- cross browser pushState implementation
input, < scope or <-> two way data binding
- no dependencies
- cross browser
- < 50kb minified and gzipped (without modules < 30kb)
MetaphorJs and all of its modules do not depend on jQuery or any other dom helper.
// Some of the code in the library and its modules is taken from Angular and jQuery.
IE6+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Android (Chrome/Native), iOS Safari, Blackberry
###Modules that can be used separately (standalone/amd/node modules)
Namespace The namespace system similar to one from ExtJs.
Class The class system is based on klass, although i’ve rewritten in quite heavily.
Observable Event system.
Promise Promise/A+ compliant library / ES6 Promise polyfill.
Dialog Tooltip/Dialog library. (Reworked version of jquery-dialog -- without jquery dependency.
Watchable This one watches for changes in objects and scopes.
ajax AJAX implementation similar to jQuery's.
Validator Form validation.
history.pushState Stateless pushState wrapper/polyfill.
MetaphorJs.model Model/Record/Store classes.
select Selector engine (modified YASS)
animate Animation engine
Input Input field class
####Build system
A few Angular-like demos:
Basics, Todo, Recursive rendering, Animated tags, Flickr feed, Firebase chat