A Metalsmith plugin that shows related documents for each document in a collection
A Metalsmith plugin that shows related documents for each document in a collection.
Uses Natural v0.5.1
$ npm install metalsmith-related
Then in your build script:
Metalsmith = require 'metalsmith'
markdown = require 'metalsmith-markdown'
related = require 'metalsmith-related'
.use( related({
'terms': 5
'max': 5
'threshold': 0
'pattern': 'posts/**/*.md'
'text': (doc) -> String doc.contents
}) )
.use( do markdown )
.build(do done)
You can specify which documents (like posts) will get processed, by providing a glob in the pattern
The option terms
defines how many top terms will be used for each document to find its similar documents. Specifying max
puts a cap on the total number of related articles we will return. Only documents whose importance is higher than threshold
will be included.
Passing the text
function you can decide how to format text on the document for analysis.
You can now access related documents under the related
key as an array.
<ul id="posts">
{% for post in related %}
<h2><a href="/{{ post.path }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>
<div class="date">{{ | date('F jS, Y') }}</div>
{% endfor %}
We depend on the globbing library and natural's term frequency–inverse document frequency.
{ Minimatch } = require 'minimatch'
{ TfIdf } = require 'natural'
_ = require 'lodash'
module.exports = (opts) ->
opts ?= {}
These are the options that you can override, by default we are looking for markdown documents and the top 5
opts.pattern ?= '**/*.md'
opts.max ?= 5
opts.terms ?= 5
opts.threshold ?= 0
opts.text ?= (doc) -> String doc.contents
mm = new Minimatch opts.pattern
tfidf = new TfIdf()
index = []
(files, metalsmith, done) ->
Save all matching files into the index.
for key, doc of files when mm.match key
index.push key
tfidf.addDocument opts.text doc
And for each document in the index.
for i in [ 0...index.length ]
Get the terms sorted by their importance.
terms = tfidf.listTerms i
Save only the top ones.
top = ( term for { term } in terms[ 0...Math.min opts.terms, terms.length ] )
Find us similar documents with these terms and sort based on frequency.
related = _( { freq, j } for freq, j in tfidf.tfidfs top when j isnt i and freq > opts.threshold )
.map (j) -> files[index[j]]
And save max
many under the related
files[index[i]].related = related[ 0...Math.min opts.max, related.length ] if related.length
All done in sync.
do done