Opinionated, feature-packed professional node.js server framework.
Opinionated, feature-packed professional node.js server framework.
Meseret is a framework designed from the ground up to allow easy professional-grade node.js server configuration setup (code-wise).
Here are some of its features:
Server Setup:
- Koa server with preconfigured compression, static serving & caching, body parsing (JSON and forms), direct JSON response, console logging and session support.
- Support for more Koa middleware, and koa-router routes.
- Listening on multiple HTTP and/or HTTPS servers.
- Static-serving (hosting) multiple public directories.
Database Models:
- MongoDB connection and Mongoose models.
- A
for type enabled Mongoose schema paths, methods and statics: bringing static-type support (and IDE auto-complete) to the data schema. - GridFS support to store small and large files in MongoDB.
WebSocket Support:
- integration support (connects
s to theServerApp
Single Page Application Support:
- Serves any SPA file.
- Serves build files of SPA front-end projects, built using frameworks such as Angular and React, even when in different packages.
- All 404 responses can be redirected to an SPA file, if specified.
Coding Style:
- TypeScript everywhere.
- Configuration-based architecture (using TypeScript code).
Inside a Node.js package, install meseret using:
yarn add meseret
or NPM:
npm install meseret --save
Your application code is recommended to be written in TypeScript when you use this framework.
A Simple ServerApp
A simple app that makes Koa listen on port 3000 looks like:
import { ServerApp } from 'meseret'
new ServerApp({
name: 'App Name',
httpServers: [{ port: 3000 }]
}).start() // returns a Promise
A new ServerApp
receives a configuration object (called IServerAppConfig
) as a parameter.
The start()
method launches the server application on http://localhost:3000
; it returns a Promise
A Realistic Example
We are now going to create the back-end of a small "task organization" application using meseret. Its main source file looks something like:
// src/app.ts
import { ServerApp } from 'meseret'
import { join } from 'path'
import { TasksModel } from './models/tasks.model'
import { TaskRouter } from './routers/task.router'
const taskOrganizer = new ServerApp({
name: 'Task Organizer',
mongoUris: process.env.MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/task-organizer',
models: [TasksModel],
publicDirs: [join(process.cwd(), 'react', 'build')],
spaFileRelativePath: join('react', 'build', 'index.html'),
routers: [TaskRouter],
httpServers: [
hostname: process.env.HOSTNAME || '',
port: Number(process.env.PORT) || 3000
export { taskOrganizer }
// optionally, you may...
export const dbConn = () => taskOrganizer.dbConn // to access the mongoose connection
export const gfs = () => taskOrganizer.grid // to access GridFS from other files
export const app = () => // the Koa application instance
In this code, we imported a ServerApp
from meseret and created an instance (taskOrganizer
) by passing it a (config: IServerAppConfig
) as its first parameter. Then we called start()
on taskOrganizer
to launch our application based on the config
we provided it. This configuration we passed to the ServerApp
is the most important piece of code here. The job the ServerApp
performs when start()
is called will be discussed later in detail at the end of this example project.
Now we are moving our attention to the mongoose database model that's imported and used in taskOrganizer
(the TasksModel
). When it comes to models, it is recommended that we use the ModelFactory
from meseret. Although this method is optional and relatively verbose when compared to pure mongoose, it provides support for static-typing and auto-completing mongoose models in IDEs, even deep down to the data schema level. The code for TasksModel
looks something like:
// src/models/tasks.model
import { ModelFactory, FunctionsType } from 'meseret'
export interface ITasksSchemaPaths {
desc: string
done: boolean
export interface ITasksSchemaMethods extends FunctionsType {
tickToggle: () => Promise<boolean>
export interface ITasksSchemaStatics extends FunctionsType {} // empty for now
const factory = new ModelFactory<
name: 'tasks', // collection/model name
paths: {
desc: { type: String, required: true, trim: true },
done: { type: Boolean, required: true, default: false }
methods: {
async tickToggle(): Promise<boolean> {
const task = factory.documentify(this) // for static-type support of the `this` in this document's context
task.done = !task.done
return task.done
statics: {
// empty for now
// `factory.modelify(this)` is available in functions here, for static-type support of the `this` in this model's context
// optionally, you may manually also access the built schema
export const TasksSchema = factory.schema
// finally, create & export the model
export const TasksModel = factory.model
TasksModel.collection.createIndex({ '$**': 'text' }).catch(console.error)
In the code above, the ModelFactory
is imported from meseret and used to create an instance called factory
. It receives three types to support type-checks and auto-complete of the data schema here and elsewhere in the project. These types represent the mongoose schema's paths, methods and statics, respectively. In the code above, these types are interfaces, namely ITasksSchemaPaths
, ITasksSchemaMethods
and ITasksSchemaStatics
in order.
As you can see above the methods' and statics' type interfaces extend FunctionsType
from meseret. This is essential to guarantee that the mongoose method and static functions defined in the factory
have valid signatures as their interface/type definitions above.
However, meseret does not currently support this guaranteed match between the type definition and actual implementation for schema paths (it's in the works... shh!). Until this gets support, developers should manually check if their path interfaces match their paths
TIP: If you have an empty paths
, methods
or statics
you may pass just {}
to the ModelFactory
. Therefore, our code above could have eliminated the ITasksSchemaStatics
and the factory
would have been defined as:
const factory = new ModelFactory<ITasksSchemaPaths, ITasksSchemaMethods, {}>({
Just like the ServerApp
, meseret's ModelFactory
receives an object (this time, whose type is IModelFactoryConfig
). This object configures the name
of the mongoose model (which is required) and, optionally, the paths, methods and statics for the model.
Inside the mongoose method and static function definitions, the this
keyword represents the document and model, respectively. Meseret adds static-type support to these this
s using factory.documentify(this)
and factory.modelify(this)
, respectively.
Finally, we see the factory.model
code at the very last line. The ModelFactory
's .model
is a getter that generates a normal mongoose model based on the IModelFactoryConfig
provided earlier. It is to be used elsewhere in our project, just like a normal mongoose model would have been.
Moving on...
Below is how we create the koa-routers used in the ServerApp
. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
// src/routers/task.router
import * as Router from 'koa-router'
import { TasksModel } from '../models/tasks.model'
const TaskRouter = new Router({ prefix: '/api/task' })
// POST /api/task/new
TaskRouter.get('/new', async ctx => {
ctx.body = await TasksModel.create(ctx.request.body)
// GET /api/task/all
TaskRouter.get('/all', async ctx => {
ctx.body = await TasksModel.find({})
// GET /api/task/one/:_id
TaskRouter.get('/one/:_id', async ctx => {
ctx.body = await TasksModel.findById(ctx.params._id)
// ... more route definitions
export { TaskRouter }
To recap, the above router (TaskRouter
) and the model (TasksModel
) are included in the ServerApp
). When the taskOrganizer
is started, it:
- connects to a MongoDB server at a specified
environment variable (or defaults tomongodb://localhost/task-organizer
), - loads configured Mongoose database models (
), - launches an HTTP Koa server at a specified
environment variables (or defaults tohttp://
), - serves the static directory
, - serves an SPA from
, and - handles requests that match definitions in
Based on this and the default configuration, the started ServerApp
implicitly takes care of:
- Koa Context body parsing (using koa-body),
- caching static requests (using koa-static-cache),
- response GZip compression (using koa-compress),
- JSON format responses (using koa-json),
- logging every request and response (using koa-logger), and
- creating a GridFSStream instance based on the MongoDB connection (using gridfs-stream).
In addition, a keys
option can be provided to set Koa ctx.keys
for signing cookies. If the keys
are set, session support will be enabled automatically (using koa-session).
These features can be explicitly turned off (or modified) inside the config
parameter of the ServerApp
Besides the above built-in feature middleware packages, you may specify your own Koa middleware
in the config
to be used for each HTTP and/or HTTPS requests. You can also find the original Koa
application instance using
, among many other variables.
The name
option is the only required of all the IServerAppConfig
options. Below is a list of all the available options:
| Option Name | Data Type | Description |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| bodyParser?
| boolean
| Support form, JSON and text request body parsing? Defaults to true
. |
| bodyParserEnableForm?
| boolean
| If bodyParser
is enabled, enable form parsing? Defaults to true
. |
| bodyParserEnableJson?
| boolean
| If bodyParser
is enabled, enable JSON parsing? Defaults to true
. |
| bodyParserEnableText?
| boolean
| If bodyParser
is enabled, enable text parsing? Defaults to true
. |
| bodyParserEncoding?
| string
| Encoding to use, if bodyParser
is enabled. Defaults to 'utf-8'
. |
| bodyParserFormLimit?
| string
| Form size limit, if bodyParser
is enabled. Defaults to '56kb'
. |
| bodyParserJsonLimit?
| string
| JSON size limit, if bodyParser
is enabled. Defaults to '1mb'
. |
| bodyParserMultipart?
| boolean
| If bodyParser
is enabled, enable multipart/form-data
parsing to support standard file upload? Defaults to false
. |
| bodyParserTextLimit?
| string
| Text size limit, if bodyParser
is enabled. Defaults to '1mb'
. |
| cacheControl?
| string
| Cache control to be used. Defaults to 'private'
. |
| cacheFiles
| { [path: string]: staticCache.Options }
| Set static cache options per file path. Optional. |
| cacheOptions
| staticCache.Options
| Set global static cache options. Optional. May override IServerAppConfig.cacheOptions.cacheControl
overrides IServerAppConfig.cacheControl
. |
| compress?
| boolean
| Compress responses? Defaults to true
. |
| httpServers?
| { hostname?: string, port: number }[]
| HTTP server configurations. |
| httpsServers?
| { opts: https.ServerOptions, hostname?: string, port: number }[]
| HTTPS server configurations. |
| json?
| boolean
| Support direct JSON response parsing? Defaults to true
. |
| jsonPretty?
| boolean
| If json
is enabled, send pretty responses? Default to true
only if app
is in 'development'
mode. |
| jsonPrettyParam?
| string
| Optional query-string param for pretty responses, if json
is enabled. |
| jsonSpaces?
| number
| JSON spaces, if json
is enabled and pretty. Defaults to 2
. |
| keys?
| string[]
| Sets Koa app.keys
. |
| log?
| boolean
| Log requests and responses? Defaults to true. |
| middleware?
| Koa.middleware[]
| More Koa middleware to use. |
| models?
| mongoose.Model<mongoose.Document>[]
| Mongoose models, optionally built using meseret's ModelFactory
. Requires IServerApp.mongoUris
. |
| mongooseConnectionOptions
| mongoose.ConnectionOptions
| Set moongoose connection options. Optional. |
| mongoUris?
| string
| MongoDB connection URIs. |
| name
| string
| Name of the server application. It is required. |
| publicDirs?
| string[]
| Directory paths to serve statically. |
| routers?
| KoaRouter[]
| An array of koa-router routers used in the servers. |
| spaFileRelativePath?
| string
| A relative path to an SPA file (e.g. an Angular or React build's index.html
file). If this is unspecified (or null
) the ServerApp
will not have an SPA-like behavior of rerouting 404 Not Found
pages. |
| session?
| boolean
| Session support using cookies? Requires IServerAppConfig.keys
. Defaults to true
if some IServerAppConfig.keys
are provided. |
| sessionCookieKey?
| string
| Session cookie key, if session
is enabled. Defaults to the name
of the ServerApp
in "snake_case". |
| sessionHttpOnly?
| boolean
| If session
is enabled, use it for HTTP only? Defaults to true
. |
| sessionMaxAge?
| number
or 'session'
| Maximum valid age of the session in milliseconds, if session
is enabled. Defaults to 86400000
(1 day). If it is set to the string value: 'session'
, the cookie expires when the session/browser is closed. |
| sessionOverwrite?
| boolean
| If session
is enabled, allow overwriting? Defaults to true
. |
| sessionRenew?
| boolean
| If session
is enabled, renew it when nearing its expiry? Defaults to false
. |
| sessionRolling?
| boolean
| If session
is enabled, force a session identifier cookie to be set on every response? Defaults to false
. |
| sessionSigned?
| boolean
| If session
is enabled, should it be signed? Defaults to true
. |
| sockets?
| SocketIO.Server[]
| servers used in the http servers. |
P.S. more API documentation is coming soon.
Made with ♥ in Addis Ababa.
MIT License © 2017-2018 Kaleab S. Melkie.