module for mercadolibre api
MercadoLibreNode SDK for Node.js
npm install mercadolibre
var meli = require('mercadolibre');
var meliObject = new meli.Meli(client_id, client_secret, [access_token], [refresh_token]);
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| |client_id|int|yes|ID provided when creating a MELI APP (link to create app guide)| |client_secret| string| yes| Hash string key provided when creating a MELI APP (link to create app guide)| |access_token |string| optional| Used to talk to our API resources that require credentials (eg: POST to /items).| |refresh_token| string| optional| Hash string provided when a user authorizes an A P. Used to get a new valid access_token (only available when offline_access scope in APP settings is checked).|
Authorization methods
redirect_uri|string|yes|Callback URL to which the user will be redirected after granting permission to the Meli APP. The code required to obtain the first access_token (required in Authorize method) will be appended to this URL when making this redirect.|
returns string
meliObject.authorize(code, redirect_uri, callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| code|string|yes|Code received at redirect_uri when user granted permission to the Meli APP.| redirect_uri|string|yes|Callback URL to which the API will send the access & refresh tokens. Must be the same as the one configured in the Meli APP settings.| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed
Request methods
meliObject.get(path, [params,] callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| path|string|yes|API resource path to which the GET request will be sent to.| params|object|optional|Additional params (if required).| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed|
//Get categories from mercado libre argentina
meliObject.get('sites/MLA/categories', function (err, res) {
console.log(err, res);
/** returns:
err = null
res = [
{ id: 'MLA5725', name: 'Accesorios para Vehículos' },
{ id: 'MLA1071', name: 'Animales y Mascotas' },
{ id: 'MLA1367', name: 'Antigüedades' },
{ id: 'MLA1368', name: 'Arte y Artesanías' },
{ id: 'MLA1743', name: 'Autos, Motos y Otros' },
{ id: 'MLA1384', name: 'Bebés' },
//Get users with ids 145925943 and 145925951
meliObject.get('users', {
ids: [145925943, 145925951]
}, function (err, res) {
console.log(err, res);
/** returns:
err = null
res = [
id: 145925943,
nickname: 'TETE2780570',
registration_date: '2013-09-17T14:20:30.000-04:00',
country_id: 'AR',
address: { state: 'AR-C', city: 'Palermo' },
user_type: 'normal',
tags: [ 'normal', 'test_user', 'user_info_verified' ],
logo: null,
points: 100,
site_id: 'MLA',
permalink: '',
{ level_id: null,
power_seller_status: null,
transactions: [Object] },
buyer_reputation: { tags: [] },
status: { site_status: 'deactive' }
id: 145925951,
nickname: 'TETE1341752',
registration_date: '2013-09-17T14:20:43.000-04:00',
country_id: 'AR',
address: { state: 'AR-C', city: 'Palermo' },
user_type: 'normal',
tags: [ 'normal', 'test_user', 'user_info_verified' ],
logo: null,
points: 100,
site_id: 'MLA',
permalink: '',
{ level_id: null,
power_seller_status: null,
transactions: [Object] },
buyer_reputation: { tags: [] },
status: { site_status: 'deactive' }
post, body, [params,] callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| path|string|yes|API resource path to which the POST request will be sent to.| body|object|yes|Body to be sent when executing the POST request. params|object|optional|Additional params (if required).| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed|
upload (post with multipart)
meliObject.upload(path, body, [params,] callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| path|string|yes|API resource path to which the POST request will be sent to.| body|object|yes|Body to be sent when executing the POST request. params|object|optional|Additional params (if required).| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed|
meliObject.put(path, body, [params,] callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| path|string|yes|API resource path to which the PUT request will be sent to.| body|object|yes|Body to be sent when executing the PUT request. params|object|optional|Additional params (if required).| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed|
meliObject.delete(path, [params,] callback)
|Field|Type|Required|Description| |-----|----|--------|-----------| path|string|yes|API resource path to which the DELETE request will be sent to.| params|object|optional|Additional params (if required).| callback|function|yes|Callback function is executed when the task is completed|
Details necessary
The callback function, in all cases receives the parameters:
var exampleCallback = function(error, response){ }
The object passed in the params parameter in functions get, post, put and delete. Is automatically converted to a query string
meliObject.get('/users/', {ids: [77169310, 1231233]}, function(a,b) { })
The request is get to the following address:,1231233