A kittybin of tools.
Only a very cool Shiba would even dare use a cat's tools.
Alternative Documentation WIP.
Installation & Usage
npm -i meows
yarn add meows
import * as U from meows
import { isType, isEmpty, notEmpty } from 'meows'
const U = require('meows')
const { isType, isEmpty, notEmpty } = require('meows')
const space = ' '
const spaces = /\s+/
const character = ''
const alphabet = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', ]
/** Split string by spaces. */
function split_by_spaces(str: string): string[]
/** Alphabetical character → prime number. */
function alpha_to_prime(alphabet: string): number
* word anagram → prime product
* @description
* An anagram is any rearrangement of a string. Conveniently, the product of
* primes is the same regardless of order, and also allows us to count how many
* of each prime was used, acting as an identity for anagrams.
* @example
* anagram_to_id('listen') === anagram_to_id('silent') // => true
* anagram_to_id('admirer') === anagram_to_id('married') // => true
function anagram_to_id(word: string): number
* Strips a string of all normal whitespaces.
* @example
* stripSpaces(' a b c ' ) // => 'abc'
function stripSpaces(str:string): string
Date and Time
/** Convert an integer from 1 to 12 to a month. */
function number_to_month(integer: number): string
/** A utility to store multiple timestamps for performance timing. */
class Timer {
// The full state of the Timer object.
_log(): { label: string, time: number }[]
// A list of Unix timestamps.
_times(): number[]
// Add a midpoint to timer with optional label.
next(label: string): void
// Start timer with optional label.
start(label: string): void
// Add endpoint to timer with optional label.
end(label: string): void
// range :: () → integer || NaN if fewer than 2 timestamps.
range(): number
// delta :: () → integer[]
delta(): number[]
// Returns array of relative difference of time from start, unix timestamp as first entry.
// relative :: () → integer[]
relative(): number[]
Error and Logging
/** Alias for `console.log()`. */
function log(...a: any[]): void
/** `console.log()` with an introductory string message. */
function logStr(msg?: string, ...a: any[]): void
* Log something to console with optional message, then returns identical input.
* @example
* Promise.all(pending)
* .then(x => logId(x, 'task: done'))
* .then(sendTask)
function logId(x: any, msg?:string): any
* A function for quickly generating arrays populated by a range of integers,
* with an optional skip interval.
* @example
* range(3) // => [0, 1, 2, 3]
* range(-3) // => [0, -1, -2, -3]
* range(-2, 2) // => [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
* range(2, -2) // => [2, 1, 0, -1, -2]
* range(-10, 10, 5) // => [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]
* range(10, -10, 5) // => [10, 5, 0, -5, -10]
function range(p0:number, pf?:number, speed?:number): number[]
* Shallow filters out redundant members.
* @example
* uniques([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) // => [0, 1, 2, 3]
function uniques(arr?: any[]): any[]
* Shallow checks for repeat members.
* @example
* has_repeat([1, 2, 3]) // => false
* has_repeat([1, 2, 1]) // => true
function hasRepeat(arr: any[]): boolean
* Choose random member in array.
* @example
* rand_choice([1, 'a', null]) // => 1
* rand_choice([1, 'a', null]) // => null
function randChoose(arr?: any[]): any
* Uses `λ` to populate an array of `size` length.
* @example
* series(x => 0.5*x**2 + 0.5*x, 5) // => [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
function series(λ:Function, size:number): any[]
* Returns a shallow copy of the last value of your array. The default behavior
* is to return `undefined` on an empty array while `throwOnEmpty` is set to
* `false`.
* @example
* last([3, 2, 1]) // => 1
* last([3, 2, [1, 0]]) // => [1, 0]
* last([null]) // => null
* last([]) // => undefined if throwOnEmpty is false (!)
function last(arr: any[], throwOnEmpty?: boolean): any
/** An empty object with no prototype. */
type ONULL = object
/** Flip the binary value for a property on an object. */
function flipProp(prop: string, obj: object): object
/** Merge objects with an empty object; can be used to strip prototype. */
function merge(...objs: object[])
/** Grab an object based on pathway of sequence of keys.
* @example
* const store = {
* a: 0,
* b: {
* a: [0, 0, 0],
* b: 1,
* }
* }
* const node = path(store, 'a', 'b', 'a')
* const value = node[0]
* node[0] = 1
* console.log(store.a.b.a) // => [1, 0, 0]
* console.log(value * 2) // => 2
function path(obj: object, ...props: string[]): any
/** composes a sequence of functions from right to left. */
function compose(...fns: Function[]): Function
/** composes a sequence of functions from left to right. */
function pipe(...fns: Function[]): Function
/** zip, but with a function */
function zipWith(λ: Function, v1: any[], v2: any[]): any[]
* @example
* [true, true, false].filter(identity) // => [true, true]
function identity(x: any): any
* Given a lambda and a value `x`, run the lambda with optional arguments as a
* side effect, and then return the original given value `x`.
* @example
* function sayHi(msg = 'hi') { console.log(msg) }
* effectId(sayHi, 42) // => logs 'hi' and returns 42
* effectId(sayHi, 42, 'yo') // => logs 'yo' and returns 42
function effectId(λ:Function, x, ...args)
* See if at least one array element
* @example
* const v1 = [2, 4, 6, 8]
* const v2 = [2, 4, 6, 9]
* const even = x => x % 2 === 0
* count(even, v1) // => 4
* count(even, v2) // => 1
* count(even, []) // => 0
function count(λ: Function, arr: any[]): number | TypeError
* Given λ → returns `(compose not λ)`.
* @example
* const notArray = not(Array.isArray)
* notArray([]) // => false
* notArray({}) // => true
function not(λ: Function): (...args: any[]) => boolean
* Checks if an array is a non-empty array of things that would always pass
* your boolean function. Like `orMap` or `.every()` except empty arrays return
* false.
* @example
* always(even, [0, 2, 4]) // => true
* always(even, [0, 1, 2]) // => false
* always(even, []) // => false
function always(cond: Function, arr: any[]): boolean
* Coerces values to `true`. If input is a function, `truthy` will run the
* function with optional arguments for side effects before returning `true`.
* @example
* truthy(console.log('hi')) && 42 // logs 'hi' and returns 42
* const say = (msg='hi') => console.log(msg)
* truthy(say) // logs 'hi' and returns true
* truthy(say, 'yo') // logs 'yo' and returns true
function truthy(λ: Function, ...arg: any[]): boolean
* Coerces values to `false`. If input is a function, `falsy` will run the
* function with optional arguments for side effects before returning `false`
* @example
* falsy(console.log('hi')) || 42 // logs 'hi' and returns 42
* const say = (msg='hi') => console.log(msg)
* falsy(say) // logs 'hi' and returns false
* falsy(say, 'yo') // logs 'yo' and returns false
function falsy(λ: Function, ...arg: any[]): boolean
Numbers and Random
* A suite of random tools.
* @example
* // => -42
* Rand.real() // => -42.42
* Rand.bool() ? 'heads' : 'tails'
* Rand.sBool() ? 'heads' : 'tails'
class Rand {
static int(min?:number, max?:number): number
static real(min?:number, max?:number): number
* Returns a weak random boolean.
static wBool(): boolean
* Given natural `n` ⟶ returns `n` 'strong' random booleans.
* @example
* Rand.sBool() ? 'heads' : 'tails'
* Rand.sBool(10).filter(x => x)
static bool(natural: number): boolean
/** Generate an array of `n` strong random integers. */
function randomInts(n: number): number[]
/** Sums numeric arguments. */
function sum(nums: number[]): number
/** Multiplies numeric arguments. */
function product(nums: number[]): number
/** Finds the difference in magnitude between two numbers. */
function diff_abs(a: number, b: number): number
/** Finds the delta of unidimensional array of reals. */
function diff_nums(nums: number[]): number[]
/** Converts an integer to an array of its digits.
* @example
* int_to_digits(123450) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
function int_to_digits(int:number, base?:number): number[]
* Randomly signs a signable number. If the value isn't signable, return `NaN`.
* @example
* const backoff = (tries) => 2**tries + plus_or_minus(Math.random())
function plus_or_minus(num: number): number
function negative(num: number): number
function positive(num: number): number
function flipSign(num: number): number
Logic and Types
class notEmpty {
* @example
* notEmpty.arr([]) // => false
* notEmpty.arr({a: 1}) // => false
static arr(x): boolean
* @example
* notEmpty.obj([1, 2]) // => false
* notEmpty.obj({}) // => false
static obj(x): boolean
* @example
* notEmpty.str(null) // => false
* notEmpty.str('') // => false
* notEmpty.obj(' ') // => true
static str(x): boolean
* @example
* const empty = new Map()
* const full = new Map().set('animal', 'cat')
* // => true
* // => false
*{}) // => false
*[]) // => false
static map(x): boolean
* Class of static boolean functions for finding whether a value <is> an empty
* instance of a type.
class isEmpty {
* @example
* isEmpty.arr({}) // => false
* isEmpty.arr([0]) // => false
* isEmpty.arr([]) // => true
static arr(x): boolean
* @example
* isEmpty.obj([]) // => false
* isEmpty.obj({a: 1}) // => false
* isEmpty.obj({}) // => true
static obj(x): boolean
* @example
* isEmpty.str([]) // => false
* isEmpty.str(' ') // => false
* isEmpty.str('') // => true
static str(x): boolean
* @example
* const empty = new Map()
* const full = new Map().set('animal', 'cat')
* // => true
* // => false
*{}) // => false
*[]) // => false
static map(x): boolean
* Class of static boolean functions for determining non-canonical subtypes in
* JavaScript, such as reals or signable 'numbers'.
* @example
* isType.num(1/0) // => false
* // => true
* isType.real(3) // => true
* isType.err(NaN) // => false
class isType {
/** Excludes NaN and Infinity! */
static num(x?): boolean
/** Checks if number is positive integer, including 0. */
static nat(x?): boolean
/** Only safe integers. */
static int(x?): boolean
/** Check if value is a string. */
static str(x?): boolean
/** Check if value is a function. */
static fn(x?): boolean
* Any signable number including neutral 0, but excluding NaN and null.
* @example
* isType.signable(0) // => true
* isType.signable(1/0) // => true
* isType.signable(-5) // => true
* isType.signable({}) // => false
* isType.signable(NaN) // => false
* isType.signable(null) // => false
static signable(x?): boolean
* Checks if value is an error object.
* @example
* isType.err(new TypeError()) // => true
* isType.err({}) // => false
* isType.err(null) // => false
static err(x?): boolean
* Checks if value is a negative number, excluding `0`, and `Infinity`.
* @example
* isType.neg(-2) // true
* isType.neg(+2) // false
* isType.neg(-0) // false (!)
* isType.neg(-1/0) // false (!)
* isType.neg([]) // false
* isType.neg(NaN) // false
static neg(x?): boolean
* Checks if value is an instance of Map.
* @example
* Map()) // => true
*{}) // => false
*[]) // => false
static map(x?): boolean
* Returns the type of an unknown value as a lower-cased string. Type 'number'
* is defined separately from 'infinity' and 'nan' because most functions on
* numbers don't expect those types.
* @example
* typeName(new Map) // => 'map'
* typeName(void f()) // => 'undefined'
* typeName(null) // => 'null'
* typeName([]) // => 'array'
* typeName({}) // => 'object'
* typeName(/\s+/) // => 'regexp'
* typeName(0 / 0) // => 'nan'
* typeName(-1 / 0) // => 'infinity'
* const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16)
* const view = new Int16Array(buffer)
* const err = new Error()
* typeName(err) // => 'error'
* typeName(buffer) // => 'arraybuffer'
* typeName(view) // => 'int16view'
function typeName(x?: any): string
* Promisified setTimeout that resolves to `<any>` or `<void>`.
* @example
* // logs 'hi' after delay
* let hi = async () => await wait(4000, 'hi')
* .then(console.log)
function wait(ms?:number, resolveTo?:any): Promise <any>