Simple FS cache middleware to help you develop features rapidly
Record your Node.js server's responses and play them back later
Who is memorex.js useful for?
memorex.js is for anyone who can benefit from faster, semi-realistic but not necessarily 100% up-to-date and accurate server responses. Typical uses involve testing or developing in any one of the following scenarios
- modules that transform server responses
- view components that display data from server responses
- styling
You never want to use memorex.js in production or when you're testing the code that creates your responses (database adapters for example).
Technical overview
memorex.js is simple cache middleware that uses the file system as the store. This will work with any Node.js server that internally leverages http.Server
(Express & Restify included).
npm i memorex -SE
import Memorex from 'memorex'
import API from './lib/api'
const memorex = Memorex({
// [optional] the type of compression to save the responses with
compression : Memorex.CompressionTypes.deflateRaw,
// [required] enables your to toggle caching with a flag
enabled : process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
// [optional] allows you to control the name of the subfolder this reponses are stored in. Defaults to `require('paqman')`
name : 'API'
// See index.js for more options
const memrx = memorex(/* see index.js for options */)
server.get('/api/tortas', memrx, API.getTorta)
This project takes ideas from the apicache and sync-disk-cache packages. Parts of the code are copyright 2013 Kevin Whitley & 2015 Stefan Penner. See the licenses folder for more.