Handles making a GitHub branch with the commits from a memfs instance or a file map
Take a Source Object and Make a Branch via the GitHub API
e.g. this:
const settings = {
owner: "danger",
repo: "danger-js",
fullBranchReference: "heads/new_readme",
message: "Adds some new stuff"
// This will make a make a new commit on the branch new_readme, changing
await filepathContentsMapToUpdateGitHubBranch(api, { "": "### My README" }, settings)
and it will make a branch on that repo with those new file contents.
Full API Reference
* The config for creating a branch. Noting the repo,
* base branch (what should it work from), the new branch
* and the message for the generated commit. The commit's
* author will be whomever the API is authenticated with.
export interface BranchCreationConfig {
/** The danger in danger/danger-js */
owner: string
/** The danger-js in danger/danger-js */
repo: string
/** Base branch to start working from, null is implied to be `heads/master` */
fullBaseBranch?: string
/** The ref in the URL must `heads/branch`, not just `branch`. */
fullBranchReference: string
/** Message for the commit */
message: string
/** Basically a filename to file contents map */
interface FileMap {
[filename: string]: string
* Creates a bunch of blobs, wraps them in a tree, updates a reference from a memfs volume
export declare const memFSToGitHubCommits: (
api: GitHub,
volume: MemFSVolume,
settings: BranchCreationConfig
) => Promise<void>
* Creates a bunch of blobs, wraps them in a tree, updates a reference from a map of files to contents
export declare const filepathContentsMapToUpdateGitHubBranch: (
api: GitHub,
fileMap: FileMap,
settings: BranchCreationConfig
) => Promise<void>
* A Git tree object creates the hierarchy between files in a Git repository. To create a tree
* we need to make a list of blobs (which represent changes to the FS)
* We want to build on top of the tree that already exists at the last sha
export declare const createTree: (
api: GitHub,
settings: BranchCreationConfig
) => (fileMap: FileMap, baseSha: string) => Promise<GitHub.GitdataCreateTreeResponse>
* A Git commit is a snapshot of the hierarchy (Git tree) and the contents of the files (Git blob) in a Git repository
export declare const createACommit: (
api: GitHub,
settings: BranchCreationConfig
) => (treeSha: string, parentSha: string) => Promise<GitHub.Response<GitHub.GitdataCreateCommitResponse>>
* A Git reference (git ref) is just a file that contains a Git commit SHA-1 hash. When referring
* to a Git commit, you can use the Git reference, which is an easy-to-remember name, rather than
* the hash. The Git reference can be rewritten to point to a new commit.
export declare const updateReference: (
api: GitHub,
settings: BranchCreationConfig
) => (newSha: string) => Promise<GitHub.Response<GitHub.GitdataCreateReferenceResponse>>
export {}