Reactjs Step Wizard
React Wizard Component
MegaWizard is a React component for easily making step-by-step wizards without having to configure ten thousand seperate props..
- Super flexibile configuration via a step definition object.
- Easily embed React components or HTML elements.
- Optional step validators to prevent advancement until your conditions are met.
- Optional visibility flag for dynamically hiding/display steps.
- Execution hooks for entering and leaving steps
- Step display summary and completed step indications.
- Super fast rendering that works on both client and server.
- Only renders markup for currently displayed steps.
- Best name ever for a wizard.
- Relies on Bootstrap for styling and layout
- No way to customize step summary
If you are interested in helping with any of this, I would gladly take pull requests.
Using it
To use MegaWizard:
- Install the component through NPM
- Require it
- Create step definition object and pass it to MegaWizard
Component props
MegaWizard has the following component props:
steps - step definition object
onStepChanged(currentStep) - function to call after a step is changed. Argument is the current step. Called before onEnter and onExit hooks.
onStepWillChange(currentStep) - function to call before a step is changed. Argument is the current step.
onComplete() - function to call when complete button is clicked on last step. No arguments. Called before onExit hook.
prevButtonText - global text override to display for previous button. Default is "Previous".
nextButtonText - global text override to display for next button. Default is "Next".
completeButtonText - global text override to display for complete button. Default is "Done".
prevButtonClasses - global class override for previous button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
nextButtonClasses - global class override for next button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
completeButtonClasses - global class override for complete button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
Step definition options
Steps definitions are a flexible way to get some fairly complex behaviors into the wizard. Since each step is defined indepentently, you can drive wizard behavior by using state/props from outisde the wizard. Step definitions may have any combination of the following options:
name - unique indentifier for step
text - display name (shown on sidebar and header)
onEnter - function to call when entering this step (fires when entering steps via next or previous movement). No arguments.
onExit - function to call when exiting this step (fires when leaving steps via next or previous movement). No arguments.
visible - entire step is hidden if this is defined and false. May truthy, falsy, or bool.
nextValidator - next button is disabled if this is defined and false. May truthy, falsy, or bool.
prevValidator - previous button is disabled if this is defined and false. May truthy, falsy, or bool.
prevButtonText - text to display for previous button. Default is "Previous".
nextButtonText - text to display for next button. Default is "Next".
completeButtonText - text to display for complete button. Default is "Done".
prevButtonClasses - class overrides for previous button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
nextButtonClasses - class overrides for next button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
completeButtonClasses - class overrides for complete button. If using, you must handle horizontal positioning yourself.
display - React element to display when step is active.
Contrived Example:
render() {
let stepDef = Immutable.fromJS([
name: 'enterName',
text: `Enter a name for widget ${this.state.widgetId}`,
onEnter: this.props.hideWidgetList,
nextValidator: this.state.nameInputText,
display: () => {
return (
<input type='text' value={this.state.nameText} onChange={this.handleInputChange} />
name: 'enterDescription',
text: 'Enter a description',
visible: this.state.descriptionRequired,
nextValidator: this.state.descriptionText,
display: () => {
return (
<DescriptionForm description={this.state.descriptionText}
onChange={this.handleDescriptionChange} />
name: 'confirm',
text: 'Confirm',
onExit: this.showWidgetList,
display: () => {
return (
Are you sure you want to use <strong>{this.state.nameText} - {this.state.descriptionText}</strong> for your widget?
return (
<MegaWizard steps={stepDef} onStepChanged={this.handleStepChanged} onComplete={this.handleWizardComplete} />
First, setup your local environment:
git clone [email protected]:ZeroarcSoftware/megawizard.git
cd megawizard
npm install
Next, build the project (for use in a npm link scenario):
npm run build
To watch for changes:
npm run watch
Issues are tracked in Github Issues.
Changes are tracked as Github Releases.