CSP-style channel library using ES7 async/await keywords
CSP-style channel library using ES7 async/await keywords.
npm install medium
First, the requisite naive ping/pong example (ported from Go)
const { chan, put, close, take, sleep, CLOSED } = require('medium')
const player = async (name, table) => {
while (true) {
const ball = await take(table)
if (ball === CLOSED) break
console.log(`${name} ${ball.hits}`)
await sleep(100)
put(table, ball)
const start = async () => {
const table = chan()
player('ping', table)
player('pong', table)
put(table, { hits: 0 })
await sleep(1000)
Channel interactions in a nutshell
Channels are queues, you can put
things onto them and take
things off, in a first-in-first-out way. Channels can be closed, after which, they will not receive or deliver values. put
and take
are both asynchronous actions, and return promises. put
promises simply resolve to true
if it was able to successfully add its value to the channel, or false
if the channel is closed. take
promises resolve either to whatever was next in the channel queue, or to the constant CLOSED
if the channel is closed. For example:
const ch1 = chan()
put(ch1, 1)
// LOGS: 1
put(ch1, 2)
// LOGS: 2
// Notice how it doesn't matter what order the take and put occur in. This is the secret sauce of coordinating asynchronous activites.
put(ch1, 3).then(console.log)
// LOGS: false
The strategy with which a channel handles an excess of put
s is implemented as a buffer
. The default channel does not allow for any buffered values, so if you put
without a waiting take
for the value, it will not resolve the put
until a corresponding take
is added. For example:
No buffer
const ch1 = chan()
put(ch1, 1).then(() => console.log('put 1'))
put(ch1, 2).then(() => console.log('put 2'))
// LOGS: 'put 1'
// LOGS: 'put 2'
An example of a different buffer would be a "fixed" buffer, which has N slots for put
values to wait for a take
. For example:
Fixed buffer
const ch = chan()
const fixedCh = chan(buffers.fixed(2)) // or shortcut with chan(2)
put(ch, 1).then(console.log)
put(fixedCh, 1).then(() => console.log('put 1'))
// LOGS: put 1
put(fixedCh, 2).then(() => console.log('put 2'))
// LOGS: put 2
put(fixedCh, 3).then(() => console.log('put 3'))
// LOGS: 1
// LOGS: put 3
The other included buffers are, "dropping", which allows N puts, then begins "dropping" them, causing the put to resolve successfully but the value is not added to the channel, and "sliding", which allows N puts, then begins shifting the buffer, dropping the oldest buffered put
value and adding the newest to the other end.
Dropping buffer
const ch = chan(buffers.dropping(2))
put(ch, 1)
put(ch, 2)
put(ch, 3) // this is dropped
// LOGS: 1
// LOGS: 2
put(ch, 3)
// LOGS: 3
Sliding buffer
const ch = chan(buffers.sliding(2))
put(ch, 1)
put(ch, 2)
put(ch, 3) // this causes the put of 1 to be dropped
// LOGS: 2
// LOGS: 3
Building something larger
Things get much more interesting though when we use async/await to better coordinate our channels.
import { chan, put, take, sleep, go } from 'medium'
const numbers = chan()
const oddNumbers = chan()
go(async () => {
while (true) {
console.log('an odd number: ', await take(oddNumbers))
go(async () => {
while (true) {
let n = await numbers // awaiting a channel is an implied "take"
if (n % 2 === 1)
await put(oddNumbers, n)
go(async () => {
while (true) {
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
await put(numbers, randomNum)
await sleep(1000)
So we have a number being generated every second, and put onto the numbers
channel. This is consumed and tested for "oddness", and if it passes, then it is put onto the oddNumbers
channel where it is simply console.log'ed.
What if we want to keep track of the percent odd vs. even? We can put a bit of local state in the process that checks for oddness. However, mutating state sucks, so, we use the function repeat
to both act as a while
loop and manage state immutably!
import { chan, put, take, sleep, go, repeat } from 'medium'
const numbers = chan()
const oddNumbers = chan()
const stats = chan()
go(async () => {
while (true) {
console.log('an odd number: ', await oddNumbers)
go(async () => {
while (true) {
console.log('Stats: ', await stats)
go(async () => {
repeat(async ({ total, odds }) => {
put(stats, `${odds / total * 100}% odd numbers`)
const n = await numbers
if (n % 2) {
put(oddNumbers, n)
return { total: total + 1, odds: odds + 1 }
} else {
return { total: total + 1, odds }
}, { total: 0, odds: 0 })
go(async () => {
while (true) {
let randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
await put(numbers, randomNum)
await sleep(1000)
And now we see that, indeed, our universe isn't broken and over time our cumalitive chance of an odd number closes in on 50%.
We can even take our repeat
function one step further, and use repeatTake
, since that is exactly what we are doing.
go(async () => {
repeatTake(numbers, async (n, { total, odds }) => {
put(stats, `${odds / total * 100}% odd numbers`)
if (n % 2) {
put(oddNumbers, n)
return { total: total + 1, odds: odds + 1 }
} else {
return { total: total + 1, odds }
}, { total: 0, odds: 0 })
So we just change the signature a bit, and our local "repeat" state is passed as the second argument instead of the first.
More documentation is coming, but the core functionality is ~160LOC, so it should just take a single cup of coffee to read through. I wanted to be sure that the API was built deliberately, and not just a port from some previous effort.
chan(numOrBuffer=null) -> Chan
Creates a channel. All arguments are optional.
numOfBuffer - Any number or buffer. A number is a shortcut for buffers.fixed(number)
put(ch, val) -> Promise -> true|false
Puts a value onto a channel. Returned promise resolves to true if successful, or false if the channel is closed.
take(ch) -> Promise -> takenValue|CLOSED
Takes a value from a channel. Returned Promise resolves to taken value or CLOSED constant if the channel is closed.
go(async function) -> promiseFromInvokedAsyncFunction
Immediately invokes (and returns) given function.
sleep(ms) -> Promise
Creates a promise that will resolve successfully after ms
A constant, which all takes on a closed channel receive instead of a value.
close(ch) -> undefined
Closes a channel. This causes:
- all puts and pending puts to resolve to false
- all takes and pending takes to resolve to the CLOSED constant
clone(ch) -> Chan
Makes a new channel, same as the old channel.
any(...ports) -> Promise -> [theResolvedValue, theSourceChannelOrPromise]
Like alts
in Clojure's core-async
can be a channel to take from, a promise to resolve, or an array
to put data onto a channel, like [ theChannel, valueToPut ]
If none of them have a pending value, it will resolve with whichever channel receives a value next. If one of the channels has a pending value already, it will simply resolve to that. If more than one channel has a pending value, it selects one in a non-deterministic fashion.
Always resolves with a double of [ theResolvedValue, theSourceChannel ]
All non-winning actions will be canceled so that their data does not go missing.
repeat(async function, seed=null) -> undefined
This functions like a while loop, except you can track state using its return value. Return false to end. Return a value other than false, and it will be available as the argument to your callback async function. Pass in a seed
value as the second argument to repeat.
repeatTake(ch, async function, seed=null) -> undefined
This is just like repeat
above, except that before it repeats, it waits for a successful take
on the given channel. Then it passes this taken value in as the first argument, with any local state being passed as the second argument.
See the ping/pong example above to see this in action.
Creates a new channel that will receive all puts to the received channels.
No buffer space. The default choice for when first argument to chan
is falsy.
Buffer has space of num
. Any extra put
s are parked.
Buffer simply slides across pending puts as a window of num
width. So, oldest puts are dropped as new ones are added.
Buffer drops, and resolves, any extra puts beyond num