Spreadsheet scoping mechanisms.
This library provides cell (spreadsheet) based scoping mechanisms. It is consider core so directly added to the m (mechanisms) library.
A video on usage can be found here and gist here.
Traditional scoping mechanisms are stack based (mech-scope-stack).
See Mechanisms Home for more information and other libraries.
Supported Mechanisms:
- cell - a cell whose value is uniquely identified by row, column and worksheet.
- cellGet - read a value from a cell.
- cellSet - set a value in a cell: overwriting an existing value or creating a new cell if one does not exist.
- cellRef - returns a reference to a cell.
- cellRm - removes a cell from a workbook.
- workbook - global workbook containing multiple worksheets.
- Collision detection when creating a cell.
Stack and Cell Scoping Mechanisms
Traditional stack based scoping:
function addT(left, right) {
return left + right;
The parameters left and right are only visible within add. The values are stored on the stack.
Cell based scoping mechanisms use cells (as opposed to a stack) to store values.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
var m = require("mech-math");
var addF = m.add(sp.cellGet("A:1"), sp.cellGet("Sheet01:A:2"));
Values are in cells 'A:1' and 'Sheet01:A:2'. Scope is defined by cells.
addT and m.add provide the same behavior.
Example 01
Mechansism are reactive meaning cell 'A:3' will always reflect the addition of the values in cells 'A:1' and 'A:2'.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
var m = require("mech-math");
sp.cellGet("A:3").go; // returns 7
sp.cellGet("A:3").goNum; // returns 7
sp.cellGet("A:3").goStr; // '(3 + 4)
sp.cellSet("A:1",14).go; // set cell A:1
sp.cellGet("A:3").goStr; // '(14 + 4)
Example 02
Let's have some fun using the emitter library.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
var em = require("mech-emit");
sp.cell("A:1", em.emitFromArr(1,400,2,true));
sp.cellGet("A:1").go; // returns 1
sp.cellGet("A:1").go; // returns 3
sp.cellGet("A:1").go; // returns 5
// and so on
We've plugged an emitter into cell 'A:1'. Every time we get from that cell, we cause the emitter mechanism to run emitting a single value.
CellF mechanism
A cell whose value is uniquely identified by column, row and worksheet.
NOTE: A cell value can never be the undefined primitive.
- A cell can contain the null primitive.
- A cell can contain mechanisms that evaluate to undefined.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
sp.cell("A:1",4); // cell in '' work sheet, column A row 1 with a value of 4
sp.cell(); // cell in '' work sheet at column A row 0 with a value of undefined
sp.cell("WS1:BB:34"); // cell in 'WS1' sheet, column BB row 34
A cell automatically adds itself to the global workbook: cellWorkBook.
WARNING: The underlying workbook data structure may change. Directly accessing it is discouraged. It is encapsulated by the mechanisms in this library.
See cellRm mechanism to remove a cell
CellGetF mechanism
Returns the value of a cell.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
sp.cell("B:3","Good day!");
sp.cellGet("B:3").go; // returns 'Good day!'
sp.cellGet("B:3").goNum; // returns NaN
sp.cellGet("B:3").goStr; // returns 'Good day!'
sp.cellGet("B:3").goArr; // returns ['Good day!']
sp.cellGet("B:3").goBool; // returns false
sp.cellWorkBook; // shows all cells
CellSetF mechanism
Sets the value of a cell: overwriting any existing value. A new cell is created if it does not exist.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
sp.cell("B:3","Good day!");
sp.cellSet("B:3","Good evening!").go; // cell 'B:3' contains good evening
By default, cellSet copies values of primitives and adds a reference to mechanisms.
IMPORTANT: To set the value of the mechanism, you need to set the byVal argument of cellSet to true
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
var m = require("mech-core");
var goodDay = m.str("Good day!");
sp.cell("A:4", "Good morning!");
sp.cellSet("A:4", goodDay, false).go; // cell 'A:4' contains a reference to instance of the goodDay mechanism.
var goodEvening = m.str("Good evening!");
sp.cell("A:5", "Good morning!", true);
sp.cellSet("A:5",goodEvening, true).go; // cell 'A:5' contains the value "Good evening!"
CellRefF mechanism
Returns a reference to a cell.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
var newCell = sp.cell("B:3","Good day!");
sp.cellRef("B:3").go; // equals newCell
CellRmF mechanism
Removes a cell from the global workbook.
var sp = require("mech-scope-cell");
sp.cell("B:3","Good day!");
sp.cellRm("B:3").go; // removes cell "B:3" and returns true
sp.cellRm("A:1").go; // no cell is removed and returns true
cellWorkBook Global
A global variable where all scoping is stored.
m.cellWorkBook["A:1"].go; // writes hello to the console
It is better to access the cellWorkBook using mechanisms than directly as shown in the example. We reserve the right to change the underlying data structure.
Using In Your Projects
Change directory to your node project.
$ npm install --save mech-scope-cell
Get Involved!
There are a lot of core mechanisms just waiting to be created. Many of them can be created in a few hours including in-depth tests. Clone mech-library to get started!
$ npm install
Continuous test:
$ gulp
$ gulp webtests
Test Server
Read documentation in gulpfile.js to see how to setup automated web testing.
$ gulp webserver