A framework focused in providing a unified interface across multiple domains
What is Mebo ?
Mebo is an experimental framework focused in providing a unified interface across multiple domains.
The idea behing mebo is to provide a platform where evaluations and their requirements are defined in a simple matter. The way it is done lets you to build strict specifications with validations in a fairly expressive way.
Evaluations in Mebo are exposed by promoting implementations that don't need to be too coupled to a specific domain instead, most of the boilerplate code needed when bridging a domain (for instance on the web: request & response) to an evaluation is avoided and automatically handled by mebo (DRY).
By using mebo you can easily expose your evaluations through the web via REST/middlewares and also without much effort expose them through command-line (CLI coming handy during development/debugging to interact with your evaluations quickly).
So, you can use Mebo for desktop apps, web apps or all together.
Key features
Flexible architeture. Mebo can be integrated to existing applications. Also, it's designed from ground up to be customizable and extendable
Reliable executions. Mebo enforces validating the data used prior the execution of evaluations by performing a wide range of verifications
Agnostic execution platform. Implementations using Mebo can be executed easily across different domains
Integrated caching system. Mebo provides out-the-box integrated caching system
Express integration. The web support in Mebo is done through express, embracing the most popular web framework for Node.js
RESTful support. Evaluations can be executed through REST automatically
CLI support. By using Mebo your evaluations can be executed through command-line interfaces following docopt specifications.
API Documentation
Full Examples
- Hello World
- RESTful using Express and Mongodb
- Middleware integration
- Authentication
- Uploads
- Command-line integration
- JSON serialized actions
Mebo is built using modern specs ES6/ES7, it requires Node.js version 8 or greater
npm install mebo --save
Getting help
Use the GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Also, feel free to talk about Mebo at:
- Gitter meboHQ
Mebo development discussions and bug reports are collected on Issues
Contributions are welcome to Mebo. It can be made through many different forms depending on your level of interest:
- Participating in gitter discussions
- Proposing features
- Reporting issues
- Making improvements (adding new features, improving the existing features, adding tests, adding testutils, clarifying wording and fixing errors)
Mebo was inspired by:
Mebo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License