Mongoose AJAX client-side querying pagination helper library for Node/Express
MEANPag (Mongooose Express Ajax Node Pagination)
Client pagination of mongoDb using AJAX? MEANPag to the rescue!
- MEANPag is the JS AJAX pagination library for the MongoDB (and Mongoose) that works on a client.
- I use browserify library to package it so you can easily use it on both client and Node server with
. - On the client we add
and usenew window.MEANPag()
to obtain paginator.- The client issues an AJAX request to the NodeJS server
- AJAX request has the "filter" parameter set from
- AJAX request has the "filter" parameter set from
- Server (Node + Express) obtains the pagination parameters from request (ex.
param) and sets the new paginator with it:new Paginator().setFilter(req.body.filter)
- after that we return necessary records from a database using two queries: a. get count of # of records b. get the records
- The client issues an AJAX request to the NodeJS server
Small example
var paginator = new window.MEANPag();
paginator.and({name: "Bob"});
//...issue new XMLHttpRequest with data: { filter: paginator.getFilter() }
Server"/users", setupPaginationFilter, getUsers, function (req, res, next) {
return res.json({
filter: res.locals.paginator.getFilter(),
users : res.locals.users
for the setupPaginationFilter, getUsers see below
Paginator - object that holds data relevant to paging. Contains/builds an instance of QueryBuilder
- Public API consists of QueryBuilder's API together with the following:
- QueryBuilder: "getQueryBuilder"
- total items: "setTotal", "setTotalItems", "getTotal", "getTotalItems"
- total pages: "setTotalPages", "getTotalPages"
- page: "setPage", "getPage"
- skip: "getSkip"
- On the server:
- "filterMongooseCollection([mongooseObject, errorCb, successCb])"
- "getFilter"
- Public API consists of QueryBuilder's API together with the following:
QueryBuilder - a core object that builds the mongoose query and provides mongoose methods
- QueryBuilder's Public API consists of the following methods:
- Comparison/Logical operators: *"gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "ne", "in", "nin", "regex"
- Object getters/setters:
- Filter (find + sort + limit) param : "getFilter", "setFilter", "filter", "clearFilter"
- Find param: "getFind", "setFind", "find", "findWhere", "setFindFieldExpression", "getAreEmptyFindExpressions", "clearFind"
- Sort param: "getSort", "setSort", "sort", "sortAsc", "sortDesc", "clearSort"
- Limit param: "getLimit", "setLimit", "limit", "noLimit", "clearLimit"
- QueryBuilder's Public API consists of the following methods:
Server example of querying "Users":
// AJAX (POST) to /users"/users", setupPaginationFilter, getUsers, function (req, res, next) { // your data output (like res.json({})) return sendSuccessResponse({ filter: res.locals.paginator.getFilter(), users : res.locals.users }, res, next); }); // setting the paginator function setupPaginationFilter (req, res, next) { res.locals.paginator = new Paginator().setFilter(req.body.filter); return next(); } // obtaining results function getUsers (req, res, next) { res.locals.paginator.filterMongooseCollection( Users, function errorCallback (err) { // do something with errors... return sendErrorResponse(err, res, next); }, function successCallback (data) { res.locals.users = data; return next(); } ); }
Client example of issuing AJAX request with paginator
<script type='text/javascript' src='bundle.js'></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
var paginator = new window.MEANPag(),
zip = "11230";
// Find all users by zipCode regEx (in user's address sub-document)
"address.zipCode": QueryBuilder.regex((zip).toString(), "i")
method: 'POST',
url : '/users',
data: { filter: paginator.getFilter() },
success: function (data) {
if (data.success == true) {
// returns data.filter + data.users, do something with it
console.log(data.users, data.filter);
// reset the paginator's filter with new data from the server,
// clear the find (zip) so it does not stack.
dataType: 'json'
To see MEANPag demo, come here
From what I can tell sql injection is not a problem with MongoDB because of the way it works with data by building it into a BSON-format object instead of parsing/building a string as in SQL. On MongoDB SQL Injection. However you have to look at what collections you are allowing users to query. In the demo example I query the users collection, but of course in production environment such querying should be avoided. If you have to add something, please free to open up an issue.