The command line tool for converting Markdown files to DOCX files using Pandoc.
The command line tool for converting Markdown files to DOCX files using Pandoc.
npm install -g md2docx-cli
The command md2docx
uses a set of predefined Pandoc options and scripts to perform DOCX conversion.
md2docx [options] [--- [CONVERTER ARGUMENTS]]
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --converter <PATH> specify the PATH for the converter. (default: "pandoc", env: MD2DOCX_CONVERTER_PATH)
--log-file <FILE> write the log messages to a FILE.
--log-filter <STREAM> filter the log messages by STREAM. (choices: "both", "stdout", "stderr")
-h, --help display help for command
WINE Scenarios
For scenarios where md2docx
needs to be used in a WINE bottle environment,
you can achieve calling md2docx
installed on the host environment from the WINE bottle by creating a script
The command md2docx-link
is used to manage the md2docx
link in a WINE bottles.
md2docx-link [options] <BOTTLE>
BOTTLE specify a WINE bottle.
-V, --version output the version number
-w, --wine-path <PATH> specify the PATH for WINE. (default: "wine", env: MD2DOCX_WINE_PATH)
-u, --unlink remove the link.
-t, --target <PATH> specify the link PATH. (default: "C:\\windows\\system32\\md2docx.exe")
-h, --help display help for command
And md2docx
provides additional options for WINE scenarios.
--bottle <NAME> Specific WINE bottle.
-w, --wine-path <PATH> Specific WINE path. (default: "wine", env: MD2DOCX_WINE_PATH)
Templates management
Pandoc uses reference documents as templates to format DOCX outputs. To manage multiple templates, md2docx
provides an npm-based solution for template management. In md2docx
, a package used for packing templates is called
an optional package
. The optional package can be managed with the md2docx-pm
Users first install the optional package using npm
, and then manage the switch between templates by mounting or
unmounting with md2docx-pm
md2docx-pm [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --converter-path <PATH> specify the PATH for the converter. (default: "pandoc", env: MD2DOCX_CONVERTER_PATH)
-n, --npm-path <PATH> specify the PATH for NPM. (default: "npm", env: MD2DOCX_NPM_PATH)
-v, --verbose show the details log.
-h, --help display help for command
list|ls list all optional packages.
mount [options] [packages...] mount the optional packages, or all if none is specified.
unmount [options] [packages...] unmount the optional packages, or all if none is specified.
clean [options] remove all unmanaged template files.
repair [options] [packages...] repair the optional packages, or all if no package is specified.
help [command] display help for command
To remove md2docx
and clean up the Pandoc user data folder,
first run md2docx-unmount
to clean the directory,
followed by npm uninstall -g md2docx
to completely uninstall the package.
If the md2docx
files within the Pandoc user data folder become corrupted,
execute md2docx-mount
to attempt to restore the files to their original state.
Convert xlsx to docx file by xlsx2md
md2docx --- -f xlsx.lua -o test.docx test.xlsx