Middleware for producing SQL queries from Markdown
Middleware for producing SQL queries from Markdown
- Quickly create sample schema/data for prototyping or testing
- Investigate how your relational database could be normalized further
- Easily create, update, and manage a static database without having to write any SQL queries
Currently only SQLite is fully supported, with support for MySQL being worked on.
For MDDatabase the format of Markdown headings is the following:
[Depth] [Name] ([Type])
| Item | Description | Example |
| ----- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| Depth | Number of hashes for the depth of this record | ##
| Name | Name to refer to this unique entity (see "Unique Depth") | Sherlock Holmes
| Type | Category of data (singular) that this record represents | occupant
Depth is used when greater than 1 to find and assign a parent (with foreign key references), Name is used to merge duplicate records, and track data-over-time changes, and Type is used to group items, and name the table/table fields (e.g. "occupants", "occupant_uuid").
For MDDatabase the format of properties is the following, optional under each heading:
- Property Name: Property Value
"Property Value" by default is considered to be TEXT
, but will be tested and converted to INTEGER
if possible.
Unique Depth
Name is used in order to track and refer to data-over-time from other records, however this relies on the name being unique. If the name is not unique this will cause collisions between multiple records, potentially combining their information.
The toSQL()
method takes a unique_depth
argument (default: 0) in order to instruct MDDatabase to force headings less than or equal to that depth to be unique no matter what (at the moment this has the downside of meaning they cannot be referenced).
With a unique_depth
of 1:
# Season 1 (season)
## Episode 1 (episode)
- Title: Pilot
# Season 2 (season)
## Episode 1 (episode)
- Title: Seven Thirty-Seven
In this Markdown example, "Season 1" and "Season 2" will always be unique (even if given the same name), however both "Episode 1" records are being interpreted as being the same record (with changes over time), so it would look like the title of episode 1 was changed for some reason in the future.
The ideal solution is to update the headings to be unique ("Pilot" instead of "Episode 1" for example), as this will allow you to refer to these records throughout your data (First Seen In: {Pilot}). Alternatively if this is not possible you can update the unique_depth
to 2 when calling toSQL()
, but you will not be able to use these unique headings as references.
const { MDDatabase } = require("md-database");
async function main() {
* Step 1. Get data
// from JSON string
let data = new MDDatabase("[{}, {}, ...]");
// from array
let data = new MDDatabase([{}, {}, ...]);
// from MD string
let data = MDDatabase.fromMD("# heading ...");
// from file (.md, .json)
let data = await MDDatabase.fromFile("./path/to/");
* Step 2. Convert data
// to MD string (duplicates merged, casing cleaned)
let md = data.toMD();
// to JSON string
let json = data.toJSON();
// to SQL string
let sql = data.toSQL();
// to TS string
let ts = data.toTS();
// to file (.md, .json, .sql, .ts)
await data.toFile("./path/to/file.sql");
Input: Markdown
# Headquarters (building)
- House Number: 221b
- Street: Baker Street
- City: London
- Postcode: NW1 6XE
## Sherlock Holmes (occupant)
- Forename: Sherlock
- Surname: Holmes
## John Watson (occupant)
- Forename: John
- Surname: Watson
Output: Markdown
# Headquarters (building)
- House Number: 221b
- Street: Baker Street
- City: London
- Postcode: NW1 6XE
## Sherlock Holmes (occupant)
- Forename: Sherlock
- Surname: Holmes
## John Watson (occupant)
- Forename: John
- Surname: Watson
Output: JSON
"depth": 1,
"name": "headquarters",
"type": "building",
"children": [
"depth": 2,
"name": "sherlock holmes",
"type": "occupant",
"children": [],
"properties": {
"forename": "Sherlock",
"surname": "Holmes"
"depth": 2,
"name": "john watson",
"type": "occupant",
"children": [],
"properties": {
"forename": "John",
"surname": "Watson"
"properties": {
"house number": "221b",
"street": "Baker Street",
"city": "London",
"postcode": "NW1 6XE"
Output: SQL
`building_uuid` TEXT,
`building_house_number` TEXT,
`building_street` TEXT,
`building_city` TEXT,
`building_postcode` TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (`building_uuid`)
`occupant_building_uuid` TEXT,
`occupant_uuid` TEXT,
`occupant_forename` TEXT,
`occupant_surname` TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (`occupant_building_uuid`, `occupant_uuid`),
FOREIGN KEY (`occupant_building_uuid`) REFERENCES `buildings` (`building_uuid`)
INSERT INTO `buildings`
(`building_uuid`, `building_house_number`, `building_street`, `building_city`, `building_postcode`) VALUES
("87b58a10-f863-404c-aab3-7fa6d55967d0", "221b", "Baker Street", "London", "NW1 6XE");
INSERT INTO `occupants`
(`occupant_building_uuid`, `occupant_uuid`, `occupant_forename`, `occupant_surname`) VALUES
("87b58a10-f863-404c-aab3-7fa6d55967d0", "b064eff0-276c-405b-ae01-48ed60b27f79", "Sherlock", "Holmes"),
("87b58a10-f863-404c-aab3-7fa6d55967d0", "2618c3ca-1183-44e8-805e-95e5957be3b7", "John", "Watson");
Output: TS
class MDDatabaseClass<Properties> {
data: Properties;
constructor(properties: Properties) { = properties;
export namespace Building {
export interface Object {
building_uuid: string;
building_house_number?: string;
building_street?: string;
building_city?: string;
building_postcode?: string;
export class Instance extends MDDatabaseClass<Object> {}
export namespace Occupant {
export interface Object {
occupant_building_uuid: string;
occupant_uuid: string;
occupant_forename?: string;
occupant_surname?: string;
export class Instance extends MDDatabaseClass<Object> {}