Provides class like programming to JavaScript while staying close to prototypal inheritance.
Implementing class like functionality using prototypal inheritance.
Making object oriented programming in JavaScript a bit easier, at least for people with a background in class based programming languages like C++, Java and C#.
See the mClass homepage for more information.
See tests.js for examples of how to use mClass.
How to use mClass
var Animal = mClass(function() {
// Private
var info = "Carl Linnaeus is known as the father of modern taxonomy.";
return {
// Constructor
construct: function(specie) {
this.specie = specie;
// Public methods and members
public: {
sound: function() {
return undefined;
toString: function() {
return "I'm a " + this.specie + " with " + this.legs + " legs saying " + this.sound();
// Static methods and members
static : {
info: function() {
return info;
var snake = new Animal("snake");
test( "instanceof", function() {
ok( snake instanceof Animal );
test( "constructor", function() {
ok( snake.constructor === Animal );
// A class without private methods or members is much easier
var Bird = mClass({
// inherit from another class
extends: Animal,
// Override public method and member
public: {
sound: function() {
return "tweet";
legs: 2
var dove = new Bird("dove");
test( "instanceof", function() {
ok( dove instanceof Animal );
test( "instanceof parent", function() {
ok( dove instanceof Bird );
test( "overridden method", function() {
ok( dove.sound() == "tweet" );
test( "overridden member", function() {
ok( dove.legs == 2 );
test( "inherited method toString", function() {
ok( ''+dove == "I'm a dove with 2 legs saying tweet" );
// If you don't like new, you can use Object.create()
var sparrow = Object.create( Bird.prototype, {specie: {value: "sparrow"}} );
test( "Object.create()", function() {
ok( ''+sparrow == "I'm a sparrow with 2 legs saying tweet" );
// A class with private methods and members is a little bit more work
var Fish = mClass(function() {
function calculateLegs() {
return 0;
var sound = "blub";
return {
extends: Animal,
public: {
sound: function() {
return sound;
// Call a parent method with the _super member (both this._super and Fish._super are possible)
toString: function() {
return" and I can swim";
legs: calculateLegs()
// Test inherited static function
test( "inherited static function", function() {
ok( == "Carl Linnaeus is known as the father of modern taxonomy.");
var minnow = new Fish("minnow");
test( "inherited function using private function", function() {
ok( minnow.sound() == "blub" );
test( "toString with super", function() {
ok( ''+minnow == "I'm a minnow with 0 legs saying blub and I can swim" );
// Test augmentation
// You can only extend from one class, but augment your classes with other classes and objects
// Augment a object literal
var weightService = {
weight: 10,
getWeight: function() {
return this.weight;
// Augment another mClass instance. You can even use private variables
var Skin = mClass(function() {
var skin;
return {
public: {
setSkin: function(newSkin) {
skin = newSkin;
getSkin: function () {
return skin;
// A new class augmenting the object and class above
var Dog = mClass({
extends: Animal,
augments: [weightService, new Skin()],
public: {
sound: function() {
return "woof";
var dog = new Dog('dog');
test( "augment with object literal", function() {
ok( dog.getWeight() == 10 );
test( "augment with mClass instance", function() {
ok( dog.getSkin() == 'furry' );
MClass is written by Edwin Martin and is licensed with the MIT license.