✨ Quickly create custom Minecraft achievements for yourself. Choose the one you like among more than 100 icons.
Minecraft Achievement Creator 🦄
- Quickly create custom Minecraft achievements for yourself. ✨
- Choose the one you like among more than 100 icons. 💯
Usage ✅
- commonJS (
const {} = require("module")
const { ICONS, AchievementCreator } = require("mc-achievements");
// this is not necessary
const { writeFileSync } = require("fs");
"This is title!",
"This is content",
).then((buffer) => {
Buffer of the achievement you created.
Do whatever you want with buffer.
In this example, we save buffer as a local file.
writeFileSync("./achievement.png", buffer);
- es6 (
import {} from "module"
import { ICONS, AchievementCreator } from "mc-achievements";
// this is not necessary
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
AchievementCreator.create(ICONS.egg, "This is title!", "This is content").then(
(buffer) => {
Buffer of the achievement you created.
Do whatever you want with buffer.
In this example, we save buffer as a local file.
writeFileSync("./achievement.png", buffer);
Contributing / Issues 🐛
- Feel free to open pull requests or issues 🙀
Icons 💡
- Use
to access icons (
) - apple: "apple"
- arrow: "arrow"
- bed: "bed"
- bedrock: "bedrock"
- blazePowder: "blaze_powder"
- blazeRod: "blaze_rod"
- blockOfDiamond: "block_of_diamond"
- blockOfGold: "block_of_gold"
- blockOfIron: "block_of_iron"
- boat: "boat"
- bone: "bone"
- bonemeal: "bonemeal"
- book: "book"
- bottleOfEnchanting: "bottle_of_enchanting"
- bottle: "bottle"
- bow: "bow"
- bowl: "bowl"
- bread: "bread"
- brewingStand: "brewing_stand"
- bucket: "bucket"
- cake: "cake"
- chainmailBoots: "chainmail_boots"
- chainmailChestplate: "chainmail_chestplate"
- chainmailHelmet: "chainmail_helmet"
- chainmailLeggings: "chainmail_leggings"
- charcoal: "charcoal"
- chest: "chest"
- coalOre: "coal_ore"
- coal: "coal"
- cobblestone: "cobblesonte"
- compass: "compass"
- cookedChicken: "cooked_chicken"
- cookedFish: "cooked_fish"
- cookedPorkchop: "cooked_porkchop"
- cookie: "cookie"
- diamondAxe: "diamond_axe"
- diamondBoots: "diamond_boots"
- diamondChestplate: "diamond_chestplate"
- diamondHelmet: "diamond_helmet"
- diamondHoe: "diamond_hoe"
- diamondLeggings: "diamond_leggings"
- diamondOre: "diamond_ore"
- diamondPickaxe: "diamond_pickaxe"
- diamondShovel: "diamond_shovel"
- diamondSword: "diamond_sword"
- diamond: "diamond"
- dirt: "dirt"
- dragonEgg: "dragon_egg"
- egg: "egg"
- enchantmentTable: "enchantment_table"
- enderPearl: "ender_pearl"
- eyeOfEnder: "eye_of_ender"
- feather: "feather"
- fenceGate: "fence_gate"
- fence: "fence"
- flintAndSteel: "flint_and_steel"
- flint: "flint"
- furnance: "furnance"
- glowstoneDust: "glowstone_dust"
- goldApple: "gold_apple"
- goldAxe: "gold_axe"
- goldBoots: "gold_boots"
- goldChestplate: "gold_chestplate"
- goldHelmet: "gold_helmet"
- goldHoe: "gold_hoe"
- goldIngot: "gold_ingot"
- goldLeggings: "gold_leggings"
- goldNugget: "gold_nugget"
- goldOre: "gold_ore"
- goldPickaxe: "gold_pickaxe"
- goldShovel: "gold_shovel"
- goldSword: "gold_sword"
- grass: "grass"
- ironAxe: "iron_axe"
- ironBoots: "iron_boots"
- ironChestplate: "iron_chestplate"
- ironHelmet: "iron_helmet"
- iron_hoe: "iron_hoe"
- ironIngot: "iron_ingot"
- ironLeggings: "iron_leggings"
- ironOre: "iron_ore"
- ironPickaxe: "iron_pickaxe"
- ironShovel: "iron_shovel"
- ironSword: "iron_sword"
- ladder: "ladder"
- lapisLazuli: "lapis_lazuli"
- lavaBucket: "lava_bucket"
- leather: "leather"
- leatherBoots: "leather_boots"
- leatherChestplate: "leather_chestplate"
- leatherHelmet: "leather_helmet"
- leatherLeggings: "leather_leggings"
- map: "map"
- melonSlice: "melon_slice"
- milkBucket: "milk_bucket"
- minecart: "minecart"
- musicDisk: "music_disk"
- obdisian: "obdisian"
- paper: "paper"
- piston: "piston"
- potion: "potion"
- pumpkin: "pumpkin"
- rails: "rails"
- rawBeef: "raw_beef"
- rawChicken: "raw_chicken"
- rawFish: "raw_fish"
- rawPorkchop: "raw_porkchop"
- redstoneDust: "redstone_dust"
- redstoneOre: "redstone_ore"
- redstoneRepeater: "redstone_repeater"
- redstoneTorch: "redstone_torch"
- redstoneWire: "redstone_wire"
- rottenBeef: "rotten_beef"
- saddle: "saddle"
- shears: "shears"
- sign: "sign"
- slimeball: "slimeball"
- snowball: "snowball"
- splashPotion: "splash_potion"
- steak: "steak"
- stick: "stick"
- stickyPiston: "sticky_piston"
- stone: "stone"
- stoneAxe: "stone_axe"
- stoneButton: "stone_button"
- stoneHoe: "stone_hoe"
- stonePickaxe: "stone_pickaxe"
- stonePressurePlate: "stone_pressure_plate"
- stoneShovel: "stone_shovel"
- stoneSword: "stone_sword"
- string: "string"
- waterBottle: "water_bottle"
- waterBucket: "water_bucket"