MySQL client
Yet another NodeJS MySQL client.
Just an example
const mysql = new MySQL({
host: 'localhost', // Hostname (localhost is default).
port: 3306, // Port (3306 is default).
maxPacketSize: 0x10, // Max packet size to be sent to server. But it seems to be ignored by server.
debug: false, // Output sent and received data into console.
timeout: 0 // Timeout of idle connection before closing.
const connection = mysql.connect({
user: 'user', // Connect as this user.
pass: 'pass', // User's password.
base: 'database', // Optional. If you wish to connect directly to database.
timeout: 0, // Optional. Timeout of idle connection before closing.
// Overwrites timeout from MySQL constructor.
onSuccess: onSucces, // Optional. Function to be called on successfull connection.
onError: onError, // Optional. Function to be called on failed connection attempt.
onClose: onClose // Optional. Function to be called on closed connection.
'SELECT * FROM `table`', // Query to be executed.
onSuccess: onSuccess, // Function to be called on successfull query.
onError: onError // Function to be called on failed query attempt.
const statement = connection.prepare(
'SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column`=?', // Statement to prepare
onSuccess: onSuccess, // Called on successfully prepared statement.
onError: onError // Called on failed prepare statement attempt.
0, // Index of parameter to send data to.
Buffer.from('asd'), // Data to send.
onError: onError // Called in case of error.
['parameter value'], // Set of parameters' values
onSuccess: onSuccess, // Called on successfull statement execution.
onError: onError // Called on failed statement execution attempt.
onSuccess: onSuccess, // Called if connection successfully closed.
onError: onError // Called if failed to close connection.