Node.js module to emulate Message Broker PC/NonStop host protocol.
Node.js module to emulate the Message Broker PC/NonStop host protocol.
Will allow testing of CUI/sm & CUI/sxc in on-line mode without access to a customer NonStop system. On-line mode here means that no special code in CUI/sm or CUI/sxc is being invoked to support use without a NonStop server.
- Support testing of versions of CUI/sm using the sample test SCOBOL - SCOBINFO - provided as prt of a CUI release.
- Support testing/replay of sessions recorded by a customer.
- Support testing of versions of CUI/sm using SCOBOL programs and simulated NonStop servers writtem by Circa specificilly for testing purposes.
Maybe add at a leter stage: CUI/sxc
- Support the use/testing of CUI/sxc v4 in on-line mode by emulating the CUI Work Server
To emulate MB messages using tcp run: node lib\run-tcp-mb.js
e.g. node lib\run-tcp-mb.js F:\ns-emulator\config.json \INGI59
- CUI/mb parameters can be set in config.json in (project root directory else default of is used.
- config.json parameter 'outRoot' specifies where the three trace files and the CUI licence & session files are created.
Until licence upload msgs are supported in a coming version create a default licence by running:
node lib\non-stop\apps\cui\make-licence.js <path to config.json>
e.g. node F:\ns-emulator\lib\non-stop\apps\cui\make-licence.js F:\ns-emulator\config.json
============================================================================= Trace Files
- trace-mb-msgs.log
- trace-mb-msgs.json
- trace-mb-msgs.bin
Format of 'trace.mb-msgs.bin' file:
#map trace_msg
msg_len u16
seqno u16
type u16
name ascii 30
buflen u16
buf byte 0:32000