exports a boilerplate that run engine, render, runner setup with mouseconstraint for quickly setting up a project
How to use:
- import matter js into your project
import Matter from 'matter-js'
- import matterjs-boilerplate
import { matterBoilerplate } from './MatterBoilerplate'
- start a matterjs project after one line, de-structuring the constants/variables that we'll need access to in our main project file, passing in width and height parameters
let {
engine, render, runner, world, mouse, mouseConstraint
} = matterBoilerplate(width [int], height [int])
- runs all the necessary setup of the engine, render, and runner and abstracts it away from the main file
- you can access these important variables via the line above ^^
- now, you can start adding your physics bodies!
let rectangle = Matter.Bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200)
World.add(world, body1)