curated robust matrix computation library for javascript
Author :: Amanuel Garomsa Oluma
Edu-Level :: Computer Science student at AAU
Is a fully functional matrix library written in pure Javascript. It contains all functions that can be applied to matrices in linear algebra from the simplest to more complex mathematical functions. In this library you will find a lot of higher order mathematical functions that enables you to operate on matrixes .
For instance the basic and fundamental mathematical operation on matrices includes the determinant, minor, cofactor, multiplication, addiction ,division and subtraction . In addition to these operations, this JavaScript Library enables users to operate on more advanced linear algebra topics such as eigen vectors, eigen spaces, diagonalization, linear transformation and many more. It has also some cool features like beautifying which enables the users to present their data in the form of matrices by creating a nicely styled web elements. This helps developers who are interested in developing a web apps with better user experience while using this library behind the scene . Another important and cool feature of this library is that users can use it in an integrated manner with other third party libraries like mathjax and soon. It is currently under construction but it can be used even now . I am excited to tell you that there are a lot more features coming soon. I also want you to note that the source code of this project on git-hub is only for showcase. The complete version of the library will be available on npm soon. when so, I will notify you and come up with a good documentation as well .
Thank you for reading this description.