A nodejs library for 3D transformations similar to Unity3D containing necessary classes and functions for matrices, vectors, quaternions and transforms.
Vectors, Matrices and Quaternions for Node.js
Table Of Contents:
- Only the necessary classes and functions for 3D graphics.
- Easily adaptable to Unity3D.
- Same coordinate system
- Same rotation order
- Similar syntax
With npm:
npm install math3d
About Classes
All classes except Transform provide immutable objects.
Coordinate System
As I used this project later on with Unity3D, I tried to keep everything as similar as possible. The coordinate system is the same as in Unity: y-Axis up, x-Axis right, z-Axis forward. The rotation order for Euler angles (used in Quaternion) is z then x then y.
A three-dimensional vector with x, y, z values; used for positions, directions or scales in 3D space.
var Vector3 = math3d.Vector3;
var v1 = new Vector3(42, 42, 42);
v1.add(Vector3.up); // Vector3(42, 43, 42);
Static variables
- back: Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, -1).
- down: Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, -1, 0).
- forward: Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, 1).
- left: Shorthand for writing Vector3(-1, 0, 0).
- one: Shorthand for writing Vector3(1, 1, -1).
- right: Shorthand for writing Vector3(1, 0, 0).
- up: Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 1, 0).
- zero: Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, 0).
- dimension: Always 3 for Vector3
- homogeneous: Returns the homogeneous Vector4 with w value 1 (readonly)
- magnitude: Magnitude (length) of the vector (readonly)
- values: An array containing the x, y, z values (readonly)
- vector4: Returns the responding Vector4 with w value 0 (readonly)
- x: x component of the vector (readonly)
- y: y component of the vector (readonly)
- z: z component of the vector (readonly)
- Vector3([x: Number], [y: Number], [z: Number])
- Creates a Vector3 from the given x, y, z components
- All parameters are optional with default value 0
- Vector3.FromVector4(vector4)
- Creates a Vector3 from a Vector4 by clipping the w value
Public functions
- add(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Returns the sum of two vectors
- average(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Returns the average of two vectors
- cross(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Cross product of two vectors
- distanceTo(vector3: Vector3) -> Number
- Distance from one vector to another
- dot(vector3: Vector3) -> Number
- Dot product of two vectors
- equals(vector3: Vector3) -> Boolean
- Returns true if two vectors are equal
- mulScalar(scalar: Number) -> Vector3
- Multiplies the vector with a scalar
- negate() -> Vector3
- Returns a vector with the opposite direction (multiplied by -1)
- normalize() -> Vector3
- Returns a normalized vector
- scale(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Scales the vector component by component with the given vector
- sub(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Subtracts one vector from another (this - vector3)
- toString() -> String
- A string responding to the vector in form (x,y,z)
A four-dimensional vector with x, y, z, w values. Used mostly for homogeneous coordinates.
var Vector3 = math3d.Vector3;
var Vector4 = math3d.Vector4;
var v1 = new Vector4(42, 42); // v1 = Vector4(42, 42, 0, 1)
var v2 = Vector3.fromVector4(v1); // v2 = Vector3(42, 42, 0)
var v3 = v2.vector4; // v3 = Vector4(42, 42, 0, 0)
var v4 = v2.homogeneous; // v4 = Vector4(42, 42, 0, 1)
v4.sub(v3).equals(new Vector4()) // false
Static variables
- one: Shorthand for writing Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1).
- zero: Shorthand for writing Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0).
- dimension: Always 4 for Vector4
- magnitude: Magnitude (length) of the vector (readonly)
- values: An array containing the x, y, z, w values (readonly)
- x: x component of the vector (readonly)
- y: y component of the vector (readonly)
- z: z component of the vector (readonly)
- w: w component of the vector (readonly)
- Vector4([x: Number], [y: Number], [z: Number], [w: Number])
- Creates a Vector4 from the given x, y, z, w components
- All parameters are optional with default value 0
Public functions
- add(vector4: Vector4) -> Vector4
- Returns the sum of two vectors
- distanceTo(vector4: Vector4) -> Number
- Distance from one vector to another
- dot(vector4: Vector4) -> Number
- Dot product of two vectors
- equals(vector4: Vector4) -> Boolean
- Returns true if two vectors are equal
- mulScalar(scalar: Number) -> Vector4
- Multiplies the vector with a scalar
- negate() -> Vector4
- Returns a vector with the opposite direction (multiplied by -1)
- normalize() -> Vector3
- Returns a normalized vector
- sub(vector4: Vector4) -> Vector3
- Subtracts one vector from another (this - vector4)
- toString() -> String
- A string responding to the vector in form (x,y,z,w)
Each quaternion is composed of a vector (xyz) and a scalar rotation (w). Although their values are not very intuitive, they are used instead of the Euler angles to:
- avoid Gimbal lock
- avoid different rotation orders for Euler angles
- avoid multiple representation of the same rotation
It is advised not to use the x, y, z, w values directly, unless you really know what you are doing.
var Vector3 = math3d.Vector3;
var v1 = Vector3.forward; // v1 = Vector3(0, 0, 1)
var q1 = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);
q1.mulVector3(v1); // (0, 0, -1) <- v1 rotated 90 degrees in y-Axis
q1.angleAxis; // {axis: Vector3(0, 1, 0), angle: 90}
Static variables
- identity: Shorthand for writing Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1).
- zero: Shorthand for writing Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0).
- angleAxis: Angle Axis representation of the quaternion in form {axis: (Vector3), angle: Number} (readonly)
- eulerAngles: Euler angles responding to the quaternion in form {x: Number, y: Number, z: Number} (readonly)
- x: x component of the quaternion (readonly)
- y: y component of the quaternion (readonly)
- z: z component of the quaternion (readonly)
- w: w component of the quaternion (readonly)
- Quaternion([x: Number], [y: Number], [z: Number], [w: Number])
- Creates a quaternion from the given x, y, z, w values
- All values are optional with default value 0 for x, y, z and 1 for w
- Quaternion.Euler(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number)
- Creates a quaternion that is rotated /z/ degrees around z-axis, /x/ degrees around x-axis and /y/ degrees around y-axis, in that exact order
- Quaternion.AngleAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: Number)
- Creates a quaternion that responds to a rotation of /angle/ degrees around /axis/
Public functions
- angleTo(quaternion: Quaternion) -> Number
- Angle between two quaternions in degrees (0 - 180)
- conjugate() -> Quaternion
- Returns the conjugate of the quaternion (defined as (-x, -y, -z, w))
- distanceTo(quaternion: Quaternion) -> Number
- A notion to measure the similarity between two quaternions (quick)
- The return value varies between 0 and 1. Same quaternions return 0.
- dot(quaternion: Quaternion) -> Number
- Dot (inner) product of two quaternions
- equals(quaternion: Quaternion) -> Boolean
- Returns true if two quaternions are equal
- inverse() -> Quaternion
- Returns the inverse of the quaternion (inverse = conjugate)
- mul(quaternion: Quaternion) -> Quaternion
- Right multiplies the quaternion in the argument (this * quaternion)
- mulVector3(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Multiplies the quaternion with the vector (applies rotation)
- toString() -> String
- A string responding to the quaternion in form (x,y,z,w)
A 4x4 matrix with some required functions for translation, rotation and scaling.
var Vector3 = math3d.Vector3;
var Matrix4x4 = math3d.Matrix4x4;
var v1 = new Vector3(3, 4, 5);
var m1 = Matrix4x4.scaleMatrix(v1); // m1 = |3 0 0 0|
// |0 4 0 0|
// |0 0 5 0|
// |0 0 0 1|
m1.mulVector3(Vector3.up); // Vector3(0, 4, 0)
Static variables
- identity: 4x4 identity matrix.
- zero: Shorthand for writing Matrix4x4([]]).
- columns: An two-dimensional array containing the columns of a matrix (readonly)
- m11: first element of first row
- m12: second element of first row
- m13: third element of first row
- m14: fourth element of first row
- m21: first element of second row
- m22: second element of second row
- m23: third element of second row
- m24: fourth element of second row
- m31: first element of third row
- m32: second element of third row
- m33: third element of third row
- m34: fourth element of third row
- m41: first element of fourth row
- m42: second element of fourth row
- m43: third element of fourth row
- m44: fourth element of fourth row
- rows: An two-dimensional array containing the rows of a matrix (readonly)
- size: Size (number of rows and columns) of a matrix in form {rows: Number, columns: Number} (readonly)
- values: A one-dimensional array containing the elements of the matrix (rows first) (readonly)
- Matrix4x4(data: Array)
- Creates a 4x4 matrix with the given number array
- If the length of the array is smaller, the rest is filled with zeros
- Matrix4x4.FlipMatrix(flipX: Boolean, flipY: Boolean, flipZ: Boolean)
- Creates a matrix that changes the direction of the axii that are chosen to be flipped
- Matrix4x4.ScaleMatrix(scale: Number|Vector3)
- Creates a scaling matrix with the given scale factor
- Scale factor can also be given as a number, a uniform vector of it will be created automatically
- Matrix4x4.RotationMatrix(quaternion: Quaternion)
- Creates a rotation matrix for the given quaternion
- Matrix4x4.TranslationMatrix(translation: Vector3)
- Creates a translation matrix from the given vector
- Matrix4x4.TRS(translation: Vector3, rotation: Quaternion, scale: Number|Vector3)
- Creates translation-rotation-scale matrix
- Matrix4x4.LocalToWorldMatrix(position: Vector3, rotation: Quaternion, scale: Number|Vector3)
- Creates a matrix that transforms from a local space to the world space
- The local coordinate system is at /position/ with /rotation/ according to the world space
- /scale/ is defined by (local space scale) / (world space scale)
- Matrix4x4.WorldToLocalMatrix(position: Vector3, rotation: Quaternion, scale: Number|Vector3)
- Creates a matrix that transforms from world space to a local space
- The local coordinate system is at /position/ with /rotation/ according to the world space
- /scale/ is defined by (local space scale) / (world space scale)
Public functions
- determinant() -> Number
- Determinant of the matrix
- inverse() -> Matrix4x4|undefined
- Inverse of the matrix, undefined if it is not unique
- negate() -> Matrix4x4
- The negative matrix computed by multiplying the matrix by -1
- transpose() -> Matrix4x4
- Transpose of the matrix
- add(matrix4x4: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4
- Returns the sum of two matrices
- sub(matrix4x4: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4
- Subtracts one matrix from another (this - matrix4x4)
- mul(matrix4x4: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4
- Right multiplies with the given matrix (this * matrix4x4)
- mulScalar(scalar: Number) -> Matrix4x4
- Multiplies the matrix with a scalar
- mulVector3(vector3: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Multiplies the matrix with the given vector
- Uses the homogeneous vector representation for the multiplication
A class to contain the position and the rotation of an object and create an object hierarchy.
var Vector3 = math3d.Vector3;
var Quaternion = math3d.Quaternion;
var Transform = math3d.Transform;
var t1 = new Transform(, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0));
var t2 = new Transform();
t2.parent = t1;
t2.translate(new Vector3(3,4,5));
t2.rotate(15, 20, 90, Transform.Space.World);
Static variables
- Space: An enumeration to decide in which coordinate system to operate
- Self: Applies transformation relative to the local coordinate system
- World: Applies transformation relative to the world coordinate system
- forward: Forward vector in world coordinate system (readonly)
- localPosition: Position in local coordinate system
- localRotation: Rotation in local coordinate system
- localToWorldMatrix: A matrix to transform points from local space to world space (readonly)
- name: Name of the object (default: "object")
- parent: Parent transform of the object (undefined if none)
- position: Position in world coordinate system
- right: Right vector in world coordinate system (readonly)
- root The topmost transform in the hierarchy (readonly)
- rotation: Rotation in world coordinate system
- up: Up vector in world coordinate system (readonly)
- worldToLocalMatrix: A matrix to transform points from world space to local space (readonly)
- Transform([position: Vector3], [rotation: Quaternion])
- Creates a transform object at the given position and rotation
- Parameters are optional with default values and Quaternion.identity respectively
Public functions
- addChild(child: Transform)
- Adds a child transform
- inverseTransformPosition(position: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Transforms position from world space to local space
- removeChild(child: Transform)
- Removes a child transform
- transformPosition(position: Vector3) -> Vector3
- Transforms position from local space to world space
- translate(translation: Vector3, [relativeTo: Transform.Space]) -> Transform
- Translates by /translation/ relative to /relativeTo/
- /relativeTo/ is optional with default value Transform.Space.Self
- rotate(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number, [relativeTo: Transform.Space]) -> Transform
- Rotates /z/ degrees around z-axis, /x/ degrees around x axis and /y/ degrees around y-axis relative to /relativeTo/ in that exact order
- /relativeTo/ is optional with default value Transform.Space.Self