Evaluates math expressions obeying order of operations and with support for units and trig functions.
import { MathParser, Unit } from "math-and-unit-parser";
try {
result = MathParser(expression, currentValue, {useDegrees, unit: Unit.INCHES, delimiters:{decimal: ".", group: ","}});
} catch (err) {
switch (err.errorType) {
case ErrorTypes.ParsingErrorType.EMPTY:
errorMessage = "Input is empty";
Throws specific errors that you can catch and handle how you like
"" throws ParsingErrorType.EMPTY
" \f\n\r\t\v" throws ParsingErrorType.EMPTY
"()" throws ParsingErrorType.EMPTY
"1(1+" throws ParsingErrorType.MISMATCHED_PARENS
"((1)" throws ParsingErrorType.MISMATCHED_PARENS
"(1))" throws ParsingErrorType.MISMATCHED_PARENS
"1 + (2 - (3 * (4 / (5)))))" throws ParsingErrorType.MISMATCHED_PARENS
"(1)1" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"1a" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"abc" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"a + b * c" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"1 2 3" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"12." throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"1 + 2 # 3" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR
"1 / (1 - 1)" throws EvaluationErrorType.DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
"50%" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_CURRENT_VALUE
"+" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_MORE_ARGUMENTS
"1 *" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_MORE_ARGUMENTS
"(1 + ) + 1" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_MORE_ARGUMENTS
"-" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_MORE_ARGUMENTS
"--" throws EvaluationErrorType.EXPECTED_MORE_ARGUMENTS
"-1 ^ 2 ^ 3.4" throws EvaluationErrorType.IMAGINARY_NUMBER
Evaluates most math expressions, obeying order of operations and parenthesis, and ignoring no-ops
"1" returns 1
"123" returns 123
"1.23" returns 1.23
".12" returns 0.12
"1e2" returns 100
"1e+2 + 3" returns 103
"1e-2 - 3" returns -2.99
"+1" returns 1
"++1" returns 1
"+++1" returns 1
"-1" returns -1
"--1" returns 1
"---1" returns -1
"((1))" returns 1
"1 + 2" returns 3
"1 + (2)" returns 3
"(1) + 2" returns 3
"+(1 + 2)" returns 3
"-(1 - 2)" returns 1
"1 + 2 * 3" returns 7
"1 + (2 * 3)" returns 7
"(1 + 2) * 3" returns 9
"1 ^ 2" returns 1
"-1 ^ 2" returns 1
"(-1) ^ 2" returns 1
"-(1 ^ 2)" returns -1
"4 ^ -2" returns 0.0625
"(-4 ^ 2)" returns 16
"2 * 2 ^ 3" returns 16
"2 * (2 ^ 3)" returns 16
"(2 * 2) ^ 3" returns 64
"2 ^ 2 ^ 3" returns 256
"2 ^ (2 ^ 3)" returns 256
"(2 ^ 2) ^ 3" returns 64
"1 + .2 * -3 / +4 ^ 5" returns 0.9994140625
Can operate on the current value
"+-+-1++--++--++--+2-3+4" returns 4
"50%" returns 7 with currentValue: 14
"%50" returns 7 with currentValue: 14
"50%-1" returns 6 with currentValue: 14
"25%*2" returns 8 with currentValue: 16
"2x" returns 6 with currentValue: 3
"x2" returns 6 with currentValue: 3
"3X" returns 12 with currentValue: 4
"2x-1" returns 7 with currentValue: 4
"2x*3" returns 6 with currentValue: 1
"/2" returns 3 with currentValue: 6
"*2" returns 12 with currentValue: 6
"+2" returns 8 with currentValue: 6
"+ 2" returns 8 with currentValue: 6
"-2" returns -2 with currentValue: 6
"- 2" returns 4 with currentValue: 6
"^2" returns 36 with currentValue: 6
Uses common constants and calculates trig functions
"E" returns Math.E
"e" returns Math.E
"pi" returns Math.PI
"Pi" returns Math.PI
"PI" returns Math.PI
"tau" returns 2 * Math.PI
"Tau" returns 2 * Math.PI
"TAU" returns 2 * Math.PI
"cos 180" returns Math.cos(Math.PI)
"cos(TAU)" returns Math.cos(2 * Math.PI) with config: {useDegrees: false}
"sin90.0" returns Math.sin(Math.PI / 2)
"50*sin45" returns 50 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4)
"sin(pi / 2)" returns Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) with config: {useDegrees: false}
"tan45" returns Math.tan(Math.PI / 4)
"tan(e)" returns Math.tan(Math.E) with config: {useDegrees: false}
"tan(e)/10" returns Math.tan(Math.E) / 10 with config: {useDegrees: false}
Converts units within math expressions and throws errors when trying to convert between different measure types
"10mm" returns 1 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"10mm+2" returns 3 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"7m" returns 700 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"3cm" returns 3 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"3cm*3" returns 9 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"3cm+3cm" returns 6 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"1mm" returns 0.1 with config: {unit: Unit.CENTIMETERS}
"10mm" returns 0.01 with config: {unit: Unit.METERS}
"7m" returns 7 with config: {unit: Unit.METERS}
"3cm" returns 0.03 with config: {unit: Unit.METERS}
"1mm" returns 0.001 with config: {unit: Unit.METERS}
"1ft" returns 12 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
"3.5ft" returns 3.5 * 12 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
"2'" returns 24 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
`2'+6"` returns 30 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
"12in" returns 1 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
"(1/2)in" returns 1 / 12 / 2 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
'6"' returns 0.5 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
`6' + 6"` returns 6.5 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
`6' + 6"` returns 6.5 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
`6'6"` returns 6.5 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
`6' 6"` returns 6.5 with config: {unit: Unit.FEET}
`6'6` returns 6 * 12 + 6 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
`6' 6` returns 6 * 12 + 6 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES}
`45deg` returns 45 with config: {unit: Unit.DEGREES}
`1rad` returns 1 with config: {unit: Unit.RADIANS}
`0rad` returns 0 with config: {unit: Unit.DEGREES}
`1rad` returns 57.29577951308232 with config: {unit: Unit.DEGREES}
`PI rad` returns 180 with config: {unit: Unit.DEGREES}
`180deg` returns Math.PI with config: {unit: Unit.RADIANS}
`180mm` throws ConversionErrorType.INCOMPATIBLE_MEASURES with config: {unit: Unit.NONE})
`180in` throws ConversionErrorType.INCOMPATIBLE_MEASURES with config: {unit: Unit.DEGREES})
`180deg` throws ConversionErrorType.INCOMPATIBLE_MEASURES with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES})
Can handle different delimiters and separators based on locale and throws errors when the wrong delimiter is used
`1,000` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
`1.000` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "."}}
`1 000` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: " "}}
`1.000` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "."}}
`1.000` returns 1 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
`.1` returns 0.1 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
`1,000.0` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
`1.000,0` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "."}}
`1 000,0` returns 1000 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: " "}}
`1 000,1 + 1 000,1` returns 2000.2 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: " "}}
`1.000,1 + 1.000,1` returns 2000.2 with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "."}}
`6'6"` returns 6 * 12 + 6 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES, delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "'"}}
`6'6` returns 6 * 12 + 6 with config: {unit: Unit.INCHES, delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: "'"}}
"1 00" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ",", group: " "}}
"1." throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
"1,0" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}
"1,000 000" throws ParsingErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR with config: {delimiters: {decimal: ".", group: ","}}