A module that helps users join some kind of social event such as a multiplayer game.
A Node.js module that helps users create, find, and join "events" such as a multiplayer game. You may think of this as a matchmaking lobby backend.
- Events are created by users.
- Users join events.
- Events have a required capacity.
- Events start when the event is at capacity.
- Events have a whitelist and a blacklist of users.
- If there's a whitelist, only users on the whitelist may join the event.
- If there's a blacklist, any user on the blacklist may not join the event.
- No user may join an event after the event has started.
- A user may fetch events with which they are somehow involved (created, whitelisted, joined)
- The creator of an event may cancel a pending event.
- Active/started events may not be canceled.
- The system auto-cancels or expires events that fail to start after some time.
- The larger the capacity, the more time the event has to start before auto-cancellation.
- A user may autojoin a compatible, pending event.
- Same desired capacity and event parameters
- An event's params is encoded as a string and can contain anything.
- This might encode a desired rules-of-play for a game for instance.
Runtime Dependencies
A running Redis instance.
npm i --save matchmaker-redis
const Redis = require('ioredis')
const redis = new Redis(process.env.REDIS_URL)
const matchmaker = require('matchmaker-redis')(redis)
An event looks like this:
event = {
id: string,
capacity: int,
params: string,
userIds: [string],
userAliases: [string],
startedAt: int
Create an event and wait for others to join it.
userId: string,
userAlias: string,
capacity: int,
params: string,
perUserTimeoutSec: int,
whitelist: [string],
blacklist: [string],
}) -> Promise(event)
Find a pending event with the given params and user count and join it.
userId: string,
userAlias: string,
capacity: int,
params: string,
}) -> Promise(event)
The creator may cancel an event before it auto-expires.
cancelEvent(userId, eventId) -> Promise(true)
Get the pending and active events the user has created, joined, or been whitelisted on.
getEventsFor(userId) -> Promise({
active: [event],
pending: [event]
Join a specific event. Usually in response to a user seeing that they are on a whitelist.
joinEvent(userId, userAlias, eventId) -> Promise(event)
PUBSUB Side Effects
When a user joins an event, a JSON message is published to channel events/${}
{ "type": "join",
"userId": string,
"userAlias": string }
When an event is canceled, a message is published to channel events/${}
{ "type": "cancel" }
Uses Redis for event coordination and storage but is not associated with any particular transport (HTTP, WebSockets, etc).
Running Tests
Note that the TEST_DB_NO
(default: 1) database will be cleared/flushed.
$ git clone ...
$ npm i
$ redis-server &
$ REDIS_URL=redis:// \
DEBUG=tests npm test