an MVC framework for Node
DEPRECATION WARNING: Matador has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained. We do not recommend continuing to use Matador.
Sane defaults and a simple structure, scaling as your application grows.
Matador is a clean, organized framework for Node.js architected to suit MVC enthusiasts. It gives you a well-defined development environment with flexible routing, easy controller mappings, and basic request filtering. It’s built on open source libraries such as SoyNode for view rendering, and connect.js to give a bundle of other Node server related helpers.
Get the CLI
$ npm install matador -g
Create an app
$ matador init my-app
$ cd my-app && npm install matador
Start your app
$ node server.js
Dancing with the Bulls
Build on your app
// app/config/routes.js
'/hello/:name': { 'get': 'Home.hello' }
// app/controllers/HomeController.js
hello: function (request, response, name) {
response.send('hello ' + name)
View Rendering
Uses SoyNode to render Closure Templates.
// app/controllers/HomeController.js
this.render(response, 'index', {
title: 'Hello Bull Fighters'
<!-- app/views/ -->
{namespace views.layout}
* Renders the index page.
* @param title Title of the page.
{template .layout autoescape="contextual"}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/main.css' type='text/css'>
{$ij.bodyHtml |noAutoescape}
{namespace views.index}
* Renders a welcome message.
* @param title Title of the page
{template .welcome}
<h1>Welcome to {$title}</h1>
(rendered with Closure Templates)
The app/config/routes.js
file is where you specify an array of tuples indicating where incoming requests will map to a controller
and the appropriate method. If no action is specified, it defaults to 'index' as illustrated below:
module.exports = function (app) {
return {
'/': 'Home' // maps to ./HomeController.js => index
, '/admin': '' // maps to ./admin/AdminController.js => show
You can also specify method names to routes:
module.exports = function (app) {
return {
'/posts': {
'get': 'Posts.index', // maps to PostsController.js => #index
'post': 'Posts.create' // maps to PostsController.js => #create
How can I organize my Models?
By default, Models are thin with just a Base and Application Model in place. You can give them some meat, for example, and embed Mongo Schemas. See the following as a brief illustration:
// app/models/ApplicationModel.js
module.exports = function (app, config) {
var BaseModel = app.getModel('Base', true)
function ApplicationModel() {
this.mongo = require('mongodb')
this.mongoose = require('mongoose')
this.Schema = this.mongoose.Schema
util.inherits(ApplicationModel, BaseModel)
return ApplicationModel
Then create, for example, a UserModel.js that extended it...
module.exports = function (app, config) {
var ApplicationModel = app.getModel('Application', true)
function UserModel() {
this.DBModel = this.mongoose.model('User', new this.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true, trim: true }
, email: { type: String, required: true, lowercase: true, trim: true }
util.inherits(UserModel, ApplicationModel)
return DBModel
UserModel.prototype.create = function (name, email, callback) {
var user = new this.DBModel({
name: name
, email: email
UserModel.prototype.find = function (id, callback) {
this.DBModel.findById(id, callback)
This provides a proper abstraction between controller logic and how your models interact with a database then return data back to controllers.
Take special note that models do not have access to requests or responses, as they rightfully shouldn't.
Model & Controller Inheritance
Matador uses the default node inheritance patterns via util.inherits
$ matador controller [name]
$ matador model [name]
Contributing & Development
Questions, pull requests, bug reports are all welcome. Submit them here on Github. When submitting pull requests, please run through the linter to conform to the framework style
$ npm install -d
$ npm run-script lint
Obviously, Dustin Senos & Dustin Diaz
Copyright 2012 Obvious Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: