A component for Angular using Angular Material that shows images as a grid of progressive images. The project contains a library component and a demo project.
An Angular material component showing images in a grid display. Based on the Progressive Image Grid of Dan Schlosser adapted to Angular Material.
About The Project
This project modifies the 'Progressive Image Grid' so that it can be used in an Angular Material project.
Try out the live demo.
Getting Started
To use this package in your project just follow these simple steps.
The package can be used in Angular apps with Angular Material installed.
Install the package from npmjs
npm install @bepo65/mat-image-grid
Embed Mat-Image-Grid In Your Project
Configure the mat-image-grid
in your application template and provide the necessary settings.
Important: mat-image-grid
must have a defined height, as the component uses height. 100%
in one of its subcomponents.
<mat-image-grid [urlForImage]="UrlForImage"> loading... </mat-image-grid>
protected UrlForImage = (
singleImageData: MigImageData,
imageWidth: number,
imageHeight: number,
) => {
// In this demo we use an url like ''
return `${singleImageData.imageId}/${imageWidth.toString(10)}/${imageHeight.toString(10)}`;
Besides this, we need a service that extends MatImageGridImageServiceBase
and provides a list with information about each image to display.
In the html part of your project, the mat-image-grid control must be embedded in a container with a defined height that is filled by the control (e.g. by using css flex or grid).
Mat-Image-Grid Demo
Demo project to show all features of Mat-Image-Grid.
git clone [email protected]:BePo65/mat-image-grid.git
cd mat-image-grid
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200
Css variables
The definition of a parameter to filter a list of images. 'T' defines the type describing an image.
| Name | Usage |
| -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --mat-image-grid-ease-duration: 500ms; | The time used as transition-duration
for moving the full image. |
| | |
Angular Material
The Mat-Image-Grid component uses Angular Material (the 'mat-progress-bar' component) and makes it necessary to activate a theme in the application using mat-image-grid (e.g. by inserting @import '@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css';
into the 'styles.scss' file of the application).
Basic buffer layout
Buffer layout when scrolling down
| images-grid |
| |
| |
|—————————————| <——— remove loaded image data before this point
| | ^
| | |
| | | containerHeight * PostViewportLoadBufferMultiplier
| | | image data already loaded from server but not added to DOM
| | |
| | v
|— . — . — . —| <——— render images from this point on
| | ^
| | |
| | | images added to DOM that are no more visible
| | | containerHeight * PostViewportDomBufferMultiplier
| | |
| | v
| | ^
| | |
| | | visible area (images container)
| | | containerHeight
| | |
| | v
| | ^
| | |
| | | images added to DOM that are not yet visible
| | | containerHeight * PreViewportDomBufferMultiplier
| | |
| | v
|— . — . — . —| <——— render images up to this point
| | ^ |
| | | |
| | | | containerHeight * PreViewportTriggerLoadBufferMultiplier
| | | |
| | | v
| | |++++++++++ <——— trigger loading of more image data,
| | | when PreViewportRenderedBuffer scrolls beyond this point
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | image data already loaded from server but not added to DOM
| | | containerHeight * PreViewportLoadBufferMultiplier
| | |
| | v
|—————————————| <——— load image data from server up to this point
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
When scrolling upward, Pre- and Post- multipliers change place.
API Reference
import { MatImageGrid } from '@bepo65/mat-image-grid';
Component to create an angular material .....
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| @Input() PostViewportLoadBufferMultiplier: number
| Multiplier to calculate the height of the buffer for image data still loaded, but no longer in the DOM; base is the height of the current viewport (default = 1). |
| @Input() PostViewportDomBufferMultiplier: number
| Multiplier to calculate the height of the buffer for images still in the DOM, but no longer visible; base is the height of the current viewport (default = 0.5). |
| @Input() PreViewportDomBufferMultiplier: number
| Multiplier to calculate the height of the buffer for images already in the DOM, but not yet visible; base is the height of the current viewport (default = 1). |
| @Input() PreViewportTriggerLoadBufferMultiplier: number
| Multiplier to calculate the position of the trigger point, where more image data is requested from the server; base is the height of the current viewport (default = 1). |
| @Input() PreViewportLoadBufferMultiplier: number
| Multiplier to calculate the height of the buffer for image data already loaded, but not yet in the DOM; base is the height of the current viewport (default = 3). |
| @Input() spaceBetweenImages: number
| Space (in 'px') between the rows of images (default = 8). |
| @Input() thumbnailSize: number
| Size (in 'px') of the shown thumbnails (scaled to the image size; default = 20). |
| @Input() withImageClickEvents: boolean
| Should this component emit events, when clicking the image (default = false). |
| @Input() urlForImage: UrlForImageFromDimensions = this.urlForSizeDefault
| Callback for getting the url for an image based on the given server data and size (default: url = '/ID/width/height'). |
| @Input() urlForThumbnail: UrlForImageFromDimensions = this.urlForImage
| Callback for getting the url for a thumbnail image based on the given server data and size (default: url = '/ID/width/height'). |
| @Input() createMigImage: CreateMigImage<ServerData, MigImage> = this.createMigImageDefault
| Callback for creating a new instance of the ProgressiveImage class (default: new instance of the ProgressiveImage class). |
| @Input() getMinAspectRatio: GetMinAspectRatio = this.getMinAspectRatioDefault
| Callback for getting the aspect minimal ratio for a given viewport size (default: getMinAspectRatioDefault). |
| @Input() getImageSize: GetImageSize = this.getImageSizeDefault
| Callback for getting the image size (height in pixels) to use for a given viewport size (default: getImageSizeDefault). |
| @Output() numberOfImagesOnServer: EventEmitter<number>
| Observable emitting the total number of images on the server. |
| @Output() numberOfImagesOnServerFiltered: EventEmitter<number>
| Observable emitting the number of images on the server after applying the current filter. |
| imageClicked: EventEmitter<Observable<ServerData>>
| Observable emitting the image data from the server, when clicking the image. |
| loading$: EventEmitter<Observable<boolean>>
| Observable emitting the state of loading the images list from the server. |
| | |
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| matImageGridImageService: MatImageGridImageServiceBase
| Service that acts as an interface to the database server. |
| | |
Interface for a component that fetches data from the datastore respecting sorting and filtering. The component is generic; the given type is used to define the object for an object with image data.
| | |
| ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| getPagedData
| Fetches data from the datastore respecting sorting and filtering. |
| Parameters |
| imagesRange: RequestRowsRange | The range of images to fetch. |
| sorts: FieldSortDefinition[] | The sort definitions to use. |
| filters: FieldFilterDefinition[] | The filter definitions to use. |
| Returns |
| Observable<Page> | Emitting fetched data from the datastore. |
| | |
Interface defining the properties of a page of images data returned from the datastore.
| Name | Description |
| ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| content:T[]
| The array of the requested images data. |
| startImageIndex
| The index of the first image returned. |
| returnedElements
| The number of images in 'content'. |
| totalElements
| The number of images in the unfiltered data store. |
| totalFilteredElements
| The number of images after filtering. |
| | |
This interface defines the parameters from the data store defining an image.
| Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| imageId: string
| ID of the image file (without query parameters etc; e.g. the filename). |
| aspectRatio: number
| Aspect ratio of the image (width / height). |
This interface defines the parameters of a configuration object for creating a new instance of the ProgressiveImage class.
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| container: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>
| The array of the requested images data. |
| thumbnailSize: number
| The number of images in 'content'. |
| lastWindowWidth: number
| The number of images after filtering. |
| withClickEvent?: boolean
| The number of images after filtering. |
| getImageSize: GetImageSize
| Get the size (height) of an image based on the last computed width of the images container. |
| urlForImage: UrlForImageFromDimensions
| Get the URL of an image based on the given server data (e.g. the imageId) and the image dimensions. |
| urlForThumbnail: UrlForImageFromDimensions
| Get the URL of a thumbnail image based on the given server data (e.g. the imageId) and the image dimensions. |
| | |
Interface defining the properties of a requests for a range of images data.
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| startImageIndex: number
| The index of the first image to return. |
| numberOfImages: number
| The number of images to return. |
| | |
Type Aliases
The definition of a generic function that creates an image instance from the server data ('singleImageData') and a configuration object of an image.
| | | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Generic types | | M extends MigImageData | The type of the data from the server describing the image. | | P extends ProgressiveImage | The type of the data describing an image. | | Parameters | | renderer: Renderer2 | The Renderer to be injected into the ProgressiveImage constructor. | | singleImageData: M | The data from the server describing the image.. | | index: number | The index of the image in the list of all images (0..n-1). | | configuration: MigImageConfiguration | The configuration data for this image. | | Returns | | P | A new instance of the class describing an image. | | | |
The definition of a parameter to filter a list of images. 'T' defines the type describing an image.
| | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | type FieldFilterDefinition = StrictUnion<(FieldFilterDefinitionSimple<T> | FieldFilterDefinitionRange<T>)>; | | |
The definition of a parameter filtering for a range of values.
| | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | type FieldFilterDefinitionSimple = { fieldName: keyof T valueFrom: string | number | Date valueTo: string | number | Date}; | | |
The definition of a parameter filtering for a single value.
| | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | type FieldFilterDefinitionSimple = { fieldName: keyof T value: string | number | Date}; | | |
The definition of a single sort parameter.
| | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | type FieldSortDefinition = { fieldName: keyof T sortDirection: SortDirectionAscDesc}; | | |
The definition of a function to get the image size (height in pixels) to use for this window width.
| | | | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | Parameters | | lastWindowWidth: number | The last computed width of the images container. | | Returns | | number | The size (height in pixels) of the images to load. | | | |
The definition of a function to get the minimum required aspect ratio for a valid row of images.
| | | | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | Parameters | | lastWindowWidth: number | The last computed width of the browser window. | | Returns | | number | The minimum aspect ratio at this window width. | | | |
The definition of a parameter defining the direction of a sort.
| | | ------------------------------------- | | type SortDirection = 'asc' | 'desc'; | | |
The definition of a function that gets the url of an image from the server data, the width and the height of an image.
| | | | ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | Parameters | | singleImageData: MigImageData | The properties of one image (e.g. containing the imageId). | | imageWidth: number | The width (in pixels) of the image. | | imageHeight: number | The height (in pixels) of the image. | | Returns | | string | The URL of the image. | | | |
The definition of the unload handler returned by renderer2.listen
| | | -------------------------------- | | type UnloadHandler = () => void; | | |
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
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- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
The project uses 'standard-version' to create the changelog. To enable this system, commit messages are linted before commits are executed by git.
To enable this system you have to run the following scripts in your local repository home directory:
npx husky install
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no -- commitlint --edit $1"
The structure of commit messages is:
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
type and scope
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scope: npm)
- docs: Documentation only changes
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests (example scopes: demo, lib, e2e)
BREAKING CHANGE: ... (requires MAJOR in Semantic Versioning)
For details of the commit messages format see Contributing to Angular.
Copyright © 2024 Bernhard Pottler.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
This project uses the fonts 'Roboto' and 'Material Icons' from the Google Fonts Library that are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
This project uses icons from the Google Material Icons Library that are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
As eslint
V9 requires a fundamental change to the configuration files, the update will be done in a later version.