This Cordova plugin enables to use `commerce-web` sdk in a Cordova project. `commerce-web` is a lightweight library used to integrate Merchants with [**EMV Secure Remote Commerce**]( and Mastercard's web-based
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Merchant Onboarding
- Installation
- Configuration
- Initialization
- Checkout Request
- Checkout
- Checkout Button
- Transaction Result
This Cordova plugin enables to use commerce-web
SDK in a Cordova project. commerce-web
is a lightweight library used to integrate Merchants with
EMV Secure Remote Commerce
and Mastercard's web-based SRC-Initiator. commerce-web
facilitates the initiation of the checkout experience and returns the
transaction result to the Merchant after completion.
The cordova plugin provides a wrapper around our App2Web SDKS - commerce-web-android
for Android and MCSCommerceWeb
for iOS Mobile platform.
We recommend Merchants to use our Cordova plugin only on Hybrid Mobile applications built using Apache Cordova framework. If you are building a full native application, we recommend directly integrating to our App2Web SDKs.
More information on App2Web SDKs can be found on the links below:
Link to commerce-web-android
Link to MCSCommerceWeb
for iOS:
Merchants looking to integrate our cordova plugin must complete the onboarding steps on Mastercard Developer Portal.
Steps for Merchant Onboarding:
- Create an account on Mastercard Developer Portal and follow the steps to create New "Click to Pay API" project.
- Once the project is setup, Merchant will be taken to the Project's dashboard. This page will help configure
for Sandbox/Prod environments along withcallbackUrl
It is very important to configure these values properly on the portal. If these values are not configured in proper format, merchant application will not be able to do successful checkout.
must be configured with an Intent
URI. Below is an example format of callbackUrl
for a sample merchant application named FancyShop
Example format of callbackUrl
: intent://{$host}}/#Intent;scheme={$scheme};package={$package_name};endChannel
: Android
must be configured as URL Schemes. Below is an example format of callbackUrl for a sample iOS merchant application named FancyShop
Example format of callbackUrl: fancyshop:// Channel: IOS
- The above steps completes onboarding procedure and now the Merchant App can begin cordova plugin installation.
To include app-to-web
plugin in Cordova Merchant application, run following command
$ cordova plugin add mastercard-cordova-commerceweb
To initialize SDK, a configuration object needs to be provided. Configuration object requires the following parameters:
: The unique identifier assigned to the merchant during onboarding.checkoutUrl
: The URL used to load the checkout experience. Note: when testing in the Sandbox environment, use
. For Production, use
: This is the locale in which the transaction is processing.allowedCardTypes
: The payment networks supported by this merchant (e.g. master, visa, amex)callbackScheme
: This must match the scheme component of thecallbackUrl
configured for this merchant. This value is required to redirect back to the merchant from the plugin. (IOS only
Configuration object can be created as shown below:
SDK Configuration Model Android
var configurationAndroid = {
"checkoutId": "{YOUR-CHECKOUT-ID}",
"checkoutUrl": "",
"locale": "en_US",
"allowedCardTypes": [
SDK Configuration Model IOS
var configurationIOS = {
"checkoutId": "{YOUR-CHECKOUT-ID}",
"checkoutUrl": "",
"allowedCardTypes": [
Before you can perform a checkout you need to initialize the SDK by calling initializeSdk
method, can be called as shown below:
Initialization SDK call
function initializeMethod() {
Checkout Request
: Data object with transaction-specific parameters
needed to complete checkout. This request can also override existing
merchant configurations.
Here are the required and optional fields:
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |--------------------------|------------|:----------:|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | amount | Double | Yes | The transaction total to be authorized | cartId | String | Yes | Randomly generated UUID used as a transaction id | currency | String | Yes | Currency of the transaction | callbackUrl | String | No | URL used to communicate back to the merchant application | cryptoOptions | Set<CryptoOptions> | No | Cryptogram formats accepted by this merchant | cvc2Support | Boolean | No | Enable or disable support for CVC2 card security | shippingLocationProfile | String | No | Shipping locations available for this merchant | suppress3Ds | Boolean | No | Enable or disable 3DS verification | suppressShippingAddress | Boolean | No | Enable or disable shipping options. Typically for digital goods or services, this will be set to true | unpredictableNumber | String | No | For tokenized transactions, unpredictableNumber is required for cryptogram generation | validityPeriodMinutes | Integer | No | The expiration time of a generated cryptogram, in minutes
Checkout Request Model Examples
Checkout Request Model Android
var checkoutRequestAndroid = {
"amount": 3.14,
"currency": "USD",
"cartId": create_UUID(),
"suppressShippingAddress": "false",
"cryptoOptions": [
Checkout Request Model IOS
var checkoutRequestIOS = {
"amount": 3.14,
"currency": "USD",
"cartId": create_UUID(),
"callbackUrl":"fancyshop:// | {YOUR-SCHEME}",
"suppressShippingAddress": "false",
"cryptoOptions": [
Create UUID
function create_UUID(){
var dt = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = (dt + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
dt = Math.floor(dt/16);
return (c=='x' ? r :(r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16);
return uuid;
After SDK initialization you can call checkout
with a CheckoutRequest
model, plugin will return Transaction ID
as a String inside the callback transactionId
Checkout SDK call
function checkoutMethod() {
var devicePlatform = device.platform;
if(devicePlatform === "iOS"){
function(transactionId, error){
document.getElementById("checkoutResponse").value="Checkout SDK Failed!";
//display transaction id
}else if(devicePlatform === "Android"){
function(transactionId, error){
document.getElementById("checkoutResponse").value="Checkout SDK Failed!";
//display transaction id
Checkout Button
Merchant can obtain our checkout button image calling the getCheckoutButton
by passing a checkoutRequest
model and listening for the callback getCheckoutButtonSuccess
cordova.plugins.mastercard.CordovaCommerceWeb.getCheckoutButton(checkoutRequest, getCheckoutButtonSuccess);
We return a Base64 encoded image to the merchant, it can be resize and display base on merchant needs
//html image tag with style class
<img id="checkoutButton" class="srcButton"></img>
//CSS to display image
background-size: 100%;
background-position: top center;
Get Checkout Button Image call
function getCheckoutButtonMethod() {
var getCheckoutButtonSuccess = function(checkoutButtonImage) {
//display image button to element on html
document.getElementById("checkoutButton").src = checkoutButtonImage;
cordova.plugins.mastercard.CordovaCommerceWeb.getCheckoutButton(checkoutRequest, getCheckoutButtonSuccess);
Android Specific
Transaction Result
The result of a transaction is returned to the application via an Intent
containing the transactionId
Intent Scheme
must be configured with an Intent
URI. The transaction result is returned to the activity configured to receive the Intent
would define a URI similar to
In order to receive the result, the application must declare an intent-filter
for the Activity
receiving the Intent
, the plugin already adds for you the intent filter, you only need to replace your scheme in the application AndroidManifest.xml
android:scheme="{YOUR SCHEME}"/>