functions to help you interact with files
###ImageMagick and GhostScript
osx> brew install imagemagick ghostscript
ubuntu> sudo apt-get install imagemagick ghostscript pdftk
###PDFtk Go to for official installation of PDFtk
#####getMetaData( [Buffer image] )
-> Object
Returns a promise of an object with metadata about the buffer, as told by ImageMagick.
fileType: 'pdf|png|jpg|etc...' [String]
width: document width in inches [Number]
length: document length in inches [Number]
numPages: number of images in the image sequence (number of pages in the PDF) [Number]
If ImageMagick's identify
tool can't handle the passed buffer, then the promise
is rejected.
var myDoc = Fs.readFileSync('myDoc.pdf');
.then(function (data) {
console.log(data.fileType); // 'PDF'
console.log(data.width); // '8.5'
console.log(data.length); // '11'
console.log(data.numPages); // '2'
#####validateUrl( [String url] )
-> String
Returns a promise that is rejected if the given URL is not valid. Otherwise it resolves to the URL.
.then(function doStuff (url) {
dependOnURLBeingValid(); // ok
#####getBuffer( [String url|Buffer buffer|Object options] )
-> Buffer
Takes a buffer, a URL, or an options object and return a Promise that resolves
to a buffer. If you pass an options object it is passed into the request.js
constructor, but if you don't supply a method
, timeout
, or encoding
, they
default to GET
, 10000
, and null
respectively. The promise always resolves
to a buffer which is either the passed buffer or the result of request.js
GET'ing the URL.
#####getStream( [String url] )
-> Stream
Takes a URL determines if it is valid and if so returns a readable stream.
If the URL is invalid or request.js
fails, the promise is rejected.
#####merge( [Buffer/Stream pdf], [Buffer/Stream pdf] )
-> Stream pdf
.then(function (myPic) {
return Fs.writeFileSync('myPic.jpg', myPic);
Merge two PDFs using pdftk
and returns a promise which resolves to the
resulting rotated pdf (as a stream.)
Could be rejected if pdftk
chokes on the files, or you don't have enough
disk space to write the results.
#####rotatePdf( [Buffer/Stream pdf], [Number degrees] )
-> Stream pdf
var first = Fs.readFileSync('firstHalf.pdf');
var second = Fs.readFileSync('secondHalf.pdf');
Massage.merge(first, second)
.then(function (merged) {
return Fs.writeFileSync('wholeThing.pdf', merged);
Returns a promise which resolves to the pdf, rotated clockwise by the given
number of degrees. Backed by ImageMagick convert
Could be rejected if convert
chokes on the buffer, or you don't have enough
disk space to write the results.
#####burstPdf( [Buffer/Stream pdf] )
-> [Stream]
var wrongWay = Fs.readFileSync('sideways.pdf');
Massage.rotatePdf(wrongWay, 90)
.then(function (rightWay) {
Fs.writeFileSync('corrected.pdf', rightWay);
Takes a multi-page PDF buffer and returns a promise of an array of 1-page pdf
streams. Backed by pdftk
's burst
utility. Always resolves to an array,
even if there's just one page in the PDF.
Could be rejected if pdftk
chokes on the buffer, or you don't have enough
disk space to write the results.
#####imageToPdf( [Buffer/Stream image], [Number dpi] )
-> Stream pdf
Takes a buffer containing an image file and converts it to pdf format
at the specified DPI. Returns a promise that resolves to a stream containing the
pdf file. Backed by ImageMagick convert
Could be rejected if convert
chokes on the buffer, or you don't have enough
disk space to write the results.
var jpegPic = Fs.readFileSync('me.jpg');
Massage.imageToPdf(jpegPic, 300)
.then(function (pdf) {
// pdf is a pdf of me.jpg