Transforms array of objects into a custom format. Was developed because I wanted my data to look a certain way after getting it from an API.
Transforms an array of objects into a custom format. Was developed because I wanted my data to look a certain way after retrieving data from an API. This library allows you to transform, add, delete, and rename fields.
npm install mass-data-transform
yarn add mass-data-transform
import transform from "mass-data-transform";
var transform = require("mass-data-transform");
How To Use
let transformedData = transform(arrObj, options);
arrObj : The array of objects
const arrObj = [{id:1,name:'Bulbasaur',{id:2,name:'Squirtle'}}]
options : an object that exists of up to 4 different key values - transformFields, addFields, deleteFields, and renameFields. All 4 are optional.
const options = {
transformFields:/*optional object here*/,
addFields:/*optional object here*/,
deleteFields:/*optional array here*/,
renameFields/*optional object here*/
Please refer to examples for more information.
options - in depth
transformFields: object that consists of the key value and functions used to transform the data.
addFields: object that consists of the new key value names and functions used for the new fields.
deleteFields: array that consists of the strings of the keys to be deleted.
renameFields: object that consists of the old key / new key.
The order of precedence for the operations is transform -> add -> delete -> rename.
Example set 1 - BASIC
//arrObj1 used for all examples in set 1
const arrObj1 = [
{ id: 1, enabled: true, name: "Anakin Skywalker" },
{ id: 2, enabled: true, name: "Ahsoka Tano" },
{ id: 3, enabled: false, name: "Darth Maul" }
//transformFields only
const options1 = {
transformFields: {
id: (r) => + 1,
name: (r) => + " The Chosen One",
enabled: (r) => (r.enabled = !r.enabled)
transform(arrObj1, options1);
{ id: 2, enabled: false, name: "Anakin Skywalker The Chosen One" },
{ id: 3, enabled: false, name: "Ahsoka Tano The Chosen One" },
{ id: 4, enabled: true, name: "Darth Maul The Chosen One" }
//addFields only
const options2 = {
addFields: {
alignment: (r) => ( < 3 ? "good" : "evil")
transform(arrObj1, options2);
{ id: 1, enabled: true, name: "Anakin Skywalker", alignment: "good" },
{ id: 2, enabled: true, name: "Ahsoka Tano", alignment: "good" },
{ id: 3, enabled: false, name: "Darth Maul", alignment: "evil" }
//deleteFields only
const options3 = {
deleteFields: ["enabled", "id"]
transform(arrObj1, options3);
[{ name: "Anakin Skywalker" }, { name: "Ahsoka Tano" }, { name: "Darth Maul" }];
//renameFields only
const options4 = {
renameFields: {
id: "newId",
enabled: "newEnabled"
transform(arrObj1, options4);
{ newId: 1, newEnabled: true, name: "Anakin Skywalker" },
{ newId: 2, newEnabled: true, name: "Ahsoka Tano" },
{ newId: 3, newEnabled: false, name: "Darth Maul" }
Example set 2 - INTERMEDIATE
//arrObj2 used for all examples in set 2
const arrObj2 = [
id: 0,
series: "bleach",
status: "enabled",
name: { firstName: "ichigo", lastName: "kurosaki" },
team: "soul society",
hasWife: true
id: 1,
series: "naruto",
status: "enabled",
name: { firstName: "naruto", lastName: "uzumaki" },
team: "leaf village",
hasWife: true
id: 2,
series: "fairy tail",
status: "disabled",
name: { firstName: "natsu", lastName: "dragneel" },
team: "fairy tail guild",
hasWife: false
options5 = {
transformFields: {
id: (r) => ("000" +
addFields: {
firstName: (r) =>,
lastName: (r) =>,
enabled: (r) => (r.status === "enabled" ? true : false)
deleteFields: ["name", "status"],
renameFields: {
hasWife: "hasPartner"
transform(arrObj2, options5);
id: "000",
series: "bleach",
enabled: true,
firstName: "ichigo",
lastName: "kurosaki",
team: "soul society",
hasPartner: true
id: "001",
series: "naruto",
enabled: true,
firstName: "naruto",
lastName: "uzumaki",
team: "leaf village",
hasPartner: true
id: "002",
series: "fairy tail",
enabled: false,
firstName: "natsu",
lastName: "dragneel",
team: "fairy tail guild",
hasPartner: false