A library of Haskell-style morphisms ported to ES2015 JavaScript using Babel.
Learn functional programming in ES2015 JavaScript from the principles and code patterns of Haskell
Make your own code more functional by using this library as it is or just implementing its ideas yourself
Now in version 1.0
- Comprehensive HTML documentation!
- Linting your mother would be proud of!
- Fully tested—with guaranteed 100% code coverage!
- Standalone browser bundles at no extra charge!
- Now ISC licensed!
- Not scary!
- Monads!
All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor. — Saunders Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician
In general, an arrow type will be a parameterised type with two parameters, supporting operations analogous to return and >>=. Just as we think of a monadic type m a as representing a 'computation delivering an a', so we think of an arrow type a b c (that is, the application of the parameterised type a to the two parameters b and c) as representing a 'computation with input of type b delivering a c'. — John Hughes, Generalising monads to arrows
In mathematics, a functor is a type of mapping between categories which is applied in category theory. Functors can be thought of as homomorphisms between categories. In the category of small categories, functors can be thought of more generally as morphisms. — Wikipedia, Functor
murphy come, murphy go, murphy plant, murphy grow, a maryamyriameliamurphies, in the lazily eye of his lapis — James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
maryamyriameliamurphies.js is a library of Haskell-style morphisms implemented in JavaScript using ECMAScript 2015 syntax. That is, it's a collection of pure functions designed to showcase in a more widely-used language than Haskell the ways and means of functional programming, for which the newest dialect of JavaScript has improved support. If you're interested in functional programming or even Haskell itself, but find that world intimidating, this library may be a useful conceptual bridge. The syntax I use will probably come across as unconventional, as it mirrors as closely as possible the terse, efficient style of Haskell. Eventually, however, you may find it easy enough to reason about, thanks to its relative lack of side effects and foundation in function composition. If you're curious about strange-sounding things like functors, monads, partial application, currying, and lazy evaluation, then there's something here for you.
First published entirely by chance on St. Patrick's Day, 2016.
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How to install
- Copy and paste the code. Go nuts.
git clone
this repo and then executenpm install && npm run compile
to compile the code.- Install with npm
npm install --save-dev maryamyriameliamurphies
How to use with npm if you clone
npm run compile
to run Babel on ES2015 code in./source
and output transpiled ES5 code to./distribution
.npm run lint
to run ESlint to check the source code for errors.npm test
to run Mocha on the test code in./test
.npm run cover
to run nyc on the source code and generate testing coverage reports.npm run doc
to run JSDoc to generate HTML documentation for the entire library.npm run bundle
to run Browserify to bundle the library for use in the browser.npm run clean
to delete all files in./distribution
.npm run build
to runclean
, anddoc
all at once.
These commands require that you have certain npm packages installed. See below.
How to test in the browser
- Create a new HTML file in the
directory, for examplemaryamyriameliamurphies.html
. - Paste this code into it, after any other content:
<script src="maryamyriameliamurphies.js"></script>
. - Open your browser's JavaScript console.
- Test functions using the library namespace, e.g.:
const m = require('maryamyriameliamurphies'); // yes, I know it's too long
const hello = str => { return m.print(`Hello ${str}!`), m.just(str); }
const str = m.just(`world`);
const sayHello = () => {
// "Hello world!"
// "Hello monad!"
Your mileage may vary, depending on which browser you use to test. This example works in the latest version of Chrome, but ES2015 syntax is not fully supported in Safari as of this writing.
Since the average explanation of functional programming terminology makes about as much sense to the average reader as the average page of Finnegans Wake, I gave this library a whimsical, literary name. Also, I'm an English literature Ph.D. student, and functional code strikes me as poetic (as "composed" in multiple senses) even though the technical explanations are impenetrably obtuse. All you need to know—in fact, all I understand—is that a pure function (or a morphism in general) simply describes how one thing can predictably transform into another. So a functional program, much like Joyce's final work, is an extended description of how things change.
These functions are experimental, as Haskell's type system translates only awkwardly to a JavaScript idiom, but I'd be delighted if any of them turn out to be useful. I tried hard to make them as pure as possible, which is why most (but not all) of them accept as arguments and return as values single values, and very few are defined as methods on prototypes. I also followed Haskell code patterns as closely as I could for each implementation (as much as it made sense to do so), resulting in a style that is sometimes extremely straightforward and sometimes bewilderingly terse.
There are two Haskell concepts that I use in the code that do not perfectly fit into the JavaScript way of doing things: the type class and the data type. In Haskell, a type class is similar to a protocol or trait in other programming languages. It describes an interface that objects conforming to it must implement.
A type class is a way of making fully parameterized types more useful by placing constraints on them. For example, the Eq
type class in this library provides functionality for comparing whether the objects that implement it are equal. Objects that provide their own isEq()
function will perform this test and return a boolean
. Note that Haskell type classes are in no way comparable to "classes" in OOP.
A data type, on the other hand, is much closer to an OO class definition, as it does describe a custom type. The Tuple
type is an example of a data type, as it represents a container for other, more basic values. As is often the case with objects in classical languages, instances of Haskell data types are created with special constructor functions that initialize them based on the arguments to those functions. A data type does not inherit (in the usual way) from other data types, however. Instead, it describes how constructor functions convert values passed in as arguments to those functions into the values that comprise that particular type.
As mentioned above, data types can be constrained (or not) by type classes, so as to provide additional functionality—Eq
is an example of this, as is Ord
, a type class that allows objects to be compared (greater than, less than, etc.). Tuple
implements both of these type classes, as one may rightly want to compare tuples or test them for equality, for example.
Since JavaScript is not a strongly typed language by nature, it seemed unnecessary to me (and, for better or worse, antithetical to the JS spirit) to recreate the entirety of Haskell's static type system, though I do provide a limited amount of type checking. Anyone interested in better type safety should probably be using something like PureScript or GHCJS. Instead, I use the new ES2015 class
pattern for data types with static methods defined on those classes to provide the functionality of type classes. Since the classes and their constructors are not exposed in the API this library provides, instances of data types must be created using specialized functions provided for this purpose. This keeps the static "type class" methods private and affords some degree of namespace protection for the data types.
ES2015 specifies tail call optimization, which will ensure that all the nifty Haskell-esque recursions this library uses won't blow up your call stack (when it's actually implemented).
See also
- Node - JavaScript runtime for the server
- npm - node package manager
- Babel - ES2015 and later to ES5 JavaScript compiler (see below)
- Mocha - testing framework
- Should - assertion library
- ESLint - static analysis of code for JavaScript
- nyc - a command line interface for istanbul compatible with ES2015
- JSDoc - documentation utility
Babel packages and plugins:
- babel-cli - command line interface
- babel-core - API for Node
- babel-plugin-istanbul - for test coverage with nyc
- babel-plugin-transform-runtime - for polyfilling libraries
- babel-preset-es2015 - default transforms
- babel-register - require hook for testing with Mocha
- babelify - Browserify transform
What the name of this library means
The word "maryamyriameliamurphies" occurs on pg. 293 of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. The two brothers Kev and Dolph (surrogates for the archetypal Shem and Shaun, who represent all rival brothers in history and myth) are having a math lesson. Dolph, the elder, is attempting to explain to Kev the first postulate of Euclid, which results in a rather prurient diagram of circles and triangles. Happily for me, as a functional programmer, it contains a λ
. If you want to find out about the naughtier significances of this diagram, you'll have to research that for yourself (hint: like functional programming, it involves "lifting"). In the middle of Dolph's explanation, Kev starts to daydream, hence all the invocations of "murphy," an allusion to Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams (also the common Irish surname, Murphy, as well as a slang word meaning both "potato" and "confidence game").
Here's my own interpretation of maryamyriameliamurphies:
- mary — A variant of the interjection "marry" common during the early modern period. It expresses surprise or outrage, more or less equivalent to "wow!" Also a mild oath, since it refers to the Virgin Mary (as pure as a monadic interface, she was).
- myria — Probably the word myriad, "many people or things." Also the ancient Greek word for 10,000, though used just as often to mean an uncountably large number of things (because who would ever need to count higher than 10,000?).
- melia — Similar to the Latin word for a thousand (mille), but it also looks to me like the plural of the Greek word for "honey," which can also be used to describe something sweet (or, at a stretch, the Latin word "meliora" meaning "better than").
- murphies — As an allusion to Morpheus, refers to the Greek word for "form" since dreaming is an experience of many forms shifting and changing. A "morphism" is also another word for a "mapping" or "function" in various branches of mathematics, though it's doubtful this would have occurred to Joyce.
maryamyriameliamurphies — Wow, a whole bunch of sweet functions!
See the online documentation for more extensive explanations and examples. The online docs can also be generated locally with JSDoc if you git clone
or npm install
this repo.
Basic functions
See Haskell Data.Function and Prelude.
Partially applies argumentsas
to functionf
Composes functionf
with another functiong
Reverses the order of arguments to a
. The identity function.constant(a, b)
, discardingb
.until(pred, f, x)
is true.and(a, b)
Boolean "and".or(a, b)
Boolean "or".not(a)
Boolean "not".even(a)
Return true ifa
is even.odd(a)
Return true ifa
is odd.isEmpty(a)
Return true ifa
is an empty list, tuple, or
Return a string representation of a value (for data types from this library).print(a)
Display the results ofshow
on the console.
See Haskell Eq.
isEq(a, b)
Returns true ifa
.isNotEq(a, b)
Returns true ifa
does not equalb
See Haskell Ord.
Ordering for equals.LT
Ordering for less than.GT
Ordering for greater, b)
Return the Ordering ofa
as compared tob
.lessThan(a, b)
Return true ifa
is less thanb
.lessThanOrEqual(a, b)
Return true ifa
is less than or equal tob
.greaterThan(a, b)
Return true ifa
is greater thanb
.greaterThanOrEqual(a, b)
Return true ifa
is greater than or equal tob
.max(a, b)
Return the greater ofa
.min(a, b)
Return the lesser ofa
See Haskell Monoid.
Return the identity for the monoid.mappend(a, b)
Perform an associative operation on two monoids.mconcat(a)
Fold a list using the monoid.
See Haskell Functor.
fmap(f, a)
Map the functionf
over the functora
.fmapReplaceBy(a, b)
Replace allb
in a functor.
See Haskell Applicative.
pure(f, a)
into applicative contextf
.ap(f, a)
Apply applicative functionf
to applicative valuea
.apFlip(f, a, b)
with its arguments reversed.then(a1, a2)
Sequence actions, discarding the value ofa1
.skip(a1, a2)
Sequence actions, discarding the value ofa2
.liftA(f, a)
Lift functionf
into applicative contexta
.liftA2(f, a, b)
Lift binary functionf
into applicative contexta
See Haskell Monad.
inject(m, a)
Inject valuea
into monadic contextm
.flatMap(m, f)
Bind functionf
to the value contained in monadic contextm
.chain(m, f)
Sequence actions, ignoring the value of the monadic contextm
.bindFlip(f, m)
with its arguments reversed.join(m)
Remove one level of monadic structure, likeconcat
.liftM(f, m)
Lift a functionf
into monadic contextm
Wrap a monadm
in a special container for the purpose of chaining actions, in imitation of Haskell's "do" notation.
See Haskell Foldable.
Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid.foldMap(f, a)
to each element in monoida
.foldr(f, z, t)
Fold functionf
over monoidt
with accumulatorz
See Haskell Traversable.
traverse(f, a)
over each element in monoida
and collect the results of evaluating each action.mapM(f, m)
for monads.sequence(m)
Evaluate each action in monadic structurem
and collect the results.
See Haskell Maybe.
Insert a value into a Maybe monad, returningJust a
.maybe(n, f, m)
to the value in Maybem
or returnn
Return true ifa
is a Maybe.isJust(m)
Return true if Maybem
Return true if Maybem
Extract the value from Maybem
, throwing an error ifm
.fromMaybe(d, m)
Extract the value from Maybem
, returningd
on an empty list orJust a
is the first element of the list.maybeToList(m)
Return an empty list ifm
or a singleton list [a
] ifm
isJust a
Return a list of allJust
values from a list of Maybes.mapMaybe(f, as)
(that returns a Maybe) over a list and return a list of eachJust
See Haskell Tuple.
Create a new tuple from any number of values.fst(p)
Return the first element of a tuple.snd(p)
Return the second element of a tuple.curry(f, x, y)
taking argumentsx
into a curried function.uncurry(f, p)
Convert curried functionf
taking argument tuple pairp
into an uncurried function.swap(p)
Swap the first two values of a tuple.isTuple(a)
Return true ifa
is a tuple.fromArrayToTuple(a)
Convert an array into a tuple.fromTupleToArray(p)
Convert a tuple into an array.
See Haskell List.
Basic functions
Create a new list from a series of values.listRange(start, end, f, filter)
Create a new list fromstart
using step functionf
with values optionally filtered byfilter
.listFilter(start, end, filter)
Create a new list of consecutive values, filtered usingfilter
.listRangeLazy(start, end)
Create a new list of consecutive values fromstart
, using lazy evaluation.listRangeLazyBy(start, end, step)
Create a new list fromstart
incremented by step functionstep
, using lazy evaluation.listAppend(as, bs)
Append listas
to listbs
.cons(x, xs)
Create a new list with headx
and tailxs
Extract the first element of a list.last(as)
Extract the last element of a list.tail(as)
Extract the elements of a list after the head.init(as)
Extract all elements of a list except the last one.uncons(as)
Decompose a list into its head and tail.empty(t)
Test whether a foldable structure is empty.length(as)
Return the length of list.isList(a)
Return true ifa
is a list.fromArrayToList(a)
Convert an array into a list.fromListToArray(as)
Convert a list into an array.fromListToString(as)
Convert a list into a string.fromStringToList(as)
Convert a string into a list.
List transformations
map(f, as)
Map the functionf
over the elements in listas
Reverse the elements of a list.intersperse(sep, as)
Intersperse the separatorsep
between the elements ofas
.intercalate(xs, xss)
Intersperse the listxs
between the lists inxss
(a list of lists).transpose(lss)
Transpose the "rows" and "columns" of a list of lists.
Reducing lists
foldl(f, z, as)
Fold a listas
from right to left, using functionf
and accumulatorz
Special folds
Concatenate the elements in a list of lists.concatMap(f, as)
Map the functionf
(that returns a list) over the listas
and concatenate the result list.
Building lists
scanl(f, q, ls)
Reduce a listls
from right to left using functionf
and accumulatorq
and return a list of successive reduced values.scanr(f, q0, as)
but scans the listas
from right to left.
Infinite lists
Return an infinite list of consecutive values beginning withstart
.listInfBy(start, step)
Return an infinite list of values, incremented with functionstep
, beginning withstart
.iterate(f, x)
Return an infinite list of repeated applications off
Return an infinite list in which all the values area
.replicate(n, x)
Return a list of lengthn
in which all values arex
Return the infinite repetition of a list.
take(n, as)
Return the prefix of a list of lengthn
.drop(n, as)
Return the suffix of a list after discardingn
values.splitAt(n, as)
Return a tuple in which the first element is the prefix of a list and the second element is the remainder of the list.takeWhile(pred, as)
Return the longest prefix of a list of values that satisfy the predicate functionpred
.dropWhile(pred, as)
Drop values from a list while the predicate functionpred
returns true.span(pred, as)
Return a tuple in which the first element is the longest prefix of a list of values that satisfy the predicate functionpred
and the second element is the rest of the list.spanNot(pred, as)
Return a tuple in which the first element is the longest prefix of a list of values that do not satisfy the predicate functionpred
and the second element is the rest of the list.stripPrefix(as, bs)
Drop the prefixas
from the listbs
Take a list and return a list of lists such that the concatenation of the result is equal to the argument. Each sublist in the result contains only equal values.groupBy(eq, as)
Take a list and return a list of lists such that the concatenation of the result is equal to the argument. Each sublist in the result is grouped according to functioneq
lookup(key, assocs)
Look upkey
in the association listassocs
.filter(f, as)
Return the list of elements fromas
to satisfy the predicate functionf
index(as, n)
Return the value inas
at indexn
.elemIndex(a, as)
Return the index of the first value inas
equal toa
if there is no such value.elemIndices(a, as)
Return the indices of all values inas
equal toa
, in ascending order.find(pred, xs)
Return the first value inxs
that satisfies the predicate functionpred
if there is no such value.findIndex(pred, xs)
Return the index of the first value inxs
that satisfies the predicate functionpred
if there is no such value.findIndices(pred, xs)
Return the indices of all values inxs
that satisfypred
, in ascending order.
Zipping and unzipping lists
zip(as, bs)
Take two lists and return a list of corresponding pairs.zip3(as, bs, cs)
for three lists.zipWith(f, as, bs)
using functionf
.zipWith3(f, as, bs, cs)
Zip three lists using functionf
"Set" operations
Remove duplicate values from a list.nubBy(eq, as)
Remove duplicate values from a list, testing equality using functioneq
.deleteL(a, as)
Remove the first occurrence ofa
.deleteLBy(eq, a, as)
Remove the first occurrence ofa
, testing equality using functioneq
.deleteFirsts(as, bs)
Remove the first occurrence of each value ofas
.deleteFirsts(eq, as, bs)
Remove the first occurrence of each value ofas
, using functioneq
to test for equality.
Ordered lists
Sort a list.sortBy(cmp, as)
Sort a list using comparison functioncmp
Sort a list using a merge sort algorithm.mergeSortBy(cmp, as)
Merge sort a list using comparison functioncmp
.insert(e, ls)
at the first position inls
where it is less than or equal to the next element.insertBy(cmp, e, ls)
at the first position inls
using comparison functioncmp
Utility functions
Throws an error with messagee
Defines a type class that requires implementations ofmethods
Returns the data type ofa
(a synonym fora.constructor
Returns the type ofa
as defined by this library ortypeof
otherwise.typeCheck(a, b)
Checks whethera
are the same type.