Marx was created in the memory of late Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 - 1883). This is a small tribute to honour his writings including the legendary book "The Communist Manifesto". A wysiwyg editor with blend in styles, formatting, font families and everythi
Marx was created in the memory of late Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 - 1883). This is a small tribute to honour his writings including the legendary book "The Communist Manifesto". A wysiwyg editor with blend in styles, formatting, font families and everything needed to make your rich text edit experience euphoric
Add the package as a dependency to your project using:
npm i marx-editor
Add the module to your app.module imports:
import { MarxEditorModule } from 'marx-editor';
imports: [ MarxEditorModule ],
Simply include the marx-editor within your component template file
Optional Configurations
[editorConfig]="<configuration object>"
[(ngModel)]="<two way binding variable>"
(comment)="<function which will receive the editor data as event>"
(sendSavedFiles)="<function which will receive the files uploaded (array of files) as event>">
The editor operates in two modes i.e 'basic' and 'prime'. The prime mode contains all the text formatting options like font-color, text-background color, font-size, text-alignment, font-style like h1, h2, h3 and paragraph tags, and font-families like verdana, arial, georgia, impact, courier new, tahoma
Configuration Options
The following optional configuration items can be used.
| Option | Description
| --- | ---
| editorConfig | Object containing the configurations for the marx-editor. |
| ngModel | Marx-editor is two way bindable and can be used with ngModel |
Keys within the editorConfig object
The following optional keys can be used
| Option | Type | Description
| --- | --- | ---
| mode | 'basic' or 'prime' | Optional field that specifies the mode of the editor you want to use, by default the editor runs in basic mode
| link | boolean | Optional field to enable or disable adding link in the editor
| urlValue | string | Optional field that acts as a label for url value in Add Link popup
| urlText | string | Optional field that acts as a label for url value in Add Link popup
| urlTitle | string | Optional field that acts as a label for url value in Add Link popup
| validUrlMessage | string | Optional field that displays error message for invalid url value in Add Link popup
| urlPlaceHolder | string | Optional field that acts as a placeholder for url value in Add Link popup
| textPlaceholder | string | Optional field that acts as a placeholder for url text in Add Link popup
| titlePlaceholder | string | Optional field that acts as a placeholder for url title in Add Link popup
| configFontStyle | boolean | Optional field that enables or disables font-style option in editor i.e H1, H2, H3 & P tags
| file | boolean | Optional field to enable or disable file upload option inside the editor. |
| id | string | Optional field to add a unique id for each instance of editor, by default each instance of editor created has a unique id |
| zIndex | number | Optional field to set zIndex of the add link or add files popup , default is 100000 |
| maxHeight | string | Optional field to set max-height of editor after which scrollbar appears inside the editor |
| placeholder | string | Optional field to display a message when editor is empty. |
| toolbarPlacement | 'top' or 'bottom' | Optional field to diplay the toolbar at the top or bottom, by default the toolbar is placed at the bottom |
| colorPalette | boolean | Optional field to enable or disable font and text-background color options in toolbar. |
| buttonName | string | Optional field to display a submit button in the editor toolbar that emits all the editor html data on click |
| buttonDisabled | boolean | Optional field to enable or disable the submit button that is present in the toolbar |
| mentionedNames | Array i.e [{id: 8, name: 'Alec'},...] | Optional field to add name tribute inside the editor and trigger a list of names with @ button in toolbar or keyboard @ button |
| mentionedDates | Array i.e ['12/1/2020', '11/2/2021',....] | Optional field to add date tribute inside the editor and trigger a list of date strings with # button in the toolbar or keyboard # button |
Output Events
The following output events can be used.
| Output | Description |
| --- | --- |
| @Output() comment EventEmitter<string>
| Emitted whenever the user clicks on the submit button and it clears the editor and emits whatever data that was present in the editor
| @Output() sendSavedFiles EventEmitter<any[]>
| Emitted when the user uploads a list of files through the editor.