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Marmiton API
A web-scraper made to get recipes from Documentation
Starting with version 3.0, node >= 18.0.0 is required. If you need this project to work with any older node version, stick with marmiton-api 2.X
NOTE : This scrapper is meant to be used on the server-side. Using the scrapper on the client-side will lead to CORS issues.
npm install marmiton-api
import { searchRecipes, MarmitonQueryBuilder, RECIPE_PRICE, RECIPE_DIFFICULTY, Recipe } from 'marmiton-api'
const qb = new MarmitonQueryBuilder();
// A query builder is provided to make complex queries
const query = qb
// Fetch the recipes
const recipes: Recipe[] = await searchRecipes(query)
By default, 12 recipes will be returned, as it's the number of items per page in the website.
This number can be changed with the limit
const recipes: Recipe[] = await searchRecipes(query, { limit: 48 })
Sample result :
"author": "lina_16542241",
"ingredients": [
"1 pot de yaourt soja nature",
"1/2 pot d'huile",
"2 pots de sucre",
"2 pots de farine",
"1 pot de maïzena",
"1 oeuf",
"1/2 sachet de levure",
"Noix de coco rapée",
"Chocolat fondu, etc..."
"tags": ["Dessert", "Végétarien", "Petits gâteaux", "Gâteau", "Muffin"],
"steps": [
"Préchauffer le four à 180°C (thermostat 6).",
"Dans un saladier, vider le pot de yaourt. Celui-ci servira de mesure.",
"Ajouter l'huile. Mélanger.",
"Ajouter le sucre. Mélanger.",
"Ajouter la farine, puis la maïzena et la levure (tamisées si possible), tout en mélangeant.",
"Ajouter l'oeuf. Bien mélanger.",
"Ajouter à votre guise chocolat ou autre douceur pour obtenir des muffins encore meilleurs. Ils sont aussi très bons natures.",
"Cuire pendant 15-20 min à 180°C dans des moules adaptés."
"people": 12,
"budget": 1,
"difficulty": 2,
"prepTime": 20,
"totalTime": 35