Frontend framework with Fluent-API
Markupless Front-End Framework
Markupless is a lightweight, minimal front-end framework that eliminates the need for traditional HTML templates or JSX. Instead, it provides a seamless way to create and manage DOM elements using pure JavaScript functions. With reactive state management built-in, building interactive UIs has never been easier.
Key Features
- No Markup: No more HTML or JSX. Create UI components directly with JavaScript.
- Reactive State Management: Automatically update your UI when the state changes.
- Lightweight and Fast: Focused on performance and simplicity.
- Functional Approach: Embrace a functional programming style for UI creation.
To get started with Markupless
, simply install the package:
npm install markupless
Example Usage
Here's a basic example to demonstrate a todo list built with Markupless
. This example showcases state management and reactive UI updates without any traditional markup.
import { el, app, state, reactive } from 'markupless';
// Define state variables
const todos = state<string[]>([]);
const todo = state<string>("");
// Function to update the todo list
const updateTodo = () => {
const newTodo = todo.get();
// Check if newTodo is a single word or multiple words
if (newTodo.split(' ').length === 0 && newTodo.trim()) {
todos.update(current => [...current, newTodo.trim()]);
} else {
todos.update(current => [...current, ...newTodo.split(" ")])
todo.set(''); // Reset input field
// Define the app structure
el('div').class('container').child(() => [
reactive(todos, () =>
el('ul').class('todo-list').child(() =>
todos.get().map((todoItem, index) =>
.on('click', () => {
// Remove todo item on click
todos.update(current =>
current.filter((_, i) => i !== index)
// Input field for new todo
el('input').value(todo).on('keyup', (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
// Button to add new todo
.setText('Add Todo')
.on('click', updateTodo)
How It Works
- State Management: The
function creates reactive state variables that automatically update the DOM when changed. - Element Creation: Use the
function to create HTML elements. It supports chaining methods likeclass
, andon
for event listeners. - Reactivity: The
function listens for changes in state and automatically re-renders the necessary parts of the DOM. - App Initialization: The
function mounts the component structure onto the DOM.
el(tag: string): Element
Creates a new Element
object with the specified HTML tag.
const button = el('button').setText('Click me');
Element.class(className: string): Element
Adds a class to the element.
Element.setText(text: string): Element
Sets the text content of the element.
el('p').setText('Hello World');
Element.value(state: any): Element
Binds the value of an element to a reactive state
Element.setStyle(styles: { [key: string]: string }): Element
Sets inline CSS styles for the element.
el('div').setStyle({ color: 'red', backgroundColor: 'blue' });
Element.on(eventName: keyof HTMLElementEventMap, handler: (event: Event) => void): Element
Adds an event listener to the element.
el('button').on('click', () => alert('Button clicked!'));
Element.child(childrenFn: () => (Element | string)[]): Element
Defines children elements dynamically based on a function. Useful for reactive rendering.
el('div').child(() => [
el('span').setText('Child 1'),
el('span').setText('Child 2')
Element.child(...children: (Element | string)[]): Element
Adds static child elements to the element.
el('div').child(el('span').setText('Hello'), el('span').setText('World'));
app(props: ElementProps, root: Element): void
Initializes the app and mounts the component tree to the DOM.
app({}, el('div').setText('Hello App!'));
state<T>(initialValue: T):
Creates a reactive state object.
const count = state(0);
count.get(); // 0
count.set(5); // update state
: Returns the current value of the state.set
: Updates the state value.subscribe
: Adds a subscriber function that gets called when the state changes.update
: Updates the state based on the current value.bindElement
: Binds a state value to an element, typically for input binding.
reactive(state: any, renderFn: () => Element): Element
Creates a reactive element that re-renders whenever the state changes.
reactive(count, () => el('p').setText(`Count: ${count.get()}`));
Markupless is licensed under the MIT License.