A CLI for marked-it. Performs markdown->HTML and (optionally) TOC generation for a collection of markdown source files.
A command-line interface for marked-it that adds support for conref attributes, uniform headers/footers, and .pdf generation. Check out the full documentation for marked-it.
npm install -g marked-it-cli
You may need to sudo
the above command since it installs globally.
marked-it-cli <sourceDirectory> --output=<destinationDirectory> [OPTIONS]
Required Arguments
The path of the directory containing source Markdown files. Subdirectories will be recursed.
The path of the directory to write generated files to. Directory structures from the source directory will be replicated here.
Overwrite output files that already exist
Disable processing of Kramdown-style attribute lists
Disable processing of Jekyll-style front matter blocks
Generate a toc.xml file for directories containing a valid toc file
Set the maximum header level that will appear in toc files (default=3)
Output verbose details
Output even more verbose details
Generate .pdf files
Path to the file with PDF generation options
Path to the file with content to be prepended to the generated .html
Path to the file with content to be appended to the generated .html
Path to the file containing DITA-style variable definitions
PDF Generation
For PDF file generation to succeed, wkhtmltopdf must be installed and the path to its binary must be in the OS' PATH environment variable. Note that on Windows the wkhtmltopdf arch (32-/64-bit) must match that of the node.js being used.
If --pdfOptionsFile
is not specified then all default options will be used. Custom options are specified in strict JSON format as the camel-cased equivalents of the options described in the wkhtmltopdf options. For an example see included file example/examplePDFoptions
The "examples" directory demonstrates the CLI's features. To generate it use command:
node ./bin/marked-it-cli ./example --output=./exampleOutput --extension-file=./example/headerFooterExt.js --gen-pdf --pdf-options-file=./example/pdfOptions --keyref-file=./example/keyref.yaml --toc-xml