MarkdownUp is a Markdown viewer
MarkdownUp is a Markdown viewer.
View Local Markdown Files
To view local Markdown files, use the MarkdownUp launcher from a terminal prompt:
pip install markdown-up
Host Markdown Web Pages
To host a Markdown resource, download the MarkdownUp application stub to the directory containing your Markdown files:
curl -O
To test your Markdown page, start a local static web server:
python3 -m http.server
By default, MarkdownUp fetches the "" resource. To change the default resource, update the application stub file, index.html. For example:
<script type="module">
import {MarkdownUp} from '';
const app = new MarkdownUp(window, {'url': ''});;
To view a different Markdown resource, set the application's "url" hash parameter (i.e., "").
Dynamic Markdown Applications
Using MarkdownUp's "markdown-script" fenced code blocks, you can dynamically generate Markdown, allowing you to build lightweight, client-rendered web applications with no HTML, no CSS, and a single dependency (MarkdownUp). The "markdown-script" fenced code blocks are interpreted as the BareScript programming language. In addition to generating Markdown, you can fetch text and JSON resources, create SVG drawings, parse CSV, render data tables, draw line charts, and more. For more information, see the MarkdownUp Library.
For example:
# Dynamic Markdown Example
~~~ markdown-script
# Variable arguments
helloCount = if(vCount != null, vCount, 3)
# Constants
width = 200
height = 60
borderSize = 5
# Render the more/less menu
markdownPrint( \
'', \
if(helloCount <= 1, 'Less', '[Less](#var.vCount=' + (helloCount - 1) + ')') + ' | ', \
'[More](#var.vCount=' + (helloCount + 1) + ')' \
# Render many hellos
ixHello = 0
while ixHello < helloCount:
# Render the hello title
helloTitle = 'Hello #' + (ixHello + 1)
markdownPrint('', '## ' + helloTitle)
# Render the hello drawing
drawNew(width, height)
drawStyle('red', borderSize, 'blue')
drawRect(0.5 * borderSize, 0.5 * borderSize, width - borderSize, height - borderSize)
drawTextStyle(0.67 * height, 'white', true)
drawText(helloTitle, 0.5 * width, 0.55 * height)
ixHello = ixHello + 1
Click here to see the example in action.
The MarkdownUp Include Library
MarkdownUp provides some additional functionality that can be included at runtime. Consider the following example that uses the unittest.mds system library:
include <unittest.mds>
function testSanity():
unittestEqual(1 + 1, 2)
See the MarkdownUp Include Library documentation for more information on the available include libraries.
Debug Mode
Debug mode logs the script runtime duration and runs the BareScript linter, which performs static code analysis on your code and reports warnings for any issues found.
Debug mode also enables debug logging using the systemLogDebug function. For example:
systemLogDebug('Hello debug')
To turn on debug mode, click the debug button in the MarkdownUp menu in the upper-right of the page.
- MarkdownUp Application Examples
- The BareScript Language
- The MarkdownUp Library
- The MarkdownUp Include Library
The MarkdownUp Package
The markdown-up package exposes various functionality of the MarkdownUp application, such as rendering data tables and charts. For more information, refer to the MarkdownUp package documentation.
This package is developed using javascript-build. It was started using javascript-template as follows:
template-specialize javascript-template/template/ markdown-up/ -k package markdown-up -k name 'Craig A. Hobbs' -k email '[email protected]' -k github 'craigahobbs'