Use Mapwize Indoor Maps in your Cordova app
Mapwize Cordova Plugin
Use this plugin to integrate native Mapwize indoor maps in your iOS and Android Cordova apps.
This plugin is open-source. Don't hesitate to contribute to it!
For documentation about Mapwize SDK objects like Venue, Place, MapOptions... Please refer to the Mapwize SDK documentation on
The plugin is compatible with Cordova 8 / cordova-ios 4.5+ / cordova-android 8.0+ / iOS 10+ / Android 5+.
Demo app
A simple Ionic app using the plugin is available in this repository mapwize-cordova-demo. It's a great way to see how it works.
Installing plugin
cordova plugin add mapwize-cordova-plugin \
or from github
cordova plugin add \
Setting up your ionic project
Configure Android launchMode in config.xml.
<preference name="androidLaunchMode" value="singleTask" />
To use the plugin, declare Mapwize symbol for your components.
import ...;
declare var Mapwize : any;
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
Creating MapwizeView
this.mapwizeView = Mapwize.createMapwizeView(
floor: 0,
language: "en",
universeId: "",
restrictContentToVenueId: "",
restrictContentToOrganizationId: "",
centerOnVenueId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
centerOnPlaceId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
showCloseButton: true,
showInformationButtonForPlaces: true,
showInformationButtonForPlaceLists: false,
mainColor: #FF0000,
menuButtonIsHidden: true,
followUserButtonIsHidden: true,
floorControllerIsHidden: true,
compassIsHidden: true
() => {
// Handle successfull creation
}, (err) => {
// Handle failed creation
console.log("Error: " + err.message + ", localized message: " + err.locMessage);
Additional parameters
showCloseButton: <<boolean>>, hide/show close button on MapwizeView (default: false)
showInformationButtonForPlaces: <<boolean>>, hide/show Information button on selecting a Place in case the Place doesn't include the "cordovaShowInformationButton" flag. (default: true)
showInformationButtonForPlaceLists: <<boolean>>, hide/show Information button on selecting a PlaceList in case the PlaceList doesn't include the "cordovaShowInformationButton" flag.
(default: true)
mainColor: The main color of Mapwize in hex form either #FF0000 or #99FF0000,
UISettings fields
menuButtonIsHidden: Is menu button hidden true/false
followUserButtonIsHidden: Is follow user button hidden true/false
floorControllerIsHidden: Is floor controller button hidden true/false
compassIsHidden: Is compass hidden true/false
Callback functions
To receive callbacks you need to set the supported callback functions.
DidLoad: function() {
// Handle DidLoad
DidTapOnFollowWithoutLocation: function(arg) {
console.log("The cordova result(DidTapOnFollowWithoutLocation): " + JSON.stringify(arg));
// Handle DidTapOnFollowWithoutLocation
DidTapOnMenu: function(arg) {
console.log("The cordova result(DidTapOnMenu): " + JSON.stringify(arg));
// Handle DidTapOnMenu
shouldShowInformationButtonFor: function(arg) {
console.log("The cordova result(shouldShowInformationButtonFor): " + JSON.stringify(arg));
// Handle shouldShowInformationButtonFor
TapOnPlaceInformationButton: function(arg) {
console.log("The cordova result: " + JSON.stringify(arg));
// Handle TapOnPlaceInformationButton
TapOnPlaceListInformationButton: function(arg) {
console.log("The cordova result(TapOnPlaceListInformationButton): " + JSON.stringify(arg));
// Handle TapOnPlaceListInformationButton
Triggers when the View has loaded.
Triggers when the Menu icon is tapped.
TapOnPlaceInformationButton (place)
Triggers when a place is selected and the "Information" button is tapped.
Returns a Place object like this:
"_id": "5bc49413bf0ed600114db212",
"venueId": "56b20714c3fa800b00d8f0b5",
"name": "Mapwize",
"alias": "mapwize",
"cache": {
"30": ""
"style": {
"markerUrl": "",
"fillColor": "#8b72a2",
"strokeColor": "#8b72a2",
"markerDisplay": true,
"strokeWidth": 1,
"fillOpacity": 0.1,
"strokeOpacity": 0.5
"universes": [{
"_id": "57ec94f8098881c02bdc5eb8",
"name": ""
"translations": [{
"_id": "5c9c054383ae8c00130aa3ac",
"title": "Mapwize",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "fr"
}, {
"_id": "5c9c054383ae8c00130aa3ab",
"title": "Mapwize",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "en"
}, {
"_id": "5c9c054383ae8c00130aa3aa",
"title": "Mapwize",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "nl"
"isSearchable": true,
"isVisible": true,
"isClickable": true,
"order": 0,
"floor": 2,
"marker": {
"latitude": 50.6326106893481,
"longitude": 3.02014356351719
"entrance": {
"latitude": 50.6326106893481,
"longitude": 3.02014356351719
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
[3.02006240934133, 50.6326447714475],
[3.02012697356986, 50.6326715469577],
[3.02022471769305, 50.6325766118717],
[3.02015982801095, 50.6325498317385],
[3.02006240934133, 50.6326447714475]
"type": "Polygon"
"data": {
"name": "LB204-LB206",
"companyMapwizeName": "Mapwize",
"companyMapwizeTitle": "Mapwize"
TapOnPlaceListInformationButton (place)
Triggers when a place is selected and the "Information" button is tapped.
Returns a PlaceList object like this:
"_id": "5784fc5f7f2a900b0055f603",
"venueId": "56b20714c3fa800b00d8f0b5",
"name": "Bathrooms",
"alias": "bathrooms",
"translations": [{
"_id": "5784fc5f7f2a900b0055f604",
"title": "Toilettes",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "fr"
}, {
"_id": "5784fc817f2a900b0055f607",
"title": "Bathroom",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "en"
}, {
"_id": "5784fc817f2a900b0055f606",
"title": "Toiletten",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "nl"
}, {
"_id": "5784fc817f2a900b0055f605",
"title": "厕所",
"subTitle": "",
"details": "",
"language": "zh"
"placeIds": ["57036c2eb247f50b00a0746a", "57036cd6b247f50b00a0746e", "57036ce8b247f50b00a07470", "57036f56b247f50b00a0748e", "57036dc3b247f50b00a0747c", "57036be6b247f50b00a07466", "57036c1bb247f50b00a07468", "57036dacb247f50b00a07478", "57036f42b247f50b00a0748c", "57036e7fb247f50b00a07482", "57027466ab184e0b009f4502", "57036efbb247f50b00a07486", "57036f28b247f50b00a0748a", "57036f11b247f50b00a07488", "57036f6eb247f50b00a07490", "570275a8ab184e0b009f450c", "57036debb247f50b00a07480", "57036bcbb247f50b00a07464", "57036f80b247f50b00a07492", "57036d40b247f50b00a07472", "57037073b247f50b00a074a0", "57036eeab247f50b00a07484", "57027445ab184e0b009f4500", "57037064b247f50b00a0749e", "57036d6bb247f50b00a07474", "56e6941bf195860b00fddc16", "5757e9b326e1df17005fe78b", "57036f9ab247f50b00a07496", "57036fadb247f50b00a07498", "57036fbfb247f50b00a0749a", "57036fd8b247f50b00a0749c", "5bc724831ca3a80012a4a607", "5bc724625608e40012436ec8", "5bc724471ca3a80012a4a5ef", "5bc723f2bae3b90012cb95f3"],
"icon": "https:\/\/\/placetypes\/30\/toilet.png",
"isSearchable": true
MapwizeView functions
These functions can be used after the view has been loaded.
selectPlace(id, centerOn, successFn, failureFn)
Selects the Place object of the given id in the view.
id: id of the Place object
centerOn: if the View has to position the Place to the center
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
"5bc49413bf0ed600114db212", true,
(place) => {console.log("Select place successfully returned: " + JSON.stringify(place))},
(err) => {console.log("Select place failed err: " + err.message)}
selectPlaceList(id, successFn, failureFn)
Selects the PlaceList object of the given id in the view.
id: id of the PlaceList object
successFn(placeList): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
(placeList) => {console.log("Select placeList successfully returned: " + JSON.stringify(placeList))},
(err) => {console.log("Select placeList failed err: " + err.message)}
grantAccess(token, successFn, failureFn)
Grants access.
token: The access token
successFn(): returns on success.
failureFn(err): returns on failure. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
() => {console.log("grantAccess successfully returned..."},
(err) => {console.log("grantAccess failed err: " + err.message)}
unselectContent(closeInfo, successFn, failureFn)
closeInfo: *** tbd ***
successFn(): returns on success.
failureFn(err): returns on failure. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
() => {console.log("unselectContent successfully returned..."},
(err) => {console.log("unselectContent failed err: " + err.message)}
setPlaceStyle(id, style, successFn, failureFn)
Sets the style of the given Place.
id: id of the Place object
style: the style of the Place of the following JSON format:
"markerUrl": "",
"markerDisplay": true,
"fillColor": "#d90a1b",
"fillOpacity": 0.5,
"strokeColor": "#d90a1b",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 2
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
"markerUrl": "",
"markerDisplay": true,
"fillColor": "#d90a1b",
"fillOpacity": 0.5,
"strokeColor": "#d90a1b",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 2
(res) => {console.log("MapwizeView setPlaceStyle successfully returned: " + JSON.stringify(res))},
(err) => {console.log("MapwizeView setPlaceStyle failed err: " + JSON.stringify(err))}
For localized texts,
The localization files should be placed in directories named 'languages/ios' and 'languages/android' under the root directory of your ionic project
Android localization
- Create value-<<2-letter country code>> directories for each language
- Create a translation content file named "strings2.xml" with the following content (the values to be translated):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- <string name="app_name">MapwizeUIComponents</string> -->
<!-- Strings used by Mapwize Fragment. You can use them to translate the Fragment
text or change them.
Those values override the default strings value found in mapwizecomponent project-->
<string name="time_placeholder">%1$d min</string>
<string name="floor_placeholder">Floor %1$s</string>
<string name="search_in_placeholder">Search in %1$s…</string>
<string name="search_venue">Search a venue…</string>
<string name="loading_venue_placeholder">Loading %1$s…</string>
<string name="current_location">Current location</string>
<string name="choose_language">Choose your language</string>
<string name="choose_universe">Choose your universe</string>
<string name="direction">Direction</string>
<string name="information">Information</string>
<string name="starting_point">Starting point</string>
<string name="destination">Destination</string>
Ios localization
- Create <<2-letter country code>>.lproj directories for each language
- Create a translation content file named "Localizable.strings" with the following content (the values to be translated):
"Direction" = "Direction";
"Information" = "Information";
"Search a venue..." = "Search a venue...";
"Entering in %@..." = "Entering in %@...";
"Search in %@..." = "Search in %@...";
"Destination" = "Destination";
"Starting point" = "Starting point";
"Current location" = "Current location";
"No results" = "No results";
"Floor %@" = "Floor %@";
"Universes" = "Universes";
"Choose an universe to display it on the map" = "Choose a universe to display it on the map";
"Languages" = "Languages";
"Choose your preferred language" = "Choose your preferred language";
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
Configure and run the ionic project the usual way. The localization takes the default device language to select the proper localization file.
API Manager
Creating API Manager
To use API Manager functions you need to create an API Manager instance
this.apiManager = Mapwize.createApiManager();
getVenueWithId(id, successFn, failureFn)
Gets venue with the given id.
id: id of the Venue object
successFn(venue): returns the Venue object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getVenuesWithFilter(filter, successFn, failureFn)
Gets venues according to the filter.
filter: the filter
successFn(venues): returns an array of Venues object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
The filter
The filter is an object with the following optional fields:
venueId: <<venueId>>,
venueIds: <<array of venueIds>>,
universeId: <<universeId>>,
isVisible: <<isVisible>>,
organizationId: <<organizationId>>,
alias: <<alias>>,
name: <<name>>,
floor: <<floor>>,
latitudeMin: <<latitudeMin>>,
latitudeMax: <<latitudeMax>>,
longitudeMin: <<longitudeMin>>,
longitudeMax: <<longitudeMax>>
getVenueWithName(name, successFn, failureFn)
Gets venue with the given name.
name: name of the Place object
successFn(venue): returns the Venue object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getVenueWithAlias(alias, successFn, failureFn)
Gets venue with the given alias.
alias: alias of the Place object
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceWithId(id, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the Place object of the given id in the view.
id: id of the Place object
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceWithName(name, venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the Place object of the given name and venueId.
name: name of the Place object
venueId: venueId of the Place object
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceWithAlias(alias, venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the Place object of the given alias and venueId.
alias: name of the Place object
venueId: venueId of the Place object
successFn(place): returns the Place object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlacesWithFilter(filter, successFn, failureFn)
Gets venues according to the filter.
filter: the filter (for more information pls. check the getVenuesWithFilter function)
successFn(venues): returns an array of Places object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceListWithId(id, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the PlaceList object of the given id.
id: id of the Placelist object
successFn(place): returns the PlaceList object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceListWithName(name, venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the PlaceList object of the given name and venueId.
name: name of the PlaceList object
venueId: venueId of the PlaceList object
successFn(place): returns the PlaceList object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceListWithAlias(alias, venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the PlaceList object of the given alias and venueId.
alias: alias of the PlaceList object
venueId: venueId of the PlaceList object
successFn(place): returns the PlaceList object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getPlaceListsWithFilter(filter, successFn, failureFn)
Gets PlaceList object according to the filter.
filter: the filter (for more information pls. check the getVenuesWithFilter function)
successFn(venues): returns an array of Places object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getUniverseWithId(id, successFn, failureFn)
Gets Universe object of the id.
id: id of the Universe object
successFn(universe): returns the Universe object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getUniversesWithFilter(filter, successFn, failureFn)
Gets Universe object according to the filter.
filter: the filter (for more information pls. check the getVenuesWithFilter function)
successFn(venues): returns an array of Places object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getAccessibleUniversesWithVenue(venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the accessible Universes of the Venue.
venueId: id of the Venue
successFn(universes): returns the array of Universes accessible for the Venue.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
searchWithParams(searchParams, successFn, failureFn)
Search for Mapwize objects according to the search parameters.
searchParams: search parameters. For more info see below.
successFn(objects): returns an array of Mapwize objects.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
Searh Parameters
The "search parameters" is an object with the following optional fields:
query: <<query>>,
venueId: <<venueId>>,
venueIds: <<array of venueIds>>,
organizationId: <<organizationId>>,
universeId: <<universeId>>,
objectClass: <<objectClass>>
getDirectionWithFrom(directionPointFrom, directionPointTo, isAccessible, successFn, failureFn)
Gets a direction of the given parameters.
directionPointFrom: direction point of the starting point. For more info on direction points please see below.
directionPointTo: direction point of the starting point.
isAccessible: if the direction to get is accessible.
successFn(direction): returns the Direction object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
Direction points
Direction point is used as interface in Mapwize. To get direction points use the following objects:
- Place
- PlaceList
- LatLngFloor
To get the above objects, use the respective getter functions documented above.
getDirectionWithDirectionPointsFrom(directionPointFrom, directionPointsListTo, isAccessible, successFn, failureFn)
Gets a direction according to the given parameters.
directionPointFrom: the starting direction point
directionPointsListTo: the list of end direction points
isAccessible: if the direction to get is accessible.
waypointOptimize: if we need to optimze waypoint.
successFn(direction): returns the Direction object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getDirectionWithWayPointsFrom(directionPointFrom, directionPointTo, waypointsList, isAccessible, successFn, failureFn)
Gets a direction according to the given parameters.
directionPointFrom: the starting direction point
directionPointTo: the end direction point
waypointsList: the array of direction points to traverse
isAccessible: if the direction to get is accessible.
successFn(direction): returns the Direction object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getDirectionWithDirectionAndWayPointsFrom(directionPointFrom, directionpointsToList, waypointsList, isAccessible, successFn, failureFn)
Gets a direction according to the given parameters.
directionPointFrom: the starting direction point
directionpointsToList: the array of end direction points
waypointsList: the array of direction points to traverse
isAccessible: if the direction to get is accessible.
successFn(direction): returns the Direction object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
getDistancesWithFrom(directionPointFrom, directionpointsToList, isAccessible, sortByTravelTime, successFn, failureFn)
Gets the distance between the starting point and the end points according to the given parameters.
directionPointFrom: the starting direction point
directionpointsToList: the array of end direction points
isAccessible: if the direction to get is accessible.
sortByTravelTime: sorting by travel time. true: travel time, false: travel length
successFn(distance): returns the Distance object.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
setDirection(direction, directionpointFrom, directionpointTo, isAccessible, successFn, failureFn)
Shows the direction on the map.
direction: The direction to display.
directionPointFrom: the starting direction point
directionPointFrom: the ending direction point
isAccessible: if the direction is accessible (e.g. using wheelchair).
successFn: called on successful display.
failureFn(err): returns the error object. {messsage: <<error message>>, locMessage: <<localized error message>>}
Distance object
from: <<Direction object>>>,
distances: <<array of DirectionAndDistance objects>>
DirectionAndDistance object
distance: <<distance>>,
traveltime: <<traveltime>>,
to: {
floor: <<floor>>,
placeId: <<placeId of the end point>>,
venueId: <<venueId of the end point>>,
placeListId: <<placeListId of the end point>>
Offline Manager
Creating Offline Manager
To use Offline Manager functions you need to create an Offline Manager instance
Creates an offline manager.
styleURL: The style of the offline manager.
this.offlineManager = Mapwize.createOfflineManager("<<MWZAPIKEY>>");
downloadDataForVenue(venueId, universeId, successFn, failureFn, progress)
Downloads a venue of a universe.
venueId: The id of the venue to download data for.
universeId: The universe the venue belongs to.
successFn: Callback that is called on successfull download.
failureFn: Callback that is called on failureFn.
progress: Callback for progress. It returns an int as percentage of the progress.
isOfflineForVenue(venueId, universeId, successFn, failureFn)
Check if the venue of a universe is offline.
venueId: The id of the venue to download data for.
universeId: The universe the venue belongs to.
successFn(arg): Callback to get the result. true: the venue is offline.
failureFn(err): Callback that is called on failureFn.
getOfflineVenues(successFn, failureFn)
Returns all the offline venues.
successFn(arg): Callback to get the result as an array of venues.
failureFn(err): Callback that is called on failureFn.
getOfflineUniversesForVenue(venueId, successFn, failureFn)
Returns all the offline universes for a venue.
venueId: The venue to get universes for
successFn(arg): Callback to get the result as an array of universes.
failureFn(err): Callback that is called on failureFn.
removeDataForVenue(venueId, universeId, successFn, failureFn)
Removes all the data that belong to a venue of the universe.
venueId: The venue to get universes for
universeId: The venue to get universes for
successFn(arg): Callback to get the result.
failureFn(err): Callback that is called on failureFn.
This plugin has been mainly developed by Laszlo Blum.
We want to thank Guillaume Emery for its contributions, advises and feedbacks along the development.
Contributions to this open-source project are welcome.