Render contour lines from raster elevation tiles in maplibre-gl-js
maplibre-contour is a plugin to render contour lines in MapLibre GL JS from raster-dem
sources that powers the terrain mode for
To use it, import the maplibre-contour package with a script tag:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/index.min.js"></script>
Or as an ES6 module: npm add maplibre-contour
import mlcontour from "maplibre-contour";
Then to use, first create a DemSource
and register it with maplibre:
var demSource = new mlcontour.DemSource({
url: "https://url/of/dem/source/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
encoding: "terrarium", // "mapbox" or "terrarium" default="terrarium"
maxzoom: 13,
worker: true, // offload isoline computation to a web worker to reduce jank
cacheSize: 100, // number of most-recent tiles to cache
timeoutMs: 10_000, // timeout on fetch requests
Then configure a new contour source and add it to your map:
map.addSource("contour-source", {
type: "vector",
tiles: [
// convert meters to feet, default=1 for meters
multiplier: 3.28084,
thresholds: {
// zoom: [minor, major]
11: [200, 1000],
12: [100, 500],
14: [50, 200],
15: [20, 100],
// optional, override vector tile parameters:
contourLayer: "contours",
elevationKey: "ele",
levelKey: "level",
extent: 4096,
buffer: 1,
maxzoom: 15,
Then add contour line and label layers:
id: "contour-lines",
type: "line",
source: "contour-source",
"source-layer": "contours",
paint: {
"line-color": "rgba(0,0,0, 50%)",
// level = highest index in thresholds array the elevation is a multiple of
"line-width": ["match", ["get", "level"], 1, 1, 0.5],
id: "contour-labels",
type: "symbol",
source: "contour-source",
"source-layer": "contours",
filter: [">", ["get", "level"], 0],
layout: {
"symbol-placement": "line",
"text-size": 10,
"text-field": ["concat", ["number-format", ["get", "ele"], {}], "'"],
"text-font": ["Noto Sans Bold"],
paint: {
"text-halo-color": "white",
"text-halo-width": 1,
You can also share the cached tiles with other maplibre sources that need elevation data:
map.addSource("dem", {
type: "raster-dem",
encoding: "terrarium",
tiles: [demSource.sharedDemProtocolUrl],
maxzoom: 13,
tileSize: 256,
How it works
uses MapLibre's addProtocol
utility to register a callback to provide vector tile for the contours source. Each time maplibre requests a vector tile:
fetches (and caches) the raster-dem image tile and its neighbors so that contours are continuous across tile boundaries.- When
is configured withworker: true
, it usesRemoteDemManager
to spawnworker.ts
in a web worker. The web worker runsLocalDemManager
locally and uses theActor
utility to send cancelable requests and responses between the main and worker thread.
- When
decodes the raster-dem image RGB values to meters above sea level for each pixel in the tile.HeightTile
stitches those raw DEM tiles into a "virtual tile" that contains the border of neighboring tiles, aligns elevation measurements to the tile grid, and smooths the elevation measurements.isoline.ts
generates contour isolines from aHeightTile
using a marching-squares implementation derived from d3-contour.vtpbf.ts
encodes the contour isolines as mapbox vector tile bytes.
MapLibre sends that vector tile to its own worker, decodes it, and renders as if it had been generated by a server.
There are a lot of parameters you can tweak when generating contour lines from elevation data like units, thresholds, and smoothing parameters. Pre-generated contour vector tiles require 100+gb of storage for each variation you want to generate and host. Generating them on-the-fly in the browser gives infinite control over the variations you can use on a map from the same source of raw elevation data that maplibre uses to render hillshade.
maplibre-contour is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. It includes code adapted from:
- d3-contour (ISC license)
- vt-pbf (MIT license)