Complete collection of Discord API endpoint handlers.
Comprehensive collection of Discord, OpenAI, Anthropic, Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Slack, Imgur, DropBox, Box and various Google API endpoint handlers
Discord is the only completed set of handlers, the rest are still in early development
Choose one of the following options to authenticate:
Option 1: Using Environment Variablese
If you are using OnSocket, use this file to get the valid keys but add them to OnSocket's environment variables on the website itself.
Rename the provided .env.example
file at the root of your project to .env
and fill in any tokens/keys you wish to use.
Option 2: Using Initialization Function
const mapih = require('mapih');
// Minimum requirement if using this method
mapih.initialize({ discord: 'bot_token' });
// All possible properties
discord: 'bot_token',
openai: 'sk-1p7NKtCpA0sG7XLdT3L7EqW9GFefX',
spotify: {
client_id: 'cc4287d9Cm4692a9f681d07d9boqji83',
client_secret: '898Nb8f7b09tMnb2lkj3c55443ddmn0ze',
redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/spotify',
scope: 'user-read-email user-read-private'
google: {
api_key: 'AISlkuhyA4q4L9m0c3I09maoOYTN0wuyWdA',
client_id: '',
client_secret: 'GOSLPM-sPn88Kn6GWk90Nh0uk_MNim7698By4',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:8001/youtube'
slack: {
user: '6942854604069-6272480346098-6284925009575-6901309',
bot: '6942854604069-6262140883098-Vt6RKehxmTj4Luvvy',
client_id: '6942854604069.624286609478',
client_secret: '4e4998dh94rl846bdsdfegfb0f12',
redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/slack',
user_scope: 'admin',
bot_scope: ' channels:read'
dropbox: {
basic_token: 'N09asdfGlzZzB9P63465efasNWxAvfpk3dQ',
access_token: 'sl.BsobToktTBbsdf235aiihH7j60T_4T',
client_id: '7cxvzmptyug7ymc9',
client_secret: 'easdf8980k6csdf5y7u',
redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/dropbox'
box: {
client_id: '3sdfgi8j90fpl8q25809sd0',
client_secret: 'Jsdf6BB4UErgS2chrg4365sdfBXS',
redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/box'
Basic usage
(async() => {
await mapih.discord.channels.messages.create({
channel_id: '774133713733812275',
content: 'hello'
Table of Contents
| Discord | Slack | Spotify | YouTube | Dropbox | Box | Utils |
Discord Methods
• Applications ◦ getMe ◦ updateMe ◦ appRoleConnectionMeta ◦ updateAppRoleConnectionMeta ◦ commands ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ‣ bulkOverwrite ‣ retrievePermissions ‣ getAllPermissions ‣ updatePermissions ◦ entitlements ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ destroy ◦ skus ‣ getAll • Audit Log ◦ retrieve • Auto Moderation ◦ retrieveRule ◦ getAllRules ◦ createRule ◦ updateRule ◦ destroyRule • Channels ◦ retrieve ◦ update ◦ destroy ◦ updatePermissions ◦ deletePermissions ◦ getinvites ◦ inviteCreate ◦ typingCreate ◦ followAnnouncementChannel ◦ groupDMadd ◦ groupDMremove ◦ messages ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ‣ bulkDelete ‣ crosspost ‣ pin ‣ unpin ‣ getPinned ◦ threads ‣ forumThreadCreate ‣ createFromMessage ‣ createWithoutMessage ‣ join ‣ leave ‣ addMember ‣ removeMember ‣ retrieveMember ‣ getAllMembers ‣ getAllPublicArchived ‣ getAllPrivateArchived ‣ getAllJoinedPrivateArchived ◦ reactions ‣ create ‣ deleteOwn ‣ deleteUser ‣ deleteAll ‣ deleteAllEmoji ‣ getUsers • Guilds ◦ create ◦ update ◦ destroy ◦ retrieve ◦ destroy ◦ getPreview ◦ retrieve ◦ getAll ◦ create ◦ destroy ◦ getInvites ◦ updateMFAlevel ◦ getPruneCount ◦ beginPrune ◦ getVoiceRegions ◦ getAllIntegrations ◦ destroyIntegration ◦ retrieveWidget ◦ retrieveWidgetImage ◦ retrieveWidgetSettings ◦ updateWidget ◦ retrieveVanityURL ◦ retrieveWelcomeScreen ◦ updateWelcomeScreen ◦ retrieveOnboarding ◦ updateOnboarding ◦ newMemberWelcome ◦ channels ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ updatePositions ◦ members ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ search ‣ remove ‣ update ‣ updateCurrent ‣ addRole ‣ removeRole ‣ getPermissionNames ‣ timeout ◦ roles ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ‣ updatePositions ◦ emojis ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ◦ stickers ‣ retrieve ‣ nitroPacks ‣ getAll ‣ retrieveGuild ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ◦ events ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ getUsers ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy ◦ templates ‣ retrieve ‣ getAll ‣ create ‣ createGuild ‣ sync ‣ update ‣ destroy • Interactions ◦ callback ‣ reply ‣ defer ‣ get_original ‣ update_original ‣ delete_original ‣ component_defer ‣ component_update ‣ autocomplete_reply ‣ modal_reply ‣ upgrade ◦ followup ‣ retrieve ‣ create ‣ update ‣ destroy • Invites ◦ retrieve ◦ revoke • OAuth 2 • Stage Instances ◦ retrieve ◦ create ◦ update ◦ destroy • Users ◦ retrieve ◦ currentUser ◦ myGuilds ◦ currentMember ◦ updateCurrent ◦ connections ◦ appRoleConnection ◦ updateAppRoleConnection ◦ createDM ◦ createGroupDM ◦ leaveGuild • Webhooks ◦ retrieve ◦ retrieveWithToken ◦ retrieveChannel ◦ retrieveGuild ◦ retrieveMessage ◦ updateMessage ◦ destroyMessage ◦ create ◦ update ◦ updateWithToken ◦ destroy ◦ destroyWithToken ◦ execute • Objects/Types ◦ Guilds ◦ Users ◦ Channels ◦ Interactions ◦ Roles ◦ Emojis/Stickers ◦ Message Components ◦ Webhooks ◦ Invites ◦ Application ◦ Audit Log ◦ Auto Moderation
OpenAI Methods
• Chat ◦ create • Images ◦ create • Speech ◦ create • Embeddings ◦ create
Slack Methods
Docs coming soon
Spotify Methods
• Users ◦ me ◦ topItems ◦ getProfile • Search ◦ advanced ◦ artists ◦ songs ◦ albums • Songs ◦ retrieve ◦ retrieveMany ◦ recommendations ◦ save ◦ unsave ◦ saved ◦ isSaved ◦ analyze ◦ audioFeatures ◦ audioFeaturesMany • Artists ◦ retrieve ◦ retrieveMany ◦ recommendations ◦ albums ◦ related ◦ follow ◦ unfollow ◦ following ◦ isFollowing • Albums ◦ retrieve ◦ retrieveMany ◦ songs ◦ new ◦ save ◦ unsave ◦ saved ◦ isSaved • Playlists ◦ featured ◦ category ◦ create ◦ addSongs ◦ update ◦ updateSongs ◦ removeSongs ◦ retrieveSongs ◦ created ◦ following ◦ isFollowing ◦ follow ◦ unfollow ◦ user ◦ cover ◦ updateCover • Playback ◦ state ◦ currentSong ◦ devices ◦ togglePlayback ◦ pause ◦ skip ◦ previous ◦ seek ◦ setVolume ◦ toggleShuffle ◦ toggleRepeat ◦ queue ◦ recent ◦ addToQueue ◦ transfer
Utils Methods
• Storage ◦ get ◦ getMany ◦ set ◦ setMany ◦ delete ◦ deleteMany ◦ merge ◦ push ◦ export ◦ filter ◦ all ◦ has ◦ entries ◦ keys ◦ values ◦ size ◦ bytes ◦ toJson ◦ clear ◦ equals ◦ history ◦ clearHistory
All functions relating to Discord Guilds (servers)
| Method | Description |
| retrieve
| Get information about a guild |
| create
| Create a new guild |
| update
| Modify a guild's settings |
| destroy
| Delete a guild |
| getPreview
| Get the guild's preview |
| retrieve
| Get guild ban with given id |
| getAll
| Get a list of a guild's bans |
| create
| Create a new guild ban |
| destroy
| Delete a guild ban |
| getInvites
| Get a list of a guild's invites |
| updateMFAlevel
| Modify the guild's MFA level |
| getPruneCount
| Get number of members that would be removed in a prune operation |
| beginPrune
| Begin a prune operation |
| getVoiceRegions
| Get a list of a guild's voice regions |
| getAllIntegrations
| Get a list of a guild's integrations |
| destroyIntegration
| Delete a guild integration |
| retrieveWidget
| Get the guild's widget |
| retrieveWidgetSettings
| Get the guild's widget settings |
| retrieveWidgetImage
| Get the guild's widget image |
| updateWidget
| Modify the guild's widget |
| retrieveVanityURL
| Get the guild's vanity url |
| retrieveWelcomeScreen
| Get the guild's welcome screen |
| updateWelcomeScreen
| Modify the guild's welcome screen |
| retrieveOnboarding
| Get the guild's onboarding |
| updateOnboarding
| Modify the guild's onboarding |
| newMemberWelcome
| * undocumented |
Get Guild
| Field | Type | Description | |--------------|-----------|----------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | with_counts? | boolean | Approcimate member and presence counts |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieve({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Create Guild
This endpoint can be used only by bots in less than 10 servers.
| Field | Type | Description | |--------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | name | string | Name of the guild (2-100 characters) | | icon? | string/buffer | Guild icon (url to image or image buffer) | | roles? | array of Role objects | Roles to add to the guild | | channels? | array of PartialChannel objects | Channels to add to the guild | | verification_level? | number | The guild's verification level | | default_message_notifications? | number | Default message notification level | | explicit_content_filter? | number | Explicit content filter level | | afk_channel_id? | snowflake | ID for afk channel | | afk_timeout? | number | afk timeout in seconds, can be set to: 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600 | | system_channel_id? | snowflake | The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted | | system_channel_flags? | number | System channel flags |
await mapih.discord.guilds.create({
name: "Eric's Server",
icon: 'https://imgurl.png', // or buffer
default_message_notifications: 1, // ONLY_MENTIONS
verification_level: 0, // NONE
explicit_content_filter: 0, // DISABLED
roles: [{
name: 'Administrator',
permissions: 1 << 3,
hoist: 'true',
mentionable: 'false'
channels: [
name: 'my-category',
type: 4, // GUILD_CATEGORY
id: 1
name: 'bot-testing',
type: 0, // GUILD_TEXT
id: 2,
parent_id: 1 // 'my-category'
Modify Guild
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------------------------|------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | name | string | Name of the guild (2-100 characters) | | description | string | | | owner_id | snowflake | User id to transfer server ownership to | | icon | url/buffer | | | splash | url/buffer | | | discovery_splash | url/buffer | | | banner | url/buffer | | | verification_level | number | The guild's verification level | | default_message_notifications | number | Default message notification level | | explicit_content_filter | number | Explicit content filter level | | afk_channel_id | snowflake | id for afk channel | | afk_timeout | number | afk timeout in seconds, can be set to: 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600 | | system_channel_id | snowflake | The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted | | system_channel_flags | number | System channel flags | | rules_channel_id | snowflake | | | system_updates_channel_id | snowflake | | | premium_progress_bar_enabled | number | |
await mapih.discord.guilds.update({
name: "Eric's New Server",
// ...
Delete Guild
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|----------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.destroy({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Preview
• If the user is not in the guild, then the guild must be lurkable.
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|----------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.getPreview({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Ban
• Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found.
• Requires the BAN_MEMBERS
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|--------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user the ban was created for |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieve({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Bans
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | limit? | number | Number of users to return (up to maximum 1000) (default 1000) | | before? | snowflake | Consider only users before given user ID | | after? | snowflake | Consider only users after given user ID |
await mapih.discord.guilds.getAll({
guild_id: '0000000000',
limit: 50,
after: '0000000000'
Create Guild Ban
• Requires the BAN_MEMBERS
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | User ID of the user to ban | | delete_message_seconds? | snowflake | Number of seconds to delete the banned user's messages for, between 0 and 604800 (7 days). | | reason? | string | Reason for the ban |
await mapih.discord.guilds.create({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
delete_message_seconds: 604800,
reason: 'not cool enough'
Remove Guild Ban
• Requires the BAN_MEMBERS
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | User ID of the user to unban | | reason? | string | Reason |
await mapih.discord.guilds.destroy({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
reason: 'ok I guess you\'re alright'
Modify Guild MFA Level
• Requires guild ownership.
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|-------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | level | number | MFA level |
await mapih.discord.guilds.updateMFAlevel({
guild_id: '0000000000',
level: 0
Get Guild Prune Count
• By default, prune will not remove users with roles.
• You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles
• Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.
| Field | Type | Description | |--------------- |-----------|------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | days | number | Number of days to count prune for (1-30) (Default 7) | | include_roles? | string[] | An array of role IDs to include |
await mapih.discord.guilds.getPruneCount({
guild_id: '0000000000',
days: 3,
include_roles: [
Begin Guild Prune
• For large guilds it's recommended to set the compute_prune_count
option to false
, forcing pruned
to null
• By default, prune will not remove users with roles.
• You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles
• Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.
| Field | Type | Description |
| guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
| days | number | Number of days to count prune for (1-30) (default 7) |
| compute_prune_count | boolean | Whether pruned
is returned, discouraged for large guilds (default true) |
| include_roles? | snowflake[] | An array of role IDs to include |
| reason? | string | Reason |
await mapih.discord.guilds.beginPrune({
guild_id: '0000000000',
days: 3,
compute_prune_count: true,
include_roles: [
Get Guild Voice Regions
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.getVoiceRegions({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Integrations
This endpoint returns a maximum of 50 integrations. If a guild has more integrations, they cannot be accessed.
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.getAllIntegrations({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Delete Guild Integration
• Deletes any associated webhooks and kicks the associated bot if there is one.
| Field | Type | Description | |----------------|-----------|-------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | integration_id | snowflake | The ID of the integration to delete |
await mapih.discord.guilds.destroyIntegration({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Widget
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidget({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Widget Settings
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidgetSettings({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Widget Image
Widget Style Options
| Value | Description | Example | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | shield | shield style widget with Discord icon and guild members online count | Example | | banner1 | large image with guild icon, name and online count. "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget | Example | | banner2 | smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online count. Split on the right with Discord logo | Example | | banner3 | large image with guild icon, name and online count. In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right | Example | | banner4 | large Discord logo at the top of the widget. Guild icon, name and online count in the middle portion of the widget and a "JOIN MY SERVER" button at the bottom | Example |
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|--------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | style | string | Widget style (see above) |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidgetImage({
guild_id: '0000000000',
style: 'banner3'
Modify Guild Widget
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------|-----------|-------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | channel_id? | snowflake | temp | | enabled? | boolean | Whether the widget is enabled |
await mapih.discord.guilds.updateWidget({
guild_id: '0000000000',
enabled: true
Get Guild Vanity URL
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveVanityURL({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Get Guild Welcome Screen
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWelcomeScreen({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Modify Guild Welcome Screen
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | description? | string | The server description to show in the welcome screen | | enabled? | boolean | Whether the welcome screen is enabled. | | welcome_channels? | array of welcome screen channel objects | Channels shown in the welcome screen, up to 5 |
await mapih.discord.guilds.updateWelcomeScreen({
guild_id: '0000000000',
enabled: true
Get Guild Onboarding
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveOnboarding({
guild_id: '0000000000',
enabled: true
Modify Guild Onboarding
• Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
• Onboarding enforces constraints when enabled. These constraints are that there must be at least 7 Default Channels and at least 5 of them must allow sending messages to the @everyone role. The mode field modifies what is considered when enforcing these constraints.**
| Field | Type | Description | |---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | prompts | array of onboarding prompt objects | Prompts shown during onboarding and in customize commutity | | default_channel_ids | array of snowflakes | Channel IDs that members get opted into automatically | | enabled | boolean | Whether onboarding is enabled in the guild | | mode | onboarding mode | Current mode of onboarding |
await mapih.discord.guilds.updateOnboarding({
guild_id: '0000000000',
prompts: [{
id: '0000000000',
type: 0,
title: 'Prompt Title',
single_select: true,
required: true,
in_onboarding: true,
options: [{
title: 'Option Title',
description: 'Option description',
id: '0000000000',
channel_ids: [
role_ids: [
emoji: {
id: '0000000000',
name: 'emoji_name',
animated: false
Guild Channels
| Method | Description |
| getAll
| Retrieve all channels in a guild. |
| create
| Create a new guild channel. |
| updatePositions
| Modify the positions of channels. |
Get Guild Channels
Does not include threads
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.getAll({
guild_id: '0000000000'
Create Guild Channel
All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable excluding
| Field | Type | Description | Channel Type |
| name | string | channel name (1-100 characters) | All |
| type | number | the type of channel | All |
| topic | string | channel topic (0-1024 characters) | Text, Announcement, Forum, Media |
| bitrate | number | the bitrate (in bits) of the voice or stage channel; min 8000 | Voice, Stage |
| user_limit | number | the user limit of the voice channel | Voice, Stage |
| rate_limit_per_user | number | amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages
or manage_channel
, are unaffected | Text, Voice, Stage, Forum, Media |
| position | number | sorting position of the channel | All |
| permission_overwrites | array of partial overwrite objects | the channel's permission overwrites | All |
| parent_id | snowflake | id of the parent category for a channel | Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media |
| nsfw | boolean | whether the channel is nsfw | Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum |
| rtc_region | string | channel voice region id of the voice or stage channel, automatic when set to null | Voice, Stage |
| video_quality_mode | number | the camera video quality mode of the voice channel | Voice, Stage |
| default_auto_archive_duration | number | the default duration that the clients use (not the API) for newly created threads in the channel, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity | Text, Announcement, Forum, Media |
| default_reaction_emoji | default reaction object | emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM
channel | Forum, Media |
| available_tags | array of tag objects | set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM
channel | Forum, Media |
| default_sort_order | number | the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM
channels | Forum, Media |
| default_forum_layout | number | the default forum layout view used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM
channels | Forum |
| default_thread_rate_limit_per_user | number | the initial rate_limit_per_user
to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update. | Text, Announcement, Forum, Media |
await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.create({
guild_id: '0000000000',
name: 'my-new-channel',
type: 0,
topic: 'Cool people only',
position: 19
Modify Guild Channel Positions
Only channels to be modified are required
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------------|------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | snowflake | channel id | | position? | ?number | sorting position of the channel | | lock_permissions? | ?boolean | syncs the permission overwrites with the new parent, if moving to a new category | | parent_id? | ?snowflake | the new parent ID for the channel that is moved |
await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.updatePositions({
guild_id: '0000000000',
channels: [{
id: '0000000000',
position: 3,
lock_permissions: true,
parent_id: '0000000000'
Guild Members
| Method | Description |
| retrieve
| Returns information about a user |
| getAll
| List all members of a guild |
| search
| Search for guild members by name or nickname |
| remove
| Remove a member from a guild |
| update
| Modify attributes of a guild member |
| updateCurrent
| Modify the current bot's nickname in the guild |
| addRole
| Add a role to a guild member |
| removeRole
| Remove a role from a guild member |
| getPermissionNames
| Get a user's permission's names |
| timeout
| Update a member's communication timeout |
Get Guild Member
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|----------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.retrieve({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000'
List Guild Members
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | limit | number | Max number of members to return (1-1000) (default 1) | | after | snowflake | The highest user id in the previous page (default 0) |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.getAll({
guild_id: '0000000000',
limit: 1000
Search Guild Members
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | query | string | Query string to match username(s) and nickname(s) against | | limit | number | Max number of members to return (1-1000) (default 1) |
guild_id: '0000000000',
query: 'lostmyinfo',
limit: 1
Remove Guild Member
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user to remove | | reason? | string | Reason for kick |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.remove({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
reason: 'not cool enough'
Modify Guild Member
• If the channel_id is set to null, this will force the target user to be disconnected from voice.
All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable.
| Field | Type | Description | Permission | |------------------------------|---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | | role_id | snowflake | the id of the role | | | nick | string | value to set user's nickname to | MANAGE_NICKNAMES | | roles | array of snowflakes | array of role ids the member is assigned | MANAGE_ROLES | | mute | boolean | whether the user is muted in voice channels | MUTE_MEMBERS | | deaf | boolean | whether the user is deafened in voice channels | DEAFEN_MEMBERS | | channel_id | snowflake | id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice) | MOVE_MEMBERS | | communication_disabled_until | ISO8601 timestamp | when the user's timeout will expire (up to 28 days in the future) | MODERATE_MEMBERS | | flags | number | guild member flags | MODERATE_MEMBERS |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.update({
guild_id: '0000000000',
nick: 'cool new nick'
Modify Current Member
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|---------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | nick? | string | Value to set user's nickname to |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.updateCurrent({
guild_id: '0000000000',
nick: 'cool new nick'
Add Guild Member Role
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|-----------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | The user ID of the user to assign the role to | | role_id | snowflake | The role ID of the role to give the user |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.addRole({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
role_id: '0000000000'
Remove Guild Member Role
| Field | Type | Description | |----------|-----------|-------------------------------------------------| | guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild | | user_id | snowflake | The user ID of the user to remove the role from | | role_id | snowflake | The role ID of the role to remove from the user |
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.removeRole({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
role_id: '0000000000'
Get Member Permission Names
| Type | Description | |-----------------------|-------------------| | array of role IDs | Roles of a member | | array of role objects | Roles of a guild |
const x = params.member.roles;
const y = params.guild.roles;
const permNames = getPermissionNames(x, y);
Timeout Guild Member
• Sets/adjusts/clears a member's timeout
| Field | Type | Description |
| guild_id | snowflake | the id of the guild |
| user_id | snowflake | The user ID of the user to remove the role from |
| duration | number | Duration in seconds to set timeout. Set to null
or omit to clear timeout. |
| reason? | string | Reason |
// timeout a member for 5 minutes
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.timeout({
guild_id: '0000000000',
user_id: '0000000000',
duration: 300 // 5 minutes
// clear a member's timeout
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.timeout({
guild_id: '0000000000'