Mapbox GL wrapper to use with Composition API
Mapbox Composition
Wrapper to use Mapbox GL with Composition API
npm i mapbox-gl mapbox-composition @types/mapbox-gl
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { createMap, useControls, useGeoJSON, useMarker, usePopup } from 'mapbox-composition';
const { MAPBOX_TOKEN } = process.env;
export default {
name: 'Map',
setup() {
onMounted(async () => {
const map = await createMap('map', {
accessToken: MAPBOX_TOKEN,
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
center: [-122.447303, 37.753574],
zoom: 12,
const { addNavigation } = useControls(map);
addNavigation({ position: 'top-left' });
useGeoJSON(map, {
id: 'facilities',
source: '',
layers: [
{ name: 'markers', type: 'circle', paint: { 'circle-color': '#39f' } },
{ name: 'labels', type: 'symbol', layout: { 'text-field': 'common-name' } },
useMarker(map, {
coordinates: [-122.426498, 37.772496],
popup: usePopup({ content: 'Painted Ladies' }),
return {};
createMap(container, options)
Load a map. This function must be called inside the onMounted hook, after the DOM container has been mounted.
Load is asynchronous, and the function returns a promise that resolves to the Mapbox map instance. Use async/await pattern.
onMounted(async () => {
const map = await createMap('map', { /* Options */ });
Options object accepts all Mapbox Map parameters. Can also include a controls
attrtbiute with options to automatically initialize controls at map load. Add a debounce parameter to control the resize timing.
Handlers for any map event can be added using the event name prefixed with on
, such as follows
createMap('map', {
// Many options...
onZoomend: () => console.log('Zoom End'),
onDragend: () => console.log('Dragged'),
useTerrain(map, options)
Mapbox-gl v2+ is required to use 3D terrain
Use an extruded 3D map and parametrize the Sky API options and fog options.
Returns extrude({ exaggeration, pitch })
, flatten()
, and isExtruded()
const sky = { /* sky options */ };
const { extrude } = useTerrain(map, { sky });
extrude({ exaggeration: 1.5, pitch: 40 });
Add map controls.
import LegendControl from 'mapboxgl-legend';
const legend = new LegendControl({ /* options */});
const { addControl, removeControl } = useControls(map);
addControl('legend', 'top-left', legend);
Shorthands to default Mapbox controls
, addScale
, addGeolocate
, addAttribution
, addFullscreen
and all remove counterparts. Options object may include position
and any attribute described in particular control documentation.
const { addNavigation, addScale } = useControls(map);
addScale({ position: 'bottom-right', maxWidth: 150 });
A custom addStyles
control is available to switch between map styles. Switch buttons accept a text label or an image. Styles can be customized via variables.
const { addStyles } = useControls(map);
styles: [
name: 'Mapbox Light',
url: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10',
label: 'Light',
// img: '/images/map/thumb.contours.jpg',
name: 'Mapbox Satellite',
url: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9',
label: 'Satellite',
// img: '/images/map/thumb.satellite.jpg',
A custom addTerrain
control is available to seamlessly toggle 3D map extrusion.
const { addTerrain } = useControls(map);
sky: { /* sky options */ },
exaggeration: 1.5,
pitch: 40,
extrudeOnInit: true,
Use promisified versions of mapbox actions such as easeTo
, flyTo
, fitBounds
, zoomIn
, etc. and detect its end.
const { flyTo } = useAsync(map);
console.log('Going to Berkeley');
await flyTo({ center: [-122.272998, 37.871559] });
console.log('Arrived at Berkeley');
useDataset(map, options)
Load many layers to map. Options accept source
and layers
attributes, being source any valid style specification Source and being every layers object a valid style specification Layer. Note layer options do not need a source
attribute as will directly take the source name.
The source
parameter accepts a promise to load async data. Additionaly, use the setSource
method to initialize the data at convenience, for example after a user interaction.
Sources and layers are restored by default after map style changes. To disable this behaviour, set persist
attribute to false on layer config object.
Layers can be placed under another specific layer by setting the attribute under
with the name of that layer. This attribute can be global or per layer basis.
Options object may include event handlers for source events onError
, onLoadStart
, onLoadEnd
and layer events onClick
and onHover
const dataset = useDataset(map, {
name: 'gkhj45665',
source: {
type: 'vector',
url: '',
layers: [
{ /* Layer options */ },
{ /* Other layer options */ },
onClick: ({ features }) => console.log(features),
The function returns manipulators for layers isVisible(layer_id)
, setVisibility(isVisible, [,layer_names])
, setFilters(filters, [,layer_names])
, clearLayers([layer_names])
, updateLayers(layers)
, addLayers(layers)
, clearSource
, setSource(source)
. If the layer_names array is not provided, the action will be performed to all layers.
const { setVisibility, setFilters, updateSource } = useGeoJSON(map, { /* options */ });
setFilters(['==', ['get', 'type'], 'hospital']);
setVisibility(false, ['layer--1']);
useDataset does not return an updateSource(source, [,layers])
method. Use provided helper shortcuts to improve typing and performance, and to modify data afterwards.
const geojsonLayer = useGeoJSON(map, /* GeoJSON options */)
const imageLayer = useImage(map, /* Images options */)
const videoLayer = useVideo(map, /* Video options */)
const tilesLayer = useTiles(map, /* Vector or aster tiles options */)
This shortcuts also include an authToken
parameter to set source based authentication with bearer token. Use updateToken
from the auth returned atribute to refresh expirable tokens such as JWT.
useMarker(map, options)
Display a marker on the map. Options object accepts any valid Marker parameters and may include onDragStart
, onDrag
and onDragEnd
event handlers.
The default Mapbox marker is applied unless a specific element
is defined.
const pulseMarker = document.createElement('div');
const marker = useMarker(map, {
element: pulseMarker,
coordinates: [-122.447303, 37.753574],
onDragEnd: () => console.log('Marker dragged');
The function returns a setLocation
modificator, a getter for the Mapbox marker instance and getter/setter for a popup.
usePopup([map,] options)
Display a popup on the map. Options object accepts any valid Popup parameter and may include onOpen
and onClose
event handlers.
Use coordinates
to assign the location of the popup. Popup accepts HTML content with the content
const popup = usePopup(map, {
name: 'my-popup',
coordinates: [-122.447303, 37.753574],
content: '<h1>I am a popup</h1>',
closeOnClick: false,
onClose: () => console.log('Popup closed'),
The function returns setLocation
and setContent
modificators, and getters for name
and the Mapbox popup instance.
If no content
is provided, a container div is created with the name
id (must be unique), and more complex layouts can be created using patterns like Vue's teleport.
<Teleport v-if="showPopup" to="#my-popup">
<!-- Complex HTML layout -->
The map
attribute is not required when binding popup to a marker, as well as the coordinates
options parameter.
// Add popup on marker creation as a parameter
const marker = useMarker(map, {
popup: usePopup({ content: 'A popup for this marker' }),
// Or add popup dynamically
const marker = useMarker(map, OPTIONS);
marker.popup = usePopup({ content: 'A popup for this marker' });
Load images to be used as icons on the map.
Returns addImages(images, options)
and removeImages(images)
. Images are added asynchronously and are not displayed on the map until they are loaded.
Options object accepts persist
attribute (defaults to true) to reload images after map style changes. Also accepts sdf
, stretching, and pixelRatio
image parameters.
const images = {
'my-icon': '',
'my-other': '',
const { addImages, removeImages } = useImages(map);
await addImages(images, { sdf: true });
// or removeImages(['my-icon', 'my-other']);
Package exports helper utilities.
At the moment there is only a bbox
method that receives a a Feature or FeatureCollection and returns its containing bounding box.
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open a pull request.
By contributing to this project, you agree to license your contributions under the terms of the ISC License.
This package is licensed under the ISC License